Thursday, October 17, 2013

[MV Review] BESTie - Love Options

What up, UCAADs? Good morning so far, seeing as the Tigers didn't lay down like whipped bitches and won last night, added with the fact that Brave Brothers composed his first good song in eighty million years with BESTie's Love Options. It doesn't hurt any that Haeryung and Dahye are jjangbak, with Hyeyeon looking better and Yuji looking a lot better and a lot less like G.NA's long-lost alien sister. Maybe she just looked bad with blonde, but she reminded me of a slightly-less repulsive G.NA in their debut music video.

Brave Brothers went back to his bread-and-butter formula, making a throwback-discoesque composition on par with his early works for Son Dam Bi, which made me a fan of his compositions in the first place. It feels like this song is an apology for the electronic fartstorms he created for 4minute earlier this year, and while this song isn't enough on its own to make up for the sins of 'What's Your Name?', it's a step in the right direction. Love Options keeps it simple, making this song a lot more enjoyable for me to listen to. There's no dubstep-influenced warp-fart fest going on during the rap break (and thank God they didn't autotune that shit this time, as Dahye sounds a lot better here.) I like Yuji's solo parts after the rapping portion, because they feel 'constrained' instead of a 'Hey-look-at-me-I-can-produce-these-high-notes-and-I'm-surprised-I-haven't-annoyed-you-UCAADs-enough-to-make-you-fucking-shoot-yourselves' section to make vocalfags jizz in their pants all night.

I think the MV is pretty run-of-the-mill fare, but I'm okay with it due to them being hot. Yeah, there's really nothing to talk about in the MV unless AKF turned into a fashion blog and we all discussed Haeryung's wavy hair, the bling they were wearing, whether or not the plaid outfits were good or not, etc. But 95% of us here don't care because they're hot and that's what really matters.

Haeryung and the rest of BESTie will make Kara's breakup a little easier for me (and maybe for you) to take. I believe BESTie has good potential, catering to the vocalfags and as long as they have good producers, to the rest of us as well.


  1. Easily the best Brave Bros track in years.

    1. I agree. Last song I really enjoyed from Brave Bros was Son Dam Bi's Crazy...way back in 2008.

    2. What about alone, though? I thought it was a pretty clean solid track but then again i stopped liking it when it kept repeating itself *cough* aoa confused, sistar19 GNAAL *cough*

    3. I haven't liked a single Sistar track, but that may be due to Hyorin and Bora sucking more than Brave Bros.

    4. If only hyorin had bora's looks and bora had hyorin's voice *sigh* you can't win....

    5. Well i don't find Hyorin that ugly and Bora that pretty(she soo annoying) but I hate Brave sound except Alone

    6. BB sucks, lazy fat ass kept recycling songs since Alone, not a fan of Sistar but i really like Hyorin

    7. what the fuck is it going to take for brave brothers to actually make a *NEW* fucking song when he's asked for one

    8. If it hits close to his criminal roots. But Dahye is as hot as always, so hot I asked for a fanart of her wearing the lets make out collarless sweater

  2. Busy?

    Song reminds me of the ABBA-inspired sample groups that popped up in the 80's, like Dead or Alive or Bad Boys Blue. Pretty basic, but a funny little time travel back to bad hair dues, makeup for guys, and keyboard as a lead instrument.

  3. Much better than pit pat. it sounds like something you would hear at a club in the early 80's.

  4. I don't like their group name.
    Everything else just says "It's ok".
    For some reason I like the last ~25 secs.

    The subtitles/lyrics give me a headache, though.

  5. I got major Sistar vibes from this song. Or maybe what I wish Sistar would be like. Probably because it's produced by Brave Brothers.

    But seriously, can you get more nugu than being a group consisting mainly of EXID (who are pretty nugu themselves) rejects?

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Song isn't as good as you people talked about lol, I liked GNAAL and Alone more than this.

    1. Keep calm cuz you're beautiful. What's GNAAL?

    2. Gone not around any longer

      Well I'm a guy, but any compliment is fine I guess :3

    3. Lol, I'm just quoting the poster in the MV, and I forgot about that song. I also do like Sistar's music.

  8. Who is the Hammie-looking girl? She's cute and I like the funky ass shaking move they do at 1:47 when she is rapping. The arms up move at 1:23 and 2:57 is also too adorbs. Also pantsu spotting at 2:42 lol. I think Uji ranks last in looks but she is next-level in terms of talent for kpop overall so it's all good. They fit the tall & rail thin look Korea seems to love, which is not to my tastes, but I really like their nugu-fresh high energy levels.

  9. I liked Koyote's Brave Brothers track a whole lot more than this, but it comes down to a matter of preference I guess.

  10. Damn it I can't get enough of the do do do do part.

  11. The song is some basic as fuck cookie-cutter bullshit. nothing interesting about this song at all tbh.


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