Wednesday, May 6, 2015

BESTie's "Excuse Me" showcase messed me up real good

How is NEWstie?

After having watched BESTie's "Excuse Me" performance 11 times in a row, I can say with absolute certainty, "Amazing."

I can also no longer process visual or auditory stimuli. Oh well.

BESTie's had a few good moves in their career, but I've never thought of them as a particularly strong dancing group. But if every live stage of "Excuse Me" is this good, then damn, son.

My body is ready.

Please step on me, BESTie.

I love almost every part of this performance.

Like this

And this

This showcase has also made me lose any remaining sense I had. I now consider bikini tops over shirts with high-waisted shorts an acceptable outfit — for the theater of kpop and the theater of life.

To view fun moves in questionable attire, check out the video below.

More performances from the showcase are available here.


  1. There is A LOT going on there. Certainly too much notice it all in just one sitting. Something that rarely happens with K-Pop dancing.

    I can deal with bikinis over shirts, but high shorts are still and will always be an absolute no-go. For men, for women, doesn't matter.

    1. Too bad kpop "censorship" and "conservatism" makes it the norm.

    2. Bikini tops over t-shirts are a freaking disaster. High waisted shorts = more booty

  2. So my plan now is to dress up as Hyeyeon in this outfit and Fany will finally give me her nudes.

    It can't fail.

    1. Pls send pics of you in the outfit first.

  3. The high-waisted shorts do justice to Dahye's ass.

    1. I agree. I would lick the shit out of her asshole.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I thought as all of them being different Power Rangers because their bras are different colors so obviously they're

    "Power Rangers K-Force"


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