Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Small Site Updates

Okay, there are a couple of updates to write about. The first one is that on the right-hand side of the side, there's a new section for upcoming livestreams. I removed the previous updates section because Shinbot hasn't written anything in two months and Zaku lied about his weekly streaming (UCAAD somehow has shitty internet living in a dorm in California). This is mainly to reduce the clutter of having to write a brand new article every time we plan to livestream. (So, when another author wants to livestream, just message me as your normally do and I'll update it.)

Refer there or follow my AKF twitter account for livestream updates.

A brand new poll is up. A few people have already voted.

And for those of you looking at my tabs, no, the first two aren't porno gifs, but they are as close as to it as we'll get in Kpop.

Nine Muses review will be up sometime within the next couple of days.

If I appear pissed on Friday during the livestream, it'll most likely be because the Tigers are playing like fucking pussies, as I'm expecting the series to be over Thursday night with Boston winning the series 4-1 because the Tigers have a bunch of overpaid pussies like Miguel Cabrera and Prince Fielder who can't even hit the fucking ball out of the infield with Austin Jackson on third base.

The worst part of it is that I made a bet with hoopra that the loser of our bet has to change their twitter DP to Hyoyeon for a week. That's going to ruin my Annie Chen theme on my main twitter account when I change the DP to Hyoyeon.


  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zyl6-UEpwjk

    1. IKR. What's with all the sport stuff. The other day my local soccer team got whipped 3-2 by some other guys from the next suburb over but I'm pretty sure nobody gives a fuck about that either.

      But then, I'm a musician so sport is kind of against my religion.

    2. Hooray for the Individualist.

  2. Let's go Red Sawks! Koji Uehara reads AKF and his fave author is sullifag

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Can you make the text in the poll white because I can't see shit without highlighting it thx btw girl in background is ugly

    1. It's the same girl as in the gifs. Still ugly?

  5. Good! Now please tell me how can I remove that mono eyed monster from my screen. Thank you.


  7. Try putting Hyoyeon as the new banner girl.
    However my suggestions for future ones are like...
    Scandalous ones: MinAh, IU, Taeyeon...
    Non-scandalous ones: Minkyung, HyunYoung, HYORI!!! Put Hyori please!

  8. I for one love being greeted by Jiyeon's face every day. I feel like if there was more Jiyeon in the world, then maybe the world would be a better place.

    Wait, no it wouldn't.

    Meh. Still love the background.

  9. Where's the article about Dongho ditching U-PISS?


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