Saturday, March 5, 2016

Victoria Reminds Us that She's still the Queen of China

Victoria had been reading my comments about Cheng Xiao being the heir apparent to take her throne one of these days, so she just decided to do a photoshoot for Elle China for their April issue and to attend a Dior fashion show to shut me up.


  1. I was re-watching the old Invincible Youth episodes that she was in (talking to the plants) - that face has been carved up more than a Thanksgiving turkey. Hot as hell now, but damn, you can barely tell that they are the same person..!!

  2. Are you blind? She looks the same. She just doesn't have bangs anymore. Just Google her past photos there's not a single feature on her face that's changed. If so I'd love for you to try to point it out.

  3. Better than 20/20.... Nose - definite, eyes - definite, jaw line - definite, possible mouth thing as that used to be a little crooked n funky and that may have been fixed in the jaw line/nose work. Lips look a bit bigger as well. If someone who never saw her before was shown the early pics and recent ones - they would have a hard time saying they are the same person. I don't follow fx but did watch all of the IY series when it came out - when I saw her in 4 walls I had to do a double take. Like I said - she looks smoking hot now, but that is not a getting older losing the baby fat or a simple makeup thing - lots of carving went into that face and they did a great job and I have no problem with that....

    1. Really? Because this is what she looked like on IY: https://smtownjjang.files.wordpress.com/2010/12/20101227_sunhwavic.jpg
      and predebut: https://tefaniarofidha.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/ormi5y.jpg?w=645

    2. LOLOL Vic gained weight during her 2011-2012 but her face looks the same if you look at her debut or predebut pictures...
      It's not hard to check unless you are trolling
      I mean even knet say she is miracle of China due to her beauty... LOL

  4. Queen of China hands down
    Fei is the princess

  5. Queen of China hands down
    Fei is the princess

  6. No matter what you say, no one can dethrone the queen anytime soon.
    She slayed hard in PFW and was another level compared to the Korean celebrities there


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