Thursday, December 5, 2013

Fangirls Don't Realize How Dumb They Are

God damn, talking to a mentally handicapped kid is much easier than getting through to fangirls. The delusion seems to be so strong to the point where it looks like there's no way to cure them.

These fangirls are pissed because of the Hani raps better than your oppas article. I still stick by that opinion for several reasons. One, your oppas really do suck at rapping. They have spent so much time practicing rapping their 5 second verse, they still sound like shit. Hani basically did this as a karaoke cover and sounds better with much less preparation. Secondly, Hani's hot as fuck. That's all the evidence you fangirls ever needed to say TOP was a good rapper, so Hani being hot is enough evidence for me.

TOP and GD are not admired by Tiger JK. I don't know when 'ridicule' and 'admire' became synonyms in the English language, but the rest of the world was never told about it. The rappers in Korea do not take idol rappers seriously. At all.

Who You is a piece of shit because everything GD has produced in the past 5+ years would be considered assault against the ears.

Obviously Xenon Nerf doesn't know how to read, as I have covered the topic millions of times of how AKF isn't a troll site. Go look up what a troll actually is.

And no, even the AKF comment section in late 2011 was much better than the cesspool that is NB's comment section. At least the anons were able to think for themselves unlike the majority of the brain-dead fucks at NB who simply steal Korean netizens' comments as their own opinions.


  1. I bet neither of them speak Korean and thus have no way to judge the relative rapping abilities anyway.

    1. Obviously. If you see random Korean in the comments later, you know they used Google translate.

    2. One of them plays Maplestory, which is a Korean game, so obviously by fangirl logic he/she is fluent in the language.

  2. "7. [+640, -195] And no, even the AKF comment section in late 2011 was much better than the cesspool that is NB's comment section. At least the anons were able to think for themselves unlike the majority of the brain-dead fucks at NB who simply steal Korean netizens' comments as their own opinions."

    Preach brother.

  3. > Secondly, Hani's hot as fuck.

    And this alone invalidates any possible objection moved to that article.

    1. THIS. AKF should use the Disqus commenting platform so we can upvote dis and downvote fangirls

    2. It wouldn't work that way in practice (as I think Asian Junkie is discovering after their recent change to DickSuck comments). There are more of them than you!

  4. I'm still waiting for your Review of Nine Muses - Glue and... yeah fangirls are mentally damaged by kpop

  5. We need a good old fashioned idol rap freestyle battle to decide which KPOP Idol can rap. All Fresh, All Improv. You won't last a minute in the bloodring.

  6. Admired? Did they not see Tiger JK's twitter rants?

    1. they can't read korean. OMFG Tiger JK mentioned oppar... god he admired him like i do.. :))

  7. YASSSS. Didn't even think my comment would've been read.

    I don't know about rapping, but when they have hip hop stars like Tiger JK admiring them (he talks about them here-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0DvnV1aLyIU@9:16) as well as US stars like Pharrell and Missy Elliott, I'd think that they're atleast somewhat talented.
    And why do people say all idol rappers suck? Is there something I'm missing out?
    Sounds to me that 'Who You' is a "piece of shit" because your hatred for G-Dragon is automatic, which isn't uncommon these days or because you only care for female acts because they're hot.

    But anyways, looks like anything I say here won't matter because I'll just be a "delusional fangirl" in these people's eyes.

    1. i haven't heard this song whatever it is yet but i gotta say; gd makes a lot of tracks that i listen to over and over for weeks when i'm working out and shit. the guy understands commercial music and makes a lot of addictive hooks. that said, idol rappers




      without exception. even bang yongguk is fucking boring as shit and a super duper average lyricist
      g dragon isn't an exception to this, and the way i see it he pretty much sealed his fate when he made the conscious decision to be known as g dragon
      i think this is an appropriate time for you to remember that actual talent means fuck all in the kpop (or any commercial) industry; gd doesn't have to be talented at anything except selling a particular image that people will invest themselves into. it isn't really relevant how well he raps and you really don't need to defend him, especially to someone who has already made up their mind. tbh even if tiger jk sucked gd's cock and fell at his feet it wouldn't change anybody's stand so the youtube clip is kind of cute

      akf definitely prefers female acts, but that goes both ways most of the time; i'm a heterosexual female and while i have many many sexual feelings for ns yoonji/kahi etc i have a tendency to spend more time on male groups. i get the feeling that you're a girl too so just out of curiosity, how many times have you spent this much energy defending the integrity of a female artist.

    2. Saying that Pharrell admires g-dragon doesn't help you at all. This is the guy who was featured in Robin Thicke's piece of shit "Blurred Lines". As for Missy Elliot, she is promoting herself, she has been featured in many songs this year because she is supposedly going to drop an new album. Her last album was in 2005, so she is just going around looking at quantity (what is selling), not quality.

    3. Tiger JK is being diplomatic and careful with questions designed to catch him out. He's not stupid and he doesn't want to start shit. That's why he says "TOP is incredibly handsome, he has a good voice", not "TOP has good lyrics". He's focusing on the positive about TOP while deftly avoiding the negative. A smart dude, he has to think of his career and his public reputation, the stakes are high if he says something controversial like "all idol rap is shit" (And Tiger has a reptuation for being a bit outspoken and it coming back to bite him, so he would be once bitten twice shy maybe).

      I wouldn't look to this video as proof of Tiger JK's admiration. Later on when asked about females you can see they're struggling to even think of names. They clearly don't even follow idol rap much. They're just trying to be nice and saying whatever names come into their head so the interviewer has some copy and then can move onto the next question.

    4. Your point is entirely invalidated at the beginning when you say "I don't know about rapping." Exactly, you don't know about rapping, so why are you attempting to be an authority on it? Just because someone enjoys listening to something, doesn't mean they think it's great.

      Let's take me for example. I personally enjoyed listening to TOP's Doom Dada. Do I think it's his seminal work and an aural masterpiece? No. Do I think it's even a great song? Not really. I just like listening to it.

      Catchy music =/= good music. You can have good music be catchy, but catchy music isn't necessarily good music. Everyone has the hooks to pop songs stuck in their brains, but does that mean they like said songs? Fuck no. You're honestly entitled to your own opinion, no one cares whether you like GD&TOP or not. Don't try to change people's minds with contrived subjective "evidence" to the contrary.

    5. I like Zaku's point. Crayon Pop's latest songs Bar Bar Bar and Lonely Christmas are quite catchy and I really really like listening to it but I still know they're shitty songs. Younha's songs can barely stay in the charts, but I still know a lot of them are good, especially the non-title tracks.

    6. @zaku
      I'm not familiar with rapping. That's why I'm not making my own judgments. I listed a few names of people who are well versed in the hip hop genre and have mentioned or associated with them. And so I'm thinking that if those people respect GD/TOP, then GD/TOP must possess talent to some degree to attract their interest.
      But Tiger JK was in the process of answering the question, "For you, who are the most talented rappers of the new generation?" And Yoon Mirae was asked the question, "For you, who is the best female rapper among idols?" Didn't she directly answer 2ne1 though?

    7. I just saw the video of Tiger JK talking about TOP. He also says Yubin has great potential. oh boy!

    8. They're being SUPER NICE for the camera. Someone give them an Oscar!

    9. Miryo is the best rapper in the industry


    10. I think is funny how Jiyoon, Hyuna, Miryo and Baby J performed Pay Day on the MAMA awards a few years back and Tasha joined them on stage, and yet she didn't mention any of them in the interview. LOL

  8. I love GD and TOP and actively listen to them because everything they make is, usually unintentionally, hilarious. The fact that you guys get so asspained about their terrible music just makes me love them more.

    Despite terrible rapping skills, TOP's voice is smooth and sexy as hell. If he actually spent time trying to improve his rapping skills instead of doing whatever the fuck he's obviously doing instead, I think he'd be acceptable.

    1. I can listen to TOP easily, I find him quite listenable as a rapper, but I wouldn't ever say "TOP is a good rapper" because I don't understand a word so how can I even say that? Rap is a compositional art, really - the people who are regarded highly in the rap form are the good lyricists. Delivering lines is nothing - actually having good lines to deliver is everything. Idols generally don't get good lines to deliver probably for the same reason that C+C Music Factory and Snap would be considered a joke by rap fans. It's not where the focus really is for that style.


    3. I think TOP is prettier than Yoona.

    4. I'm starting to think even Yoona is better - irony is that top was once my bias.

    5. meh TOP is better than yoona +1. sorry snsd, TOP is my bias.

  9. At least we have opinions, not just regurgitated circlejerk of upvotable comments.

    And clearly that person has not waded into the Netizenbuzz comments recently, it's just as circlejerky and meme-ridden nonsense as ever. I like the content, I respect the admin for diving into the cesspool that is internet commentary to translate for English readers, but goddamn is that comment section so dumb.

  10. I dont understand how fangirls who don't even understand korean can say idols rappers are "good" not only do they have the bare minimum "flow" required to deliver lines well...they don't have decent lines to deliver. It's all so contrived and generic it's not even funny. It's almost as bad as the southern U.S. penchant for rapping about cars and money all the time. You always know what the rap is gonna be about and you are almost always certain it's not going to be good.

    Missy Elliot? She'll say anything in support of something that's "different" and that's all that really is; she's built a whole career out of being different and what-not so for her, an asian rapper is different so she's gonna support it. But do you really think Missy Elliot believes GD is a good rapper? I'd bet money she doesn't. Pharrell? Come-on now. They just say what people want to hear and it means less coming from two people heavily into asian culture.

  11. Everyone has their opinions. You stated yours. Just because one person argues that they think someone is better than your oppas doesn't make them wrong because its an opinion. Those fangirls need to get a grip. I mean I personally think GD and TOP are excellent but if AKF thinks differently then it's their opinion, I honestly don't give a fuck. Fangirls can't make the world love their oppas I don't know why they can't accept that...

  12. I love Woori even though she's a shitty rapper. She's sexy as fuck anyways,

    1. Slight correction, her voice and flow is actually decent for rapping, but the lines given to her are typical idol rap shit.

    2. yup i think so too http://youtu.be/e1a0GD3nTA0

  13. Who listens to GD and TOP, really?

    I dislike their raps because it really is unpleasant to my ears (despite almost not knowing any korean at all)

  14. i do believe this link is relevant to this article: http://bigbangupdates.com/2013/02/t-o-p-and-g-dragon-mentioned-in-tiger-jks-interview-video.html
    maybe commenter VICEGRIP saw that link and drew false conclusions.

    1. What false conclusions? What I said was that Tiger JK admires GD and TOP and in that interview, he did say positive stuff about them. So I'd say Tiger JK does respect them to some extent. Agree? Disagree?

  15. But I heard GD doesn't really produce, he co-produce with YG music Crew so... IDK I think I heard from the YG CEO

    1. Probably, he just slaps his name on the credit after writing a few lines of music/lyrics or something. because TECHNICALLY, he still contributed to the song they can't DENY him a producing credit.

  16. Love that an article about me is one of this site's most commented articles.

    I guess we all have our opinions. I think GD and TOP are acceptable rappers. If you want to continue living in your world where female artists have it all because of their looks, I guess I can't stop you.

    Looks like this blog is against the fans of male groups, accusing them of being "horny fangirls who want to suck oppar's dick." It's interesting how girl group fans talk trash about boy group fans as if they're better. They take pictures and make gifs of girl group members' boobs, asses, legs, cameltoe just so they can perv on them but oh boy group fans are so bad.

    1. What makes you think that all girl group fans on this site are guys?

    2. what makes you think there isn't anybody on here that pervs on guy groups?

      /also, fanboys are generally viewed as less offensive simply because they are fewer in number; yeah fiddl makes boobies gifs but the number of blogs dedicated to perving on females is insignificant compared to the many, many tumblrs i have come across that are called "oh sehun's dick" (or something) and/or post an endless stream of what only virgins would describe as boners. nobody on this site has ever defended fanboys??? maybe you should actually read the blog before making sweeping generalizations or just go back to reading fluff stories on akp if we hurt your feewings

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Honestly, I'm a female who doesn't perv on guy or girl groups. I have my fantasies and my biases but tbh perving on them openly just kind of goes against my nature. I prefer to do that stuff, if I ever do it (I'm not saying I do owo), in private.

    5. BTW TOP and GD don't terribly bother me either, their rapping's fine; it doesn't make my ears bleed and if I'm bored I'll occasionally listen to a couple BB or GD/TOP songs that I have on my ipod from my early kpop phase.

      I mainly like TOP. He's just fucking beautifulllllllllll. GD, meh, I don't really care for him.

    6. you are incredibly repressed for someone whose username is Ki$$-my-$A$$

  17. And really now? Not a troll site sure. But countless times I've seen Mr. AKF make troll-like comments. Not only does he bash certain artists and "delusional fangirls" constantly but he also says seriously offensive stuff like joking about the Daesung driving scandal and wishing for him to run over people he hates.


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