Tuesday, May 5, 2015

EXO-Ls Pillage The Comments Section In BoA's "Who Are You"

*Review coming sometime next week.

I was excited for BoA's comeback. It's impossible to be friends with AKF and not listen to BoA a lot. This is the first time BoA has a Korean comeback since I've entered the game. However, I was dumb enough to read the comments, and 99% of them were from EXO fans. I really hate EXO fans.

(Link if the picture is too small.)

BoA is not going to gain more fans through targeting EXOs. You see, more EXO fans are either 12 years old or have severe mental problems or both. If you can stan a group that routinely releases garbage such as "Wolf," there's no way you're going to stan BoA, someone who can actually compose a song that doesn't sound like the equivalent of ear-pegging. EXO-Ls are being annoying as shit and I don't see how anyone could defend them.

(Link here if the picture is too small.)

He looks like a douchebag. I'm glad I'm not gay or a chick because all of the male idols look like effeminate queerbags, and Sehun is no exception.

(Link here if the picture is too small.)

First of all, "let's be honest" doesn't turn an opinion into a fact. Saying "Let's be honest, Sehun looks like an effeminate queerbag" doesn't make it a fact that he's an effeminate queerbag. People don't know how to use logic, but what can you expect from people who are dumb enough to stan EXO?

BoA has been in the game for 15 years now and has quite a sizable fanbase. Just because she doesn't have a lot of 12-year-old girls as fans doesn't mean that no one was going to watch this music video in the first place. Let's be real, if people had known this Sehun faggot was going to be in the MV beforehand, no male would have watched the music video.

(Link here if the picture is too small.)

EXO fans deserve all of the shit they receive because you reap what you sow. You can't go into another artist's MV, act like a cuntrag, and deserve to be respected.

(Link here if the picture is too small.)

It's okay, no one honestly expects an EXO fan to like any song that doesn't feature 12 8 queers growling like wolves on a shitty dance track.

(Link here if the picture is too small.)

This little cum stain had more screen time than BoA. That's the real tragedy, bruh.

(Link here if the picture is too small.)

Thank God this ass clown didn't feature in the song. I'm glad SM didn't force BoA to waste her time featuring little faggots who can't rap.

There's many more comments like that in the music video. I just wanted to enjoy a song from BoA, but EXO-Ls didn't want any of that shit.


  1. I'm disgusted by the Exo-L fan who complained about BoA fans demanding respect for her. It's her song, Sehun is only a feature, an embellishment regardless of that it's still about BoA.

    1. BoA fans demanding respect is quite annoying though. Just because BoA's been around for longer doesn't automatically prevent her fanbase from being equally as dimwitted as every other kpop fanbase.

  2. I Stan both BoA and EXO (more BoA though) and I love this song. Sehun's my least fave in EXO so I didn't spend anytime ar all fangirling over him, I was just glad BoA was finally back in Korea with another song I'll have on repeat for a while.

  3. My favourite member of EXO is Kai, only because every EXO-L hates him.

  4. I always thought those weirdos called themselves exotiques or something like that. Does exo-l stand for exo-lovers?

    I was under the impression BoA did become kinda small in the K-pop/J-Pop business, but the sales figures on wikipedia weren't really consistent and lacking detail.
    However, seeing as how this exo shit is making so much money, I'm pretty sure they put him there just to push BoA, even if most exo fangirls probably will never care about her.

    1. From what I have researched, in Japan, yes, but in Korea, she still does very well except for physical sales, but physical sales are way down in Korea (except for boy bands and SNSD) from the time BoA was moving a lot of physical copies of her albums.

  5. EXO-Losers making a nuisance of themselves, as usual.

  6. the song has a similar vibe to disturbance, and is overall pretty shit for BoA level

  7. It's alright. I hope the main track is better. Oh and why do people still give a shit about youtube's comment section? lol

    1. I accidentally scrolled down and saw so much shit that I had to comment about terrible comments.

    2. It's actually good that HYSF highlighted these crazy comments. After all, this site is call Anti Kpop-Fangirl for a reason.

  8. BOA is a major shareholder in SM. That means she's Sehun's boss.

  9. Sehun is easiest the most ugly, least talented, most irreplaceable and forgettable member of EXO so w/e

    1. When he had blonde hair it looked as if Lee Solo Man took a piss on his head.

  10. Do these fangirls ever realise that the gayfag boygirls of EXO/TVSQ/SUJU/ABCD/WXYZ are the ones pushing prospective fans away from Kpop?? Men like us have to hide our love for KPOP becuase the term KPOP itself pops a gayfag image right away. If these boy bands didnt exist, more and more westerners will embrace Kpop.
    I would have watched this MV but i wont cuz of that effeminate gaytool in the video. No i am not against Gays or Homosexuals.. I am against men or woman who dress up and act like the opposite sex.

    1. Dont get me started on the concerts where boy bands kiss each other. Fucktards ifnunr gay just come out in the open, no need to use fanservice as an excuse. Few years from now EXO will be blowing the wrinkly dicks of SuJu ReUnited boy band on stage


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