Sunday, February 16, 2014

sulli_fag and Yura are getting it on

If you're wondering why sulli_fag hasn't written the next part of his Crayon Pop fic yet, now you know why.


  1. what's wrong with you ?!! why always drawing pics like this ?!
    you need to visit a psychiatrist immediately these pics are not normal
    i feel sorry for you :(

    1. He needs to see a psychiatrist over this? You're silly.

  2. I'd lick her butthole in that outfit, Oops, Need a psychologist.

  3. Dude, i like your blog, its the only place i go to for anything related to K-Pop music. But in recent times your content is becoming very "desperate". The jokes and humor is becoming cheap and repetitive. The porno stick figure and ur MS paint edits were funny at one time, but you are simply over doing it. You have many creative writers like Kpopalypse and i'm always looking forward to such works of creating writing.
    Now could you guys spend some time to do some reviews, been a while since there was one. Any review will do, i am here for the writing,i don't really care which artist is being written about.

    (PS. you could start off by reviewing Spica's latest MV)

    1. I've been writing about the same shit for three years. Don't like it? Leave.

    2. Don't drag me into this, the stick figure porn is one of the best things about AKF.

    3. you most be new here,this kind of post are the very definition of this blog

    4. This is the fun part of the blog.

    5. Mike says "The jokes and humor is becoming cheap and repetitive. "

      And AKF responds with "I've been writing about the same shit for three years."


    6. He said 'becoming'. How could it 'become' when my humor used on the site has been the same since the beginning? lol

    7. Why do K-Pop fans wank themselves over reviews? Is your ability to judge the quality of music so low that you need someone else to do it for you?

    8. It could "become" "repetitive" because your "humor used on the site has been the same since the beginning" lol

    9. I dont wank over reviews, i just like their take on the reviews.Its a lot of clever writing with dash of humor and the sexualized take on it.If we read a kpop veteren's humorous reviews of music, it doesnt mean we have low ability to judge the quality of music. Would you say the same for all the funny gaming reviews,movie reviews, cellphone reviews etc etc. . Thats what this blog is for me and the reason i visit it frequently. Thats just me. I sincerely hope it didnt offend the owners here, but it seems i did..though unintentionally, sorry about my choice of words.
      When i came here first it had a lot of interesting articles and the frequency of stickman figures this year was a surprise to me. didnt know stickman pictures was a staple of this blog.
      Anyways, here is something for the owners- http://d24w6bsrhbeh9d.cloudfront.net/photo/aRQvMPQ_460s.jpg

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I'm going to book you an appointment with a psychologist, be back in a minute!

  6. Disgusting! I'm going to go start a thread on One Hallyu about this!

  7. Zomg, sulli_fag looks so thin in this pic, you're encouraging anorexia again!!!!!!!!!!!!!¡

  8. is sulli_fag still alive? I dont see him comment or posting anything,I miss him/her/old hack

    1. Yeah, he had a post recently and he's been commenting more lately after being absent for a while. I'm assuming he still has shit in RL to deal with before he can write again regularly.

  9. I'm a psychologist and I approve this as a healthy behavior... unsettling, but healthy. There is a lot of sex and nude drawing, painting, sculptures, etc. in the history... they are better, but it is the same concept.

  10. I would love to do that to yura..


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