Sunday, November 30, 2014

Hello Venus Really Wants You To Fap To Them

Hello Venus is vying for the Representative Fap Group with the hopes of taking the crown from AOA. Can they achieve their goals? Will Fany start stanning Hello Venus? Will Unknown bring up J-pop/Japan when those subjects rarely have anything to do with what we write about? Will some sick bastard complain about how they wished Yoo Ara/Frankenstein's daughter was still in the group so that they could see her in this concept and then proceed to tell everyone about their monster fetish? Will enough people watch Hello Venus's videos so that Brave Brothers will give them a better song next time? Will AOA retaliate by having Seolhyun go to Japan to do gravure? Will we see a match between Hello Venus and AOA in which both groups try to prove that it is the sexiest one in Korea? Have I asked enough questions yet? If not, did you fap?


  1. Ara would have seemed out of place in this new concept, imo. Btw, why is she called Frankenstein's daughter?

    1. Probably the same reason Jiyeon is Cyclops

    2. Yoo Ara has one of the worst surgeries I have ever seen in the Korean entertainment scene. Her face looks so unnatural that she looks like she was a science experiment, just like Frankenstein was.

    3. maybe because I'm not korean I cant tell if she had any work done but I cant tell the devil life inside you and is eating you heart everyday

    4. I'm not any kind of Asian and think she looks unrealistic bizarre.

  2. I wonder what their armpits smell like

    1. fabric softener

      the fuck is wrong with you

    2. How is licking an armpit worse than licking an asshole?

    3. you don't approach the matter thinking "hmm, i wonder if her bumhole tastes like pineapple"

      you know damn well what it's going to be like*

      *kimchi, probably

    4. I'd just like to say that you all's comments make me smile.

  3. the outfits were too cute, i had to finish it. whats wrong with me.

  4. well Im one of those Yooara fans,I fell insulted the you call my beautiful princess a Frankenstein face,you die already.anyways I will love to see Yoo ara doing all this slutty nasty things the helloVenus is doing right now
    in a side not their last video http://youtu.be/OHIHCuXKklM has already 1.6 mil views damn those Koreans are horny as fuck!

    1. All of the "but they don't got no ass" comments on YT are getting really tiresome.

  5. to be fair, AOA and Hello Venus have a lot in common

    1) they debuted at about the same time
    2) they've both abandoned their original concept for being sexy
    3) i've just realised that two bits of trivia don't constitute "a lot"

    i'd love to see a rivalry build up between these two groups that results in a televised slut-off (preferably part of a Chuseok special) which gets gatecrashed by a topless Jaekyung who's written "Rainbow are still relevant" across her chest in lipstick

    1. The new year specials stopped unfortunately which means no covering American Pop dances.

  6. This is all so boring.

    Also, one guy behind me on the bus us discssing his suit fitting and a friend's wedding in Urdu while the white guy next to me stinks of booze. Nothing in this paragraph has any relevance to this post but ive been stuck with these two bozos for 5 hours now thanks to a highway accident so I'm venting anyway.

    1. Oh, urdu guy just said, "you know, Daddy, shopping's really good in Delhi." Apparently Daddy needs an outing.

  7. It seems like Fantagio is creatively bankrupt and desperately trying to make something go viral when they don't know how. You see, when AOA does this:
    It seems like they are having fun with their own concept and sharing it with fans as fanservice. But when Hello Venus does these things without really getting much of a fanbase or identity as a group, it comes off like desperate, kind of boring grasping for attention. I mean, I can't blame them for wanting to survive, but it seems like the wrong approach. It's a step below Rainbow, who do a bunch of different things to try to grab attention but also seem at least comfortable with their humble existence if that is all they will get. EXID has stayed relatively true to themselves, with LE defining their sound and them altogether working out a group style, then they work hard at it with public shows, and because of Hani they are kind of catching on.

    1. My thoughts exactly. This seems really desperate...

  8. I want to believe that those are natural boobs on Nara

  9. Gave myself a mild boner along with some idol anime I have been playing a shitty phone game on as I fantasize the girls in that anime do the same dance. But fuck DA MIDRIFF block!

  10. Replies
    1. You are not alone in the sentiments. The waist short/skirt trend makes me wonder if this is a recent of netizen fuckery or not.

  11. I never care about HV before this comeback. and also because before there wasn't a single member that grab my attention. but with this comeback and the new member Seoyoung, I want moooooore.

  12. HV Before: "Do you want Some Tea"
    HV Now : "Do you want soem ass?"



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