Monday, June 27, 2011

Question of the Week

I'm going to do something a little different today.

Something a little more... interactive.

Instead of writing my own blog post complaining about my own opinion, I want to hear your guys' down in the comments.

So, if you could take one idol/group out of the music scene forever AND get rid of all their fangirls (that means you won't hear their bitching of "whyyyy did they leaaaaaave" and "but zomg they were the bessssst. Better than all the other groups out there" FOREVER), who would it be, and why?


  1. uhm.. probably super junior or dbsk. why? because the fangirls are fcking annoying, simple as that :P

    btw, can you tell me what's going on with beast and secret? i listen to beast and secret as well but i don't know what's going on with them.
    thank you!

  2. i would love to get rid of beast fans, but i would feel bad because as far as i know beast themselves aren't too bad of a group.

  3. 2ne1. they have annoying, stuck up fans who bash anything 'cutesy' every chance they get. plus they changed girl groups for the worst. get rid of them and we'll have less clones pumping out even more auto tuned messes

  4. you know what i take that back. scratch 2ne1 i'd get rid of f(x). amber fans suck, luna fans suck, and they contribute nothing musically

  5. 2NE1. I cannot stand this ridiculous group. Minzy and CL are butt ugly, Bom cannot sing as well as her stans claim, and Dara is useless. They milk the fuck out of auto tune, tacky clothes, and their supposed original music style. Why people like this group, I will never understand. Oh yes, BJ are annoying as fuck too.

  6. I would love to get rid of SuJu, f(x), Shinee and SNSD. And this new boysband Boyfriend too.

  7. 2ne1 and big bang

  8. JYJ. Then there'd be no more pissing and moaning about how they can't perform on stage in Japan and Korea, about how they can't get on variety shows, about how they're the best vocalists in Korea (lol) and just that they have some annoying ass fans.

  9. 2NE1 can go fuck themselves. I don't think I've ever passed a 2NE1-related article without seeing comments about them "bringing something new" to K-pop, or other idiotic opinions. They're musically nothing special.

  10. I'm gonna forgo your question and simply say that I would cull all the cunty fans out there. I'm fine with people having their own preferences but fuck those sensitive bitches who cannot form a cogent argument.

  11. y r u a faget? this is important.

  12. Boyfriend! that twins are creepy

  13. Blackjacks. Oh god. Especially here: http://kpopsecrets.tumblr.com/post/6902297926#disqus_thread

  14. i honestly none,contradicting myself but some groups really should not exist...
    but every group out there worked hard to get where they are and deserve some-what to have a chance(they work their ass off, for what they could make on minimum wage at a fast-food restaurant)
    even if i TRULY HATE SOME GROUPS WITH IMMENSE PASSION( not that i do, i dont sit around all day hating on some kpop band most of korea dont even give a shit about)
    its fun to poke fun at the over-dramatic crazyass fangirls/boys and their loved idols.
    especially on soshified... i got ip banned after two posts

  15. ^
    That shit became unbearably stupid about halfway down.

  16. Not an idol, but motherfucking Dok2.

  17. id pick taemin, is that okay? its the only person in kpop i hate with a passion. mainly because of the taemints. they are so fucking annoying. normally i can accept other opinions easily, but the stuff they shove in your face all the time all over tumblr and god knows where is so fucking ridculous. how he is such a great singer now and how perfect he looks, what an awsome fashion sense hes got and that he is without a doubt the best dancer in kpop and that basically everything he touches is worth building a shrine about. and that he totally deserved the overexposion he gets in the japanese version of replay and what not.
    oh, and of course how hard they wanna be fucked by him.
    never met more annoying and horny stans at the same time.

  18. ^
    dok2 is salvageable if he stops doing dirty south crap. i've heard worse

  19. I hate those WANNABE LESBIANS.

    "I'd go gay for her."


  20. 2:00 - It's not about his music, it's how he's negatively influencing my favorite hip-hop artists (notably: The Quiett; and possibly Beenzino).

  21. Kwanghee and his fans

    I can't think of an idol that actually repulses me except for Kwanghee. Fuck this guy. I can't believe he has fans and they defend his petty behavior despite it showing he needs therapy or something.

  22. 2ne1 and their fans, BJs getting annoying as fuck. Can't stand Dara's stans, can't bear looking at plastic duck face Bom and her voice is not amazing either ,CL tries to act like hood but she's not ,wtf with baddest female rapper my @ss BJs are so hype, should they change 2ne1 name to CL and the kids (yeah with 12 year old Dara). Only one decent singer and dancer is Minzy.

  23. SNSD.
    Because I hate how SM markets them. They became famous for their flashy outfits, exposed legs, looks, variety shows, stupid catchy music that has nonsensical lyrics...but about RAW talent? Yeah, they don't have it. Plus their fans are annoying, thinking they're real artists.

    I WISH J-LIM, GUMMY, NAVI were more popular than these nine girls.

  24. @david, he's yet to have any real influence on the quiett and i doubt he'll have one on beenzino. dok2 is a harmless troll

  25. SNSD & 2NE1
    The fans totally annoying I get my head bitten off if I have a say in my opinion ughhh lets just say I have a bad experience with their fans. And their music ain't all that

  26. kim hyun joong i'm sick of seeing numerous articles on him on allkpop of shit i could care less. when i see his face i get so annoyed.

  27. 2NEfa1l and BB. Their fans are annoying as fuck

  28. 2NE1 STANS are the most ignorant of the bunch.

    i'm not even going to get into it...

  29. You should just turn this into a poll lol.

    Anyways Im gonna agree with the mass here and go with 2NE1. Besides Fire and IDC all they've done is throw out garbage electro music. Dont even get me started on Blackjacks...

  30. CSHJ The grace is coming back!!!!

  31. Dara's stans is already too much for my nerve, don't even want to mention BlackJacks, hand down the most ignorant fandorm of kpop.

  32. 2NE1 and Big Bang....do i need to explain?....lol

  33. I'm gonna go humanitarian on this and say we should get rid of ALL rookie groups that are just lame copies of Super Junior and SNSD to put them out of their misery.

    Boyfriend, ZE:A, Dal Shabet, A Pink, CO-ED, 5Dolls. Piggy Dolls (LOL @ their name), Girl's Day, Teen Top, Nine Muses, Dalmatian, Girl Story... They're all too young or too similar to be bothered with.

    I wouldn't get rid of 2NE1, B2ST, Super Junior, SNSD, etc. because those groups actually have potential and talent (to varying degrees)—they're just being hindered by their fuckheaded fans. Take note that the way the negative things they're perceived as are thanks to their stupid fans. (This is why I don't understand why people say you shouldn't judge an idol by their fandom. The fandoms are what perpetuate an idol's image.)

    Honestly. If we could just go on a witch hunt and hunt down rabid Blackjacks, VIPs, B2UTIES, ELFs, Sones, Cassies, Shawols... K-pop would be SO much more enjoyable.



    Honestly I have nothing against DBSK but EVERY fangirl is completely fucked in the head.

  35. DBSK for being gay(seriously, i know some Cassies who believe that these assholes are gay, esp. Yunho)

    2ne1 for being useless and overhyped, one useless member, one plastic member and two guys? and their stans claim that they're beautiful?

    Super junior, they're not that famous in Korea anyway, and their songs aren't really musically great..only their fangirls think that they are music legends

    F(x), i love looking at Krystal but the others aren't really as good-looking as thier fans say they are...and Amber, dont get me started about Amber fans...

    GD and Top, the other three, when Daesung gets out of jail, can form a vocally competent group when those two talentless pricks are out...

    and Minho, the most useless idol i have ever seen

  36. 2ne1 simple as that

  37. SNSD all of these 9 are all average at best, plastic at best but still some of them doesn't look good *ahem* everything they do can be done by normal ppl their fans are all delusional thinking they perfect goddesses wtf?! lol~

    SUJU musically useless their fangirls are bunch of horny delusion creatures thinking all of them are gays...ewww

  38. 2ne1 and BlackJacks!!!!

  39. 2:46 - The Quiett leaving Soul Company was heart-wrenching to me.

  40. SNSD/SONES numero uno bunch of retards

  41. this is too funny and i am a blackjack either way i would get rid of F(x) due to the fact that they are a really weak group and their songs actually suck. also ambers fans i mean they only like her cause she looks like a boy that won't get them pregnant.

  42. LOL at the new article of allkpop about rating 2PM, Kim Hyun Joong, and 2NE1. BlackJacks scream like bunch of retard 12 year old kids. Seriously BJs should disappear, they are the fuking disaster of kpop .

  43. B2ST now Juhnyung is fucking Hara are going apeshit like they always do now

  44. motherfukin BJs and SONES -_- ya u probably know y...

  45. sones for obvious reasons ..

  46. @david, understandable lol but believe me he's still the same

  47. f(x) not because I hate the group but because their fans are annoying. they're winning with really shitty songs too lol

  48. I came back here to add 2NE1 to my list.

    I just left a comment on their new music video saying I disliked it and it was marked as spam.

    ...I don't have to explain that, you get that blackjacks are fucking batshit.

  49. SNSD and Sone the epitome of fucktardness 'nuff said~ :P

  50. 2NE1 or Big Bang!! Most def!
    i HATE how their BlowJob/VIP fangirls think they're the best! I'm sorry but they got their fashion from someone else, and they got their "amazing songs" from someone else too. and when you take those away what do you have? A group of fugly idols that's what.
    I'm sorry but no, their music wasn't sent down by angels saying "hey, this is totally God's mp3 playlist. check it out cuz it's dope."

  51. f(x) is SM's bastard daughter, he should have pulled out after creating SNSD. Shinee is SM's bastard son, he should have pulled out after creating Super Junior. That is all.

    Oh, and all of them and their fans fucking suck and needs chained, neutered and placed in a psych ward like the low-life dogs they are.

  52. SNSD their soshits think they are number one yeah no.1 with plastic surgery even after the ps still ugly as helldogs and when they sing mediocrity at it's best sounds like chimps, their songs are for dumb no life soshits lol

  53. sones fuck offsones fuck off

  54. I wouldn't pull out any idols. but i would LOVE to pull out the batshit crazy antis and fans.

  55. @anon 8:56 if that made any sense I would've actually agreed LOL pull the pole out of your ass and say it with some meaning. It's a shame really - SNSD DID have potential and talent when they first debut but now they've gone downhill so I've completely lost interest.

    I'd get rid of 2ne1 and Blackjacks. 2ne1 are NOT original. Blackjacks are the dumbest people I've ever come across (says a lot coz I used to think that was SONES). Just watching their comments on Youtube and kpopsecrets and akp makes me laugh. My biggest laugh comes from when they defend herp-derp Dara as to why she is a 'talented' idol xDD

  56. JYJ and their fans(are they still called cassies??).. seriously annoying bunch!! Going on and on about how their oppars are the real deal .. LOL!!!

  57. ipersonally dont like b2uties...but LOL YOU GUYS ARE SO LOW. TRASH TZLK THAT PRACTICALLY NO FANS WOULD EVEN READ OR GIVE A SHIT ABOUT. seriously...i bet you guys are like 16 year olds at the height of puberty, and are depressed so they take it out on kpop. cool thats fine with me, you guys can have your own opinions but WOW YOU GUYS REALLY ARE LOW. i mean just because i dont like b2uties doesnt mean ill go bashing them, they're people too, they just have different opinions.

  58. SNSD's fans, 2NE1 and their stans (dumbest human beings on earth)... No, in fact, the YG stans, you know, those who post in every-fuckin'-video things like "OMG YG family is the best" just because they know 2NE1 and Big Bang. Fuck you, I'll kill you all.

    (oh and I agree with kommienezuspadt in fact.)

  59. Blackjack is the dumbest fandorm i've ever seen, i just leave comment couldn't hear their .voice coz of full autotune and electronic sound and they said you are deaf, 2ne1 is the best

  60. i would get rid of all YG fans! they say that all of the YG family is so "unique" and "original". That they are "artists" because every now and then one of them writes a song. Well hell, i could write a song and be called an "artist" but the song would still suck.

    other than YG family and their stans, i would kind of like for Shawols to get a life too. Especially Taemints. I used to really like Taemin, but his fans just ruined him for me. They make him seem like he could do no wrong, and he is perfect, and he is so talented. That he is basically God's gift to horny fangirls.

  61. SNSD and their annyoing blind fans that worship the 9 girls, I see them comment on EVERYTHING wherever I go on youtube or other sites 'snsd did it better' 'they're trying to copy snsd' 'snsd wannabes'...stfu.

  62. @June 27, 2:28


    And yeah, it's the fans that need to GTFO.

  63. The majorityy of sm and their fans, FX,SNSD,DBSK,SHINEE,SUPER JUNIOUR.

    FX-They keep winning music shows with stupid songs and sm doesnt even give a fuck about them AHA, Jheez giving them rinsed out songs.

    SNSD-Their fans irritate me some of the girls are alright but the sones just ruin everything.

    DBSK* hmmm plus JYJ im tired of seeing whatever problems they;re having with each other...

    SHINEE- omg..People are way too hyped up about them And I feel like minho's getting a bit big headed...¬¬...oh and the shawols most of them are peaceful but if I say something about minho's lack of talent, mad shit goes down -.-

    Super Juniour.They're everywhere and always in my face, randomly popping up in programs and theres too many of them for me to remember the names...*I only know shindong for obvious reasons. HA!

  64. The people who call themselves YG stans. All the ones I know are extremely immature and all they talk about is "YG THIS YG THAT PAPA YG'S A TROLL YG FAMILY IS THE BEST". Blackjacks are so fucking annoying. They think 2NE1/Big Bang are the best things on the planet and they're original and shit. They're "original" in Korea for their electro/auto tuned music when it's all recycled crap they took from America. Basically, everything's been done before. Nothing's new anymore in the music industry. I ain't even mad but blackjacks go fucking apeshit crazy on you if you say even one criticizing comment about 2NE1. Don't even get me started on how fucking rude they are to other fan clubs. They bash Sones like crazy and complain about how they think they're the best and diss SNSD. Now I'm not here to support SNSD either but Blackjacks think they're better than the Sones they bash but in reality they're the same, probably even worse. I mean there are more comments here about YG stans than Sones and that should be saying something.

  65. A room full of Blackjacks and Sones (well pretty much any fanclub under SM ent.) is what I picture hell to be like. I commented on 2ne1's new video, saying how Bom could not move her face without possibly undoing years of plastic surgery. I have since gotten 50 odd replies telling me to and I quote "Shut the fuck up, Bommie is beautiful - go die in a whole." Such lovely words :) Oh no, wait make that 55 replies. The girl is a living and breathing embodiment of a Japanese sex doll. Every time I look at her face, it looks as if some creepy single middle aged man has positioned her in that way in order to jizz all over her face. Just sayin' yo.

  66. SNSD Just because SONES are fucking annoying. "SNSD is talented, SNSD is this blahblahblah" their fans are so delusional.

  67. I'd love to tell the fucking sones out there to shut the fuck up and stop lying to themselves. They start all the freaking fanwars. If they can kindly stop commenting on other girl group's videos (2NE1, rookies), the world would obviously be a much better place, for EVERYBODY. If they weren't there, I wouldn't have even started hating on SNSD.

  68. ^Agree with you. They are the main reason why I avoid listening to SNSD. SONEs are super annoying in other girl group videos.

  69. SONES and ELFS, most annoying and cray cray fandoms EVER (Cassies are annoying as fuck too but they usually don't bash/insult/hate on other idols and only focus on their oppars whom they believe are the best).
    f(x), their "music" is trash.

  70. I'm seeing a lot of "SONEs start fanwars" comments. I hope you guys realize that there are A LOT of trolls out there who comment on other girl groups' videos saying "OMG SNSD IS SOOO MUCH BETTER" and things like that. There are a shit load of trolls trying to make them look bad.

  71. Why are people here acting like their own fandom have no delusional or retarded fans? Sure, I can confidently say that over 90% of SONEs are batshit insane and out of their minds, but it's only because there are so many fans, the retarded ones overshadow the logical and sensible ones.

    Fuck, I feel offended when people say all SONEs are retarded. Why the fuck does SNSD have these cunts as fans?

  72. ^ In some fandoms only the fans of the "face" are terrible fans (i.e 2NE1, T-ara, etc.)

  73. It's simple. Most fandoms are retarded, just wait for a scandal or a controversy to break out & everyone goes apeshizz, WW3 takes place on the internet. No-one in the world of K-pop is sane. No-one. Never have I encountered such a bunch of rabid ass mofos who think that K-pop runs the planet.

  74. ...& for the people crying about getting generalised, get the fuck over it. Generalisation is the norm in K-pop. K-pop isn't some psychological case study/investigation procedure that requires a cost benefit analysis where the additional info needs to be ruled out. Sit the hell down and get on with your life, none of this shit should bother you anyway.

  75. The only fandom I somewhat respect are the Hottests.

    Disregard the Jay Park controversy and they're pretty chill. They all seem to have gotten over it anyways

  76. B2uties are starting to evolve into ELFs, one of the most mentally disturbed and perverted fandoms out there. Shawols and Blockheads are next in line. SM idol fans take the cake on nurturing intellectually unstable fandoms. Never have I seen a slight gathering of YG idol fans commenting on SM idols videos compared to the opposite. That right there should indicate maturity levels and who is more boastful & competitive. If YG fans are boastful, it usually only intended as a response to SM fans who expect nothing less than domination by their idols.

  77. I would get rid of SM as a whole tbh because their fans tend to be as delusional as their artists are generic.

    But in all seriousness, it would be shinee. Their fans are probably the most in denial that I've ever come across. I mean if you feel the need to defend them and post things like "no he's not gay he's just a diva" or "he's not actually like that he was just joking he likes girls" in practically every fricken shinee related article, obviously it's because you know as well as everyone else that some of these members are not straight so stop denying it already. Jonghyun used to crossdress, Key is the definition of camp and his dream is to be like Ke$ha, and Onew shows more interest in his members than he's ever shown in a female and some of those idols are hot chicks. Minho is questionable and Taemin likes white chicks so I can't speak for them. But seriously they need to grow up and realize that some of those members are as straight as the name shinee. But then again being under sm which is the fanservice/homo powerhouse it's no wonder really.

  78. ^ Shinee implies flamboyant and FABOLOUS. So yes, I would have to agree with the notion of them swinging that way. Besides SNSD, the majority of SM fans are of the international variety which should hint you in more ways than one.

  79. Not gonna lie, a lot of ELFs annoy the living hell out of me, including the ones I know. A fan is immediately unbearable to me when they call anybody oppa or unnie.
    Nevertheless, I don't want Super Junior to go away because I enjoy their shows so much and it would break the little piece of my heart that I've mentally given to them :c
    that sounded gay :|

  80. SONE, ELF, Blackjack
    SONE and Blackjack annoyed me. They keep comparing girl group with their unnies
    ELF on the other hand keep on complaining about their oppa being treated badly

  81. How about those f(x) fans (whatever the fuck they are called)? They bug the shit out of me with their support of Manber. FUCK f(x)!

  82. JYJ and their fans. Because they're all stupidly leetist crybaby dramacunts. Which I wouldn't mind so much if their music was at least passably decent, but what little I've heard of it (ok I've only heard AyyyGurrrrrrrrrl and 20sec of that other song AKF posted on here awhile ago) it's so terribad it's almost not funny. But it's still funny. But mostly I'm sick of them blowing up twitter and flooding every article on allkpop that says anything by anyone about anything related to contracts or labels or SM or concerts that they weren't invited to or... like anything. Damn annoying.

  83. 2NE1 - they are so angry if anyone doesn't like them :D
    The new video of them is SUPER STUPID - i mean. WTF?!
    Who of the kpop stars are wearing THIS KIND OF CLOTHES? ARE THEY BITCHES NOW? it seems so.
    I dont like girl groups at all.

    BUT i have to say something, i mean, everybody likes an other kpop singer. Or maybe a whole band. But i DONT like those aggressive girls out there.

    i LIKE yoseob - cause he's strong and i love how his parents are in love with their son. I like the way he looks cause i like korean boys like that. i KNOW, he's the "cutie" but maybe i dont like old mans with a messy beard, haha lol. I'm really excited in his voice (at Soom and other songs)

  84. Simple.I'd do away with failbang and their retarded fans shit-ips,they think their oppars are Gods gift to music.Gay Dragon can't compose for shit the only saving grace in that group is TOP.I'd also get rid of 2ne1 (as much as this pains me)but blowjobs are just as annoying as their stan mates.I like 2ne1 but they aren't that amazing,nothing revolutionary,annoying dumbass fans too busy pole jerking to see that.
    The last two would be snsd and their super deluded sones,who don't seem to realise that in a group of 9 girls you can only confidently boast about 1 girl (who is also very mediocre) so the remaining 8 are useless.jyj are next super tired of their never ending pity party.like move the fuck on and their dumbass fangirls acting like their oppas are martyrs.

  85. SNSD/Sones and Super Junior/Elfs, I don't think I have to explain why...

  86. All kpop fandoms are horrible. All of them.

    The reason behind that is because kpop mostly attracts a specific type of people.. of course there are a diversity of people who like kpop, but the majority is female. A majority of those females are teenagers with the youngest being twelve years old. (just so you know, I'm a fifteen year old girl) All those females normally do not like themselves as people (because they hate their lives and are ungrateful) and model their lives after idols and "idolize" them because they believe they are perfect. They don't get laid often and are not attracted by other people so they feel that idols fulfill their romantic desires. They mostly focus on the physical appearance of idols and tend to ignore their EVIDENT imperfections just so their dreams of marrying them someday won't be shattered. They are female so they are easily envious, emotionally inclined, and tend to overemphasize things.

    The reason why you don't find these types of people in other fandoms (well, at least not at such a large majority) is because those genres don't really attract those people. It's because those genres are centered around MUSIC and not the idols (or artists) themselves. Kpop likes to focus on the idols and their image MUCH MUCH more than improving their music. (not that their music is horrible) The Hallyu Wave grows because it mostly attracts desperate teenage girls. If the Hallyu Wave ever stops, it would be because of these people. These people are the ones who hinder an idol's image, not the idols themselves. That's why there are people who refuse to like kpop because of these stans.

    There are plenty of fandoms I want to get rid of but I wouldn't want to get rid of the artists.. I believe that the fandoms make them seem worse than they actually are. That's why I used to be an SNSD fan... used to. I mean, I don't think 2NE1 is as bad as everyone says here... BlackJacks are fucking retarded. And Sones are officially the worst.... even Sones won't deny it.

    But if I had to choose one group to get rid of it would be Boyfriend. They make me so angry. Just by looking at them I want to hurt something. All of them are too fucking ugly to be idols. They are cookie cutter products of Starship Ent. They are overrated. There's nothing positively unique about them. Their musical experience equals Rebecca Black. They are popular FOR NO REASON. NO REASON AT ALL. They're more popular than groups that deserve so much more attention but for some reason never get the spotlight. I would have picked Ze:a, but their fans don't bother me as much as fucking Boyfriend. They're just as retarded as DBSK in their 'Balloons' days... but their singing can't even match Changmin's shrieking... yet they still had more fans in the first three days of their debut than the number of fans Infinite would have in a lifetime.

  87. I'd like to kill the Cassies, Blackjacks, VIPs, SONEs, b2uties, Shawols, ELFs, f(x), Super Junior and 2NE1. DUKE FUCKING NUKEM STYLE.

  88. LOL at everyone saying blackjacks. i agree. i remember when some girl from rania rejected YG, all the fucking blowjobs and yg worshippers bashed the shit outta the girl for rejecting the shitty ass company. PLEASE, the girl has more talent in a piece of hair than the entire company added together

    and sones. holy fucking mother of god, those bitches going around saying "omgZZZ T43NGo00~~ PWNs EVERYONE OMGZzzz BECuz SHE IZZ D4 BOMB AIGOO~~BEST SINGER eVER" how bout NO. shes average at best. and the hyoyeon stans annoy the shit outta me, we get it, shes not popular, get over it.

  89. 2NE1/BJs or SNSD/Sones, impossible to choose just one. Don't particularly hate their music or dislike the group. But (some/all of) their fans are what turn me off. I would give both groups a chance, honestly, but the fans really, I mean REALLY, kill it. I understand you like your group, but you don't have to worship them and totally bash anything that is competition. Both groups in my opinion are average... neither blow me away or grasp my attention. They are just there doing their thing. Some people might want to blast me away for saying such "outlandish" remarks, but maybe just this once be nonchalant and accept that people can sometimes not like what you like. If this were to happen, I believe some of these fanbases will be more bearable!

  90. Sones are by far the worst.
    They are so freakin annyoing

  91. Secret are fugly and talentless. They can neither sing nor dance. just get rid of them please

  92. SONES. SONES. They're retared and annoy the shit out me.
    They think those nine plastic faced fuglies are goddesses or something.

  93. YGent and that does not need and explaination...

  94. Cassies bug me. And I'm a Blackjack, but some blackjacks annoy me as well

  95. ^ Sand11 on AKP annoys the fucking shit out of EVERY Blackjack. And so does Kon sometimes.

  96. K-Blackjacks are pretty decent, though.

  97. YGFamily, they are HORRIBLE and so fucking annoying with "we are the best" and "YG Papa knows music" shit. They are all wannabes esp. 2ne1.

  98. SONES!! They are like a cult seriously, the girls are CRAZY!

  99. Sones and SNSD! No one likes them and their fake idol icons! They are so annoying too cause they're EVERYWHERE

  100. I'd like to get rid of SNSD and 2ne1 stans. You can't make a blatantg negative observation without them ripping your head off. I commented on this one video on how CL shouts too damn much and just needs to shut up sometimes and their all like "you shut up" "shes on stage perfoming, something youll never know about" Did I ask to be a singer..NO!
    But as for like mainly the group i'd like to get rid of it'd have to be (though I do enjoy some songs) but Shinee. Only because their stans act as if everything they touch is gold and they seem to believe that sh*t too. Asian Beatles?? Whaaaa?!?!?!

  101. SNSD just because i'm really getting tired of the fact that anything that comes has to be even remotely linked to them.

  102. This comment has been removed by the author.

  103. I'd personally like to get rid of SuJu, SNSD, f(x), SHINee, b2st, Wonder Girls and most other mainstream K-pop group. Why? Those groups are overrated and so is their fanclubs!

  104. YG stans---> I'm fuckin tired of their "original oppas/unnies" Oh,and HipHop/RnB+colorful outfits don't belong to YG. They go around calling others copycats when their (tryhard) groups have had tons of plagiarism issues (learn from SM babies,they buy the songs before,not after).

    SONES & ELFs---> the worst fandoms by far. No explanation needed.

    Cassies---> "asfsdzf they are gods, no one can beat them, they are gods,they are the most talented, they are gods, they are superior, they are gods..." + all the cry-cry comments about JYJ/Homin

  105. SNSD. Not because of the members, but SONES are really annoying!

  106. Sones. I always find a sone in other groups video saying how is snsd better. Just get rid of this group. And pretty much all the SM groups, for boys bands they go pairing them randomly everytime 2 of them happen to watch each other more than 3seconds. For girl groups they are always like "OMMGGG!! SO PRETTYYY! SO SEXYYY! When they say at other "OMG! WHORE (Or horny slut, it depends)".

    I'm a BJ myself but I usually don't say it because others will start treating me as a retard YG stan. I know bom did (a lot of) Ps, Cl is not really pretty, minzy doesn't have a great figure and dara can't sing.

  107. F(x) as a group because there music all sounds the same. Sone's for obvious reasons and Shawols because there all a bunch of overly obsessive horny fat chicks, just UGH!


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