Wednesday, October 15, 2014

if CL "makes it" in the US i will eat my hat

For some reason, CL the charismatic and ever so lovable leader of 2NE1 is going to debut in the US sometime by Spring next year. 

Working with a dude named Scooter Braun who in the past has also worked with Justin Bieber and Ariana Grande (nudes?); Expectations have risen from about "lol what the fuck who cares" to "what the fuck why would anyone even want to listen to this shit ?" So far her list of credentials for even thinking she has a shot consists of: She can speak English.

Because I think the chances of this being anything but a hilarious failure are so high I will eat my hat in a live stream if it turns out differently. I'm defining "making it" as being able to ask your mom or some other person who doesn't know shit about kpop who CL is and they can tell you. Also for purposes of this, my hat can be made of nacho.

Good luck CL!


  1. Kpop can't and won't make it in the US
    How is that so hard to understand?
    What's with this fucking obsession?
    I hope this goes ala wonder girls (which means doing a feat with a random rapper and failing miserably) so I can watch a blackjack delulu fest.
    Btw I'll join you in the live stream and bring a giant ass chipotle.

    1. She just needs a decent following, so long she can maintain the same fandom as she did with 2NE1 but in the american market, she is going to do fine. Not going to be a massive sensation but a good second rate artist. She isn't as much of a nugu as CUBE/B2M and isn't jumping straight in like SM and JYP. This is YG's chance to learn from the other big three's mistakes, what CL would need is a club banger like Psy did, but with less random craziness and avoiding stepping on Hyuna's toes as a second gen sex symbol

      And you understand that this is from the countless amount of burnt jpop fans who only became kpop fans because JPOP is a xenophobic and out of touch genre. You didn't get your massive fandom because of the music but because so many JPOP fans are fucking fed up.

  2. How dare u insult my GZB queen!? I hope u choke on your nacho hat u fat troll. I know u will make it CL unnir. Don't listen to the haterz #CLismyqueen

    1. *checks profile*

      you made a new profile just to post this?

      at least post jiyeon's panties :D

    2. I apologize, my inner blackjack just took over me. Weird. But yeah you're right, this will flop.

    3. Would love to see jiyeon's panties, can you delivar pl0x?

    4. Im sorry but this is so funny.

  3. It is worth a try. After all, there was a time when people thought it was impossible for a Kpop star to be successful in Japan. Now, many Kpop star have hit records in Japan

    Kpop can't make it in the US if they don't try

  4. when you mention hat I thought this is kpopalypse

    anyway that interview video, I can't stop looking at Bom's face

  5. Wow, that nacho hat fashion line you sport really wets my appetite to watch the live stream.

  6. I feel bad because idk why people think this would work out :/

    Yes, there are thousands and thousands of kpop fans in the US, but its somewhat of a niche market as it is..

  7. Hey, the Wonder Girls did...

  8. How about we just don't do this, and give Minzy and her butt a solo album instead.

  9. I have a better chance of getting rich by taking the advice of a spambot than CL or any other Kpop act making it in America.

  10. Omg I'm going to laugh so hard if this is Se7en part 2. I don't know why but every time anyone talks about CL in the US I keep getting dejavu about Se7en. He was actually doing meh, from what I remember, and then out of nowhere he disappears back to Korea. Too many Kpop fans out there in the US Kpop community think that Kpop is some next big "it" thing so they all want in on it. It's the "special snowflake syndrome" where they all want to be on this "it" thing and be able to brag to everyone "oh I've loved her since her debut!" or whatever the amount of time is before this.

    They so badly want ANY Kpop idol (who isn't Psy) to be successful here. Even though companies don't have plans to come here besides what they're doing now for money. See the Lee SooMan interview in 2011 where he was asked about bringing idols to the West and he said the future was Asia for entertainment.

    The two stations that Kpop fans are freaking over (specifically Blackjacks) are owned by CBS. Scooter Braun is apparently doing her promo stuff and he has a drama with CBS. Billboard has been really the only people hyping up Kpop and they have since 2012.

    2014 has been a disappointing year for international Kpop fans with all the scandals and all going on. I think 2015 is going to be so too but in a different way.

    I'm with OP. If she does get successful I'll eat my hat.


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