Saturday, July 9, 2011

Big Bang's Top and m-flo's Verbal hooking up for a project?



Rumors are swirling on 2ch (the Japanese site that 4ch is based off of) that Big Bang's Top is preparing to release a solo song in Japan. The story is that while Big Bang was promoting in Japan last year, Top met up with Verbal. They met a few times and people speculated that they were making a song together. There was a rumored track list for m-flo's second tribute album (which came out earlier this year) with Prism on it but it didn't make the final cut. It was planned to be released in early August (meaning Top was gonna release this as a solo) but with the Daesung incident the song has been pushed back. For some reason the hackers from 2ch were only able to get the lyrics from the song.

It's rumored that the song is basically the same as the original but with Top's verses replacing Verbal's verses.

As for Top's lyrics:

[Verse 1]
Blasting off from Earth riding the meteorite flow
My launch is the top story on the media night show
Tearing through the atomosphere faster than light speed
Propelled by the soundwaves from my voice
Destroying these space invaders is my last deed
Fuckers obstructed and left me with no choice
Into the cosmos and my ears revert to their natural shape
I'm Vulcan mother fucker don't compare me to an ape
This meteorite is shaking and becoming out of control
I'm running over this meteor that has a drunken soul
Being challenged by local MCs and being sucked in by the gravity of Jupiter
These fools can't handle my Vulcan flow and their rhymes are making me stupider
Give me a broom because I need to sweep you fuckers into orbit
You bitches repeat the same line and whore it
You fuckers can try putting me in prison
But with this mic I can't die like Prism

[Verse 2]
Blasted back into space meeting members of other alien races
Fuckers tried battling but lost to me and are in a permanent state of stasis
The intergalactic police after me for a crime that was heinous
Spat out a bar and they got sucked into Uranus
Edge of the solar system and I run into a sand dragon
This mother fucker is a hater and jumped on the bandwagon
Four bars and this beast went down and his body dispersed
I hopped back on the meteor, done with wack rappers
In the vicinity of Vulcan when the holy trinity introduced me to the fappers
That belonged to my fanclub and I realized I was cursed
They were watching my horrible acting from Iris
So bad that song critics would praise Miley Cyrus
A man barged in and I was in a state of crisis
We battled and his rhymes were ahead of the times
My body was weakened and infected with a virus
For my defeat I had to face the punishment of my crimes
The government gave me a small penis after taking away my big wang
What's worse is that they made me a member of Big Bang


  1. erm...are u gonna change the first picture?/

  2. Edge of the solar system and I run into a sand dragon


  3. The first pic took a lil bit to load when it finally did,I had a good chuckle.spark and TOP do kinda look familiar.oi does that mean I can fap to spark now.WHAT??????

  4. ^
    Brain fart I meant they look similar not familiar.its almost 4:00 am here so....

  5. ^ You mean Spock.

  6. I hope for all thing sane that this isnt true!!!

  7. I would've thought he'd be happy to be part of Big Bang. He has the eternal adulation of thousands upon thousands of disgusting Korean fangirls, and it's not like he's gonna stand out with a small penis in KOREA of all places.

    He could conceivably never run out of pussy for the rest of his life! And if his groupies happen to be sickening female slobs, well, that's why they have paper bags.

    Rap on TOP. Rap on.

  8. Considering what Jaejoong and Yoochun did to "Been So Long" on the first tribute album...

    I hope he's only featuring in a song or something. Because there are singing bits in m-flo songs that I'm sure he won't be able to do... He's not Shimizu Shota, after all. -_- (I liked his version of "Let Go".)

  9. 10:18 got trolled.

  10. KWANGHEE OPPA'S BIGGEST FANJuly 10, 2011 at 11:56 AM


  11. That pic made me lose it...


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