Wednesday, April 20, 2011

JYJ's Junsu shows off his home

I thought this pussy, along with the other two in JYJ were short on cash because SM were slave masters. Yeah, I'd love to have a house that nice while pissing and moaning that I don't get paid enough. Pussy. And greedy mother fucker.


  1. I saw that faggot Mickey driving a R8, a $140,000 car. Greedy mother fuckers.

  2. they are mada pucker

  3. yeah i just wish delusional fangirls would stfu

  4. JYJ are the best! Junsu oppa looks amazing!

  5. All of JYJ show thier expensive stuff off now,it's just proving how stupid,blind,and brainwashed thier fans are.It makes them look stupid in defending thier"poor oppas".

  6. Yes because we know, no one should be able to make as much money as they can and be happy.

    Let's all sing for free, because who truly wants nice things and to have money.

    Grow up and wipe the lemon juice from the corner of your mouth.

    Don't hate so hard, it causes wrinkles

  7. They got paid well, or they wouldn't have all that expensive ass shit. They signed a contract, and they should uphold their end of it. I dislike anyone that promises something and then decides to try and fuck everyone over, the company, fellow group members, and fans, just so they can be greedy fucktards. And I don't even hate JYJ, because since they left DBSK is actually enjoyable to listen to.

  8. the money these boys made are way, i mean, WAAAAAY lot more than micky's expensive car, or that house. reasonable if they want to get out of sme

  9. so what if their had expensive stuff its from their work, they not greedy. they are just looking for justice. if you in their posision you'll not think something stuid like this.

  10. he may be a bitch but it still has nothing on his singing skill :L

  11. Who won the case again? Oh yeah.

  12. this is AFTER they left SM and produced albums and had concert. Funny how you troll like homin's fangirl without checking out facts. while they were in dbsk for fucking 5 years they lived TOGETHER in one dorm and all cars were bought under sm name. they left sm for less than 2 years and look what they own now? things they didnt get with 5 years working like hell and being controlled by sm. and now i guess you can think of how much they should have made if they leave sm earlier.

  13. wauuuuuuu this girl really so sillyl...Junsu work hard so he have money...dont be jelaous... love junsu.he deserves the best

  14. oohhhh comon,,,dont be silly,,dont be jelaus....Junsu work hard and he' labor won... he deserve the best.He's always help poor people..for exaple.Kenya. and plzzz be honest


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