Wednesday, April 20, 2011

AKF: Park Bom's Don't Cry Review

Best song any YG artist has released this year. Well, looking at the crap Big Bang has released, the bar was set pretty low. I like the song and think Bom is a good singer, but I just wish that this song had a little more variation in it.

I give it a 1 Bom face expression used out of 2 total face expressions Bom can use.


  1. You can always count on Teddy to make quality, generic-ass songs.

  2. @Last sentence: She can make about as many facial expressions as G.na; the exact nominal figure will be left to your imagination. (Hint: It's > 2.)

  3. This song is shit. Typical lazy 4 chord repeat, generic kick-snare flat beat, laziest instrumentation possible lazily layered in the most obvious places, 30-year-old builds and phases, aimlessly wandering and forgettable vocal melody, not even a hook to make up for it. There is nothing here. I won't even be able to recall it 5 minutes from now. I wouldn't take away a person's freedom to be shitty if they really want to make such a fool of themselves like this, but it should be a crime to take profits off of garbage like this.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Just so we're straight on this: I went to kpop to get away from this shit. Now it is infesting kpop because YG is shamelessly copying the American club scene. Fuck you, YG.

  6. I think thats the point of YG. They are wanting to bring the crap music scene in america to korea just to say they are being diverse in music....
    The song sounds alright but man is it fucking bland, probably because of the damn clubbing beats.

  7. If YG is diverse, then Bom's face isn't frozen. Last I looked, Bom's face is frozen...

  8. YG fucking her too much


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