Friday, December 16, 2016

End of an Era

Well friends, it's time to hang it up. Over the past few months, I have lost all interest in writing for AKF. I think it's better to end AKF now rather than drag out this sparse posting for another couple of years.

I am getting much busier with my personal life because of work and needing to study for my professional exams to get my license, and I may end up even doing a masters degree later on. Aside from that, I have been actively tackling my depression and enjoying doing things that don't revolve around me sitting on a computer shit posting and trolling all day. Lastly, I'd rather spend time with the girlfriend than to deal with stupid fangirls online.

I have also come to the point in my Kpop fan life where I would just rather enjoy things than to have to be expected by tens of thousands of readers to react to everything that happens on a daily basis. I expect to be in the Kpop fandom for the long haul as I really like a lot of the new groups. I just don't care to write about it any longer.

You'll still be able to read new articles from Kpopalypse and suho_ftw on their own sites and on Asian Junkie, as I got IATFB to add suho_ftw to the site. I'll be retiring from writing for good.

I want to thank all of the authors who were a part of AKF42 and all the readers and commenters who came here over the past five and a half years.

Maybe someone will make a site that has the same spirit of AKF in the future or maybe not, but I enjoyed growing AKF to what it was and I hope you all enjoyed the ride.


  1. All good things come to an end, but this is still a sad moment. Antikpopfangirl got the balance right, and was always worth reading.

    Good luck.

  2. 2016 is indeed a weird year, with all the Kpop controversy and you leaving. Ah well, good luck for your future endeavors, I had lots of fun here, thank you very much :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This'll probably be really sappy and I'm really sorry about that, but eh, if the blog is ending I wanted to get this off my chest.

    I don't usually comment on things - mostly because I never feel like I have anything to add to most of the things I read online but I wanted to thank you and the rest of the authors that have come and gone on AKF for providing some really enjoyable/ funny / whatever reading/ watching material for the year or so I've been reading AKF. I've found the work of yourself and everyone else to be really influential on my own writing, so yeah, thank you so much.

    I've been following the kpop scene/shitshow/whatever for just about 2 years now, but reading this blog has brought me to actively start to participate in some capacity within the fandom. Knowing that it's not completely populated with sub-human insane fangirls and that there's some relatively rational people here.

    Anyway, I wish you all the best with your girlfriend, work and whatever else you get involved in in the future.

    RIP in peace I guess.

    1. Yes,this site was hope for the Kpop fandom.

  5. Were you secretly sacked by SBS too?

    As someone who was a fan for four or five years (the days when we probably annoyed you by calling each other pinoys so much) I just want to thank you all the amusement and fap material. This place will always be inextricably intertwined with Hwayoung's titty for me

  6. Aww, sad to see AKF go, but I believe in ending things on a good note. You don't want to be The Simpsons, dragging on for years.

    This site was a refreshing place to poke fun at the ridiculousness of batshit crazy kpop fans. It will be missed.

    Enjoy post-AKF life!

  7. It has been definitely a strange year for all of us. All the best to your personal life and good luck! It have been a good read in this site all round. Thank you for giving us all the fun posts to read everyday. Do take care of yourself and once again, good luck!

  8. I've never commented here before, but I'd like to say that, in the short time I've been reading this site, you've made me a laugh a lot. It's sad to see you guys go, but such is the passage of time. Good luck with your future life!

  9. Havent read AKFG in years. I used to read when davidfresh n ahjussi were writing. Came back as I heard you were closing the blog. I used to troll the chatbox n say GD n TOP were the best rappers ever. Good luck in your endeavours and with your depression sir. Its some tough ass shit to deal with. I imagine I'll still see your comments on AJ. Cheers for the mems.

  10. Thank you ❤��

  11. Another battery bites the dust. A toast to all the worn out vibrators.

  12. Still one of the best kpop blogs out there to date. All good things must come to an end and AKF is no exception. Thanks for all the laughs and good luck beating your depression.
    Nayeon sure is gonna miss you, vibrator senpai.

  13. It's been good to see your life improvement over the past few months, which is far more important than blogging! Thanks for having me on as a writer for so long and giving me some direction when I started out - Kpopalypse blog owes a lot to AKF!

  14. I hope everything goes well for you in your personal life and I hope you're not disappearing entirely! The site was enjoyable as something outside of the norm to how Kpop is usually talked about. Best of luck to you man!

  15. When u just start reading this site two weeks ago and then this happens -_-

    1. Yeah I only discovered this site a few months ago.I recommend you go back and read older articles.There's years and years of content,it's really good!

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. This hurts more than the root canal treatment I got today.

    I think you've done good things for the western Kpop fans. You put a little critical voice in a lot of people that used to just swallow everything companies threw at them.

    Godspeed, senpai-san-sama.

    1. Root canal doesn't hurt you sissy
      Been there done that

    2. Thanks for trying to ruin my goodbye post to AKF, insufferable fuckface.

  18. Thank You so much! You made reading about Kpop fun.Anti Kpop-Fangirl will always be one of my favourite sites.

  19. I'm happy that you've made progress with ending your depression and that your overall life has become much happier. I first came across this blog when I was about 16 and looking at how much it's come since then really makes a difference. Thanks AKF for making this blog and thank you for letting me be apart of it.

  20. Can you at least finish up your top 10 kpop songs of the year though? It doesn't have to be an article each I'd just like to see the whole thing finished up

    1. 10. Twice - Cheer Up
      09. A Pink - Only One
      08. Red Velvet - Russian Roulette
      07. EXO - Monster
      06. Lovelyz - Destiny
      05. Brave Girls - Deepened
      04. Luna - Free Somebody
      03. Hyosung - Find Me
      02. Twice - TT
      01. Taeyeon - Why

  21. Lately I've been loosing my interest in kpop, but I still enjoy some music and I like reading some articles on sites like this, which is probably one of my favourites. Well, I guess I will keep following Kpopalypse. AKP and its writers will be missed anyway. Sites like this one are a breath of fresh air for a lot of kpop fans who don't like the childish and fanatic side of the fandom (which is the biggest part), so this is a little bit sad.
    Good luck with everything.

  22. https://kpopalypse.com/2016/12/17/a-tribute-to-anti-kpop-fangirl/

  23. All thing shall pass.

    Adios amigo, thanks for great years.

  24. What a pity, I rofl a lot about this site's articles about Jaejoong

  25. Good luck in the future! I used to lurk on this site a lot as anon and never really commented or contributed to anything. I've been reading the posts here since I was 12 (2012) and new to K-Pop. This site helped me a lot in terms of not taking shit on the internet too seriously. Farewell, AKF. I hope you have a good life.

  26. Aside from AJ, what's a good hangout for this kind of irreverent, trolly view on KPop?

    This reminded me how much I miss that old Kpopchan site (might be the only one who remembers it, was never that popular)

    1. I should add that "fap material" is a bonus

      I don't care about the exploding ovaries on Omona

    2. I actually do. I was a regular until OJ decided to fold it.

      Anyway there's always kpopalypse asianjunkie and /kpg/

    3. /kpg/ would be so much better without all the attention-whoring nugushitters.

    4. /kpg/ is the kpop general thread on 4chan's /mu board

  27. thank you for all the hilarious articles🙏




    I'll miss you and I wish you the best of luck, man. Fuck I've been reading this site from 2011 and now it's over?! Fuck...

  29. I knew it wouldn't last without me. ;)

    Thanks for ending it before I kicked the bucket. It was getting close.

  30. It was a needed, educative, over-the-top (in a good way) non-apologetic and hilarious satirical but real vision of kpop in the times of brainless fangirls, rabid witch-hunters netizens and eternal PR from companies.

    You will be missed AKF.

    Good luck to you with your education, your girlfriend and trying to escape depression which is a hard enemy to combat. Take care!

  31. Best of luck to you. I wish you happiness in all you do.

  32. Aww and I got you on my bookmark and whatnot, one of the sites I always checking out now and then...but I guess it is how it is. As 00's groups are falling apart, the fangirls hater site also comes to a close. Let's hope they grow smarter because no one's keep them in check from now on.

    Good luck with life to you and the commenters chingus who frequent here, I have had a great time with yall. I hope you finally find your true waifu and husbando so when you've grown up on kpop you have a good life but with all the cool, cute and crazy spirits remains. Godspeed

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. This is sad, I was looking forward for the top 10 songs at the end of the year but anyway wish you good luck

  35. who will troll Hyoyeon fans now? :(

    but i'm honestly happy you started to devote more time to other passions in life. there is no point in continuing a hobby if it starts feeling like a chore. I wish the best for you and your girlfriend as well.

    thank you for laughs <3

  36. It's that witch you call 'girlfriend', isn't it? Guys, we can still save AKF oppar. Gather your pitchforks and burn that witch.

    Anyway, I wish you good luck with everything. It's been a very fun four or five years for me. Just for fun, I'd like to list all your online nicknames all these years : Chuck, CZ, AKF, Jaejoong (lol), Nayeon vibrator. Anything else I miss?

  37. So very sad... will the site stay up at least?

  38. Good luck for the future. Really enjoyed the articles and reviews on this site, along with the shit posting, I think my kpop experience wouldn't have been as enjoyable without it. I've always enjoyed rereading older posts, so I'll continue to do that every now and again. Cheers.

  39. I thoight that one authornwould leavr but after reading comments, i did not expect akf to close.

    Thanks for making kpop alot better with your Tara memes. I hope I can save all the pages then reread them ofr the lols

  40. I was reading a lot of articals about how Dara is greatest human and most talented shit ever alive and I couln't get it at all! She is talentles and boring. And as I was searching online to find is there any site that doesent considers kpop idols the gods and that doesent likes new SNSD song IGAB and found this site. Thank you so much for these three years and saving my sanity because I was starting to loose my shit over stupidity of fangirls. Thank you so much for all these years of great content. I will miss you. }3

  41. It's been real. I remember first stumbling across here some 4 years ago or so and being pleased to find that there were actually approaching K-Pop with a critical eye and even going the extra mile as to present it in an entertaining light. I was amazed that you ever decided to take me on as an author and even more amazed when you gave me a second chance which I duly squandered. Regardless, this has been a bastion of entertaining writing for a long while but it's good that you have made an executive decision to hang it up when it is right for you.

    All the best for the future.

  42. Fuck worst loss of 2016 after KARA

    1. Felt like I should write a bit more.

      I started following AKF back in the day because he and the crew were one of the few putting out lots of KARA articles in an era where it was all Sones and Blackjacks screaming at each other. Over the years I've relied a lot on AKF's recommendations for kpop listening as we seem to share a lot in terms of taste. Even looking at AKF's top 10 for this year it's very similar to mine. Him and his fellow writers also have a very unique sense of humour that makes nearly every article a worthwhile read.

      RIP AKF you will be sorely missed.

  43. I'm gonna miss ur blog :C I've discovered this blog 3 years ago and almost never commented anything, but I'm so sad that is closing, this is some of the few blog that actually speak things that fangirls are not willing to accept, THANK U FOR ALL 3 YEARS THAT U MAKE ME LAUGH :C bye

  44. It's been real sis, good luck <3

  45. Good riddance. That's what you get for crossing Blackpink. You go down like 2NE1, not with a bang but with a whimper. BLACKPINK IN YOUR AREA!

  46. damn...so what happened to kalliope?? like there was never any news after august lol...anyhow its been a great ride and i wish you good luck for the future, wherever you may be.

  47. This is sadder than the end of running man!

    this site is where I want to read reviews of new releases. I've been reading here for a long long time, coming to this site almost everyday to find a new update. But I will truly miss your creative way of writing/thinking.

    Goodluck to your journey in life, and if you, in a way, thought that life is shit, I hope you remember that there are kpopfangirls to troll, a blog to write on anything about and a reader that will be happily read it.

    I will still be waiting for you next blog post.

  48. Sad to see this happen, but happy that life is going in the positive direction, AKF. This site will be dearly missed, and thank you for the last 5 years. It was your site that made me start blogging about Kpop (heck I even tried out as an author from way back when), so it'll be weird to keep going without the "sunbae" I can always turn to. Best of luck in future endeavors.

  49. This site was an island of relief in an ocean of diarrhea that is Kpop fandom. Thanks for the laughs and the sanity through all the insanity. Cheers to your future!

  50. Thank you for your blog, long time lurker but always loved coming here and reading the articles from you and the authors who have come and gone since 2013. All the best to you in the future and much success on your next path.



    No but seriously, thank you for all of the laughs of the past 5 years. I hope the website will still stay up for nostalgia's sake. I hope you have a wonderful life, all of you. Those who contributed, commented, and the lurkers...It was nice knowing or not knowing you. Saying goodbye is one of the hardest things in life for most people, myself especially, so without being too melodramatic I'd like to say thank you and, well...

    See you later, space cowboy.

  52. Time falls away, but these small hours still remain.


  53. About damn time. When you stan Victoria (like me) and your fav feels more a hot milf and actress than a kpop idol, you know you are over with kpop lol
    Good luck, dude.

  54. This is my first comment here - and, well, the last one too :(

    But I wanted you to know that I will deeply miss this site. I discovered k-pop almost exactly four years ago (sometime in the fall of 2012) and not too long after that AKF.
    I enjoyed it a lot. I really mean it! :)

    So I wish you guys all the best from Hungary and good luck with whatever you do from now on.
    Thanks for these years!

    Take care!

  55. It's weird how I am affected the most by this and not other group disbanding and shit. Reading the comments does not really help too. I forgot the time that I started reading this, but it was glorious, probably many years ago.

    I really enjoyed your dark, twisted fucked up humor, always had a great time reading it. Alot of topics were also really great and can be tackled openly without some retard being a hero of justice.

    The blog quality has been significantly shittier, I'm sure you noticed that, but it's quite an ok read at times still. Anyways, it's been great reading the articles and comments in this site. Hopefully you'll tackle with your depression and who knows, you might find writing interesting again.

  56. This is inexplicably sad. I've been checking on your website several times a week for updates for a while now. You will be missed. Thank you for everything and fighting! Greetings from Colombia.

  57. Well it is better to end things on a blast like this than let its fade with an indefinite end. Thank you so much for all the years' work and giving an honourable finale like this. all the best!!

  58. Thank you. I've been reading your blog for almost 5 years although I've never wanted to be a part of the comment section. Some articles were really funny and some were not my cup of tea, but either way you've given a breathe of fresh air and honesty not found in any other K-pop sites.

  59. This site, along with AJ and Kpopalypse, has played a major role in keeping me in the kpop fandom for the long run! Thanks for all the chuckles you've given me over the years and may the fap gods breast you. Bless you, I mean.
    Now you have to log in with all your alt-accouts and comment some more.

    ...I hope you're not pulling a pewdiepie, to get us all mushy inside, are you? :P

  60. Thanks for the excellent read over the years. I used to be a delulu stan cuntface incapable of any real thought and would check koreaboo three times a day. Now I'm a delulu stan cuntface that never goes to koreaboo,allkpop...ect. The writing on this website was fantastic and really expanded my perception of the entertainment industry as a whole. I remember when all the authors chimed in on the whole "china in the south sea incident"(still ongoing) in the comments and I was like damn they nailed it. The best part is that Fei's music video had come out and the article on it was basically a fap post. This site had meaningful discussion basically right next to a fap post. This site rocked and I hope someone takes off where you left. Dicks out for Nayeon's Vibrator.

  61. Thank you so much for the last 5 years. You made this kpop shit show tolerable. <3

  62. Just as a suggestion (partially because I don't want to let go), how about making a "year in review" post at the end of December/beginning of January each year?
    I'm not sure if that's interesting for you, though.

    1. As it is, I don't follow Kpop as a whole close enough to do stuff like that. I mainly just pay attention to Twice, Red Velvet, Cosmic Girls, Lovelyz, Black Pink, etc.

      Gotta spend less time looking at Kpop girls and more time fucking the girlfriend.

  63. in ENGLISH the title of this site indicates a fangirl who is anti kpop.

    but then you log on and it's some old weird Chinese guys. wtf!

    1. In English the title means Anti-KpopFangirl. Meaning they're against fangirls of Kpop.

  64. Damn, 2016 sure are the strangest year for me. So many depressing thing happen for me, and then for kpop world, the running man drama and good bye from this blog just made this year complete as trash year. Oh well, life is not an eternity after all, so yeah good luck for your real life. I'm silent reader and never comment here but i really enjoy your blog. Please dont made this blog disappear, let it be like this. I'll just move to kpopalypse for the fun. Thanks =)

  65. Looks like you have finally grown up kid...

  66. Sorry to see the end of this enjoyable blog Nayeon but can understand completely why it has to be, many may not know how hard it is to keep a site like this updated and looking fine. Your retirement put some thoughts into my head too as my place doesn't seem as enjoyable either and sometimes feels more like a job. Hope you visit me on occasion and you can always request some posts as you know I enjoy Korean actresses quite a bit and do need to talk about them more. Hope things work out well and thanks for all the time and effort you put into this site.

  67. Thanks for the content, man. I've only been around for about half but you'll be missed. Good luck!

  68. thanks guys. i started off as a crazy SJW femnazi hater but have since learnt from my regressive ways. You guys were a form of entertainment and interesting articles for awhile, sucks to see yall go :'(

  69. awwww :ccc
    though i'm really sad to see this post as this is the only kpop-related site that i check often and i really enjoy akf's content, i'm glad that you're focusing on your personal life and health. best of luck!

  70. Worst loss of 2016 wtf. I've been following this site for around 5 years now which started when I clicked one of your articles from a random google search and my view on K-pop has changed a lot since then. I'm not that clueless sheep from back then...

    I'm gonna miss this site. Seriously.

  71. Thanks Akf! Been following y'all for a few years now ever since I got into kpop, and even when I lost interest in following all the kpop drama and what not, I still had this side bookmarked on my browser, still finding the various articles humorous to the point that I found enjoyment as reading it at least on a weekly basis. I think it is quite sad to see Akf end, but rather end on this note than to drag it out! well done on this blog, goodluck with all your future endeavours, both professional and personal, and thanks once again for the enjoyment you have given to me over the years! ✌

  72. Sucks:(((( I've been an avid reader of this blog for maybe four to five years already?? It's been the first time commenting in such a long time, mostly because I forgot all my logins fml. I remember all the shit you guys would give zaku (is that guy still around??) and his m/v reviews were so funny!!! It is true all good things will end:((( This blog was so refreshing amongst average kpop fans who were so intent in bringing hell to anyone who dare criticize their views (I know, I've come face to face with pre-pubescent kpop fans who had slandered my social media, simply because I asked a friend for a album in a giveaway she was hosting). It's been good, and I probably won't see anyone as blunt or honest in their views as you guys so it was much fun reading your guys' blog!!! Thanks!!!

  73. Really sad to see the blog go. I had been a follower for about 4 years but I was quiet in terms of commenting. I'm not really huge on words so this will be short, but thank you for the years worth of content. Will miss your MS Paint art!

  74. This is one of those weight off your shoulders kinda things.

  75. Thanks for the laughs and jokes over the years. Wish you great success for years to come.

  76. Never posted on here before, but shit, I remember following and reading this blog religiously back in ~2013 & 2014. Decided to come back to see how things were and saw this. :O
    I just wanted to say: This blog was so unique to the other kpop sites/blog out there, and provided many good laughs throughout the years. I loved the writing styles you guys had and the more serious topics provided really interesting viewpoints. The humour was just great. Sad to see this end, but at least the site ended on a high note/not dragged on. Thanks for all the work and effort throughout the years and thanks for being the reason why I sat down on my computer all day and procrastinated. Was all worth it. Good luck in your future endeavours!

  77. This comment has been removed by the author.

  78. WTF dude, well good luck and stuff I guess.

  79. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEkLHC7l25w

  80. I will be the last to comment here. I have to. That's my sole purpose of posting this. Anyway, happy belated new year.

  81. It is an end of an era :( It's been awhile since I dropped by but I miss you guys! Those were some good times back in the day!

  82. I miss the old chat. Good to hear you're doing well CZ. Farewell AKFG.

  83. Press F to pay respects


  84. Hi there,

    Like many people here, this is my first and last comment. I've been a constant reader since Hwayoung's gate in 2012. Less constant reader these last months because of real life and all things, judging from the day where I come back here. Your blog was a great K-pop source of information and laugh since I just can't stand blogs with crazy fangirls or websites like the A-one-that-shall-not-be-named. But now, like you said, it's the end of an era... and the beginning of a new one!

    Thank you guys. I wish you all the best <3

  85. im gnna miss those amazing photoshop work from u all..

  86. Damn! I keep coming back every other day to see if a miracle happens. Miss this a lot. Thanks for so many fapulous posts! Good luck wherever you are, now!

  87. 637 FTW



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