Thursday, October 16, 2014

Woohee To Receive Surgery For Collapsed Lung

A week old by the time this article goes live, but Woohee was admitted to a hospital to get surgery for a collapsed lung.

The article states this, the politically correct version:

Meanwhile, the members of Dal Shabet are in the middle of preparations for their upcoming comeback in January.
What it really means:

Due to Woohee's lack of determination, Dal Shabet will delay its end-of-December comeback to the first week of January. Woohee, you have one week to get your shit together.
Meanwhile, Woohee with a collapsed lung still has more value to Dal Shabet than Hwayoung ever had to T-ara. 


  1. I read about Hwadog starring in a drama. It seemsthat she has more determination as an actress. Or maybe she learned her lesson from T-ara bullies.

    1. or maybe she has decided to say "fuck it" like literally on being an idol, and just become an actress. at least she has more opportunities of "showing off" more than when she is an idol, if you know what i mean

    2. At least she has a way to show off her assets now, compared to her ahjumma (or just plain bad) styling 90% of the time while in T-ara (probably Dara's stylists)

    3. It's obvious that T-ara's stylists also bullied her by giving her god awful styles.

    4. He also bullied Hyomin by making her look like a whore! :(

    5. Dude, for real, Hwayoung looked like crap until the fine nation of Italy recognized her potent sexuality ready to be properly displayed.

  2. Who wants to bet netizens will treat her like its her fault and say she's a lazy piece of shit

  3. From what I'm reading it seems pneumothorax can get pretty serious in the long term, and apparently the only "cure" consists in a lung transplant. Hopefully this is not the case. Get well soon E.T.!

  4. Replies
    1. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000087.htm

      Google is your friend.

  5. Replies
    1. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000087.htm

      Google is your friend.

  6. I told her not to breath in my cum, but she wouldn't listen...


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