Sunday, November 30, 2014

AKFG innovation: Opperviewnity

Here at AKFG we love to be straightforward about what many aren't and occasionally be indirect or casually mocking about what others are typically straightforward. In an effort to contribute to the facilitation of the former, I have created this new word for you all to enjoy. It combines "Opportunity" with "Perv" and "View" and I suppose you could even pretend it also includes "Oppa" for certain "innocent (not actually innocent)" girl group concepts. (7학년1반, A Pink)

This would be a word for all those moments indirectly understood as only existing to scope out DAT BODY or otherwise fill your mind with perversions, yet in a context that pretends to be for a different, neutral reason. So for instance, gravure videos would be 97% opperviewnities, and the latest Dream Team episode with girl groups playing in tight clothing at the pool would be somewhere around 25-35% vaguely opperviewnistic yet 5% very blatant.

AOA provides a nice example with this video:


  1. Once again an AKF writer makes a post that is on a similar topic to something I'm preparing. ESP in full effect! Also AOA are hot.

  2. I would do Mina in the butt while she does yoga. Win-win for both of us.

    1. I thought Yuna was hottest here. Usually Seolhyun & Hyejeong have more to throw around and grab your attention on stage, but Yuna's frame and proportions are so beautifully distributed you just want to soak it in like a work of art or something.

    2. Yuna has been my second favorite since the Hot Summer photo book came out.

  3. Looking at the thumbnail of the video, I thought it was Spica's Jiwon.

    I was disappointed.

  4. I didn't know dudes knew when women did stuff to get attention. I always assume they were clueless because they fall for it. Opperviewnity. Lmfao

    1. Oh we definitely know. In fact, there are kind of 3 levels. The first level is just learned stuff in early teens. Girls hear "guys like this" and they do such-and-such or dress in some way knowing about it, but it's really kind of passive and lazy. It's alright, and they are young and hot, so they have that appeal, but it is still unrefined. Some girls actually pick up on these things unawares and are disturbed by guys being attracted to "normal" things.

      The second stage is when they take it from passive to active, yet these are usually overt actions. Some kind of blatant "look at me" behavior that is showy and maybe done almost as an event. This certainly kicks it up a notch and demonstrates confidence, which infers confidence to turn it into some interpersonal action, yet it is still removed from interpersonal action and even removed from personal action since it is more of a show of an exceptional moment than the "normal" you. This would be like Hyuna or something, and you can see her "flip the sexy switch" on Invincible Youth. I think more recently she is making sexiness her own, but before it was just a mode of acting she used to her benefit.

      Lastly though, usually something you only get with older ladies, is confidence in subtle actions in normal interaction. Ladies like Hong Jin Young or Son Dam Bi get this. They know what little things people usually hold back to not give a certain impression, so intentionally sliding them in gives that impression. Yet since the holding back is subconscious, including it can only be done intentionally, and they know that we know they did it on purpose, and so it is a playful seduction; a placating action that isn't like a flashy show, but is just for you, and is coming out in normal context and conversation so it is coming "from them" in their natural personality, which displays confidence in themselves and certainty that it was meant for you to receive and enjoy. That's the hottest kind. I think Sunny Hill's "Monday Blues" with its more subtle style is a nice stage show expression of the attitude behind this.

      Interestingly, the most "innocent" thing, aegyo, is like a modified version of this final form that kind of goes full circle back around to the "guys like this" thing, and it can either be that, or a play on the character of innocence. So it can be on the basic level of mindless prescribed action, or from the right person who knows the potential complexity of it, ala Sunny, it can be much more powerful if played on the sly rather than being prompted to do it for a room of people on a variety show.

    2. Also yes that does allow one to infer that A Pink can at times have the hottest concept of all. It isn't all the time, but when "I know guys like this" changes to "I know you like this and I like that you like this and that's why I'm doing it" that is...http://i.imgur.com/GeezVkH.gif

    3. i prefer the ambiguity of their cognisance regarding their appeal

      and that could've been an article on its own

    4. What he means to say is, Na Eun knows how to work it and is nasty as hell.

  5. FNV have completely given up on pretending they're a proper band now

  6. Where was Seolhyun? Choa in yoga pants is nice. And when did Jimin get cleavage?

    1. Seolhyun was filming a movie during Miniskirt's promotions.

    2. And hurting her leg... then falling down the stairs and hurting it again during recovery because she was using crutches (apparently alone? come on FNC!) in winter.

  7. wow somebody finally mentions my favored girl group Year 7 class 1 aka 7-1 I love them so much but their concept is not exactly a cute concept is more like akb48 crazy otaku love me concept, they also wear really nice outfits what I mean is the half of their butt is showing so I think they are going to get really far

    1. They are the absolute best at naughty schoolgirl concept and nugus of the year.

  8. AOA yoga is the stuff dreams are made out of.


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