Saturday, July 9, 2011

K-pop fans who bash Justin Bieber to make their bias look superior need to GTFO & STFD.

/INB4 lame tl;dr comments.

So whenever I'm checking out a MV on youtube it's pretty goddamn inevitable to come across those moronic 'like/thumbs up whores' who spam youtube with their obnoxious comments. What's worse is when they use everyone's favourite punching bag, none other than Justin Bieber. It's come to a point where bandwagon hate is practically synonymous with the teen heartthrob.

Surprisingly 90% of the hate on JB from K-pop fanatics come from none other than...Shawols.

Here are some screenshots you'll find on a day to day basis on K-pop MV's by 'like whores'  who use Justin Bieber as a blatant excuse to get likes by mentioning the oh-so-predictable statements such as 'the like bar is onew's dick (Dubulge whores) and the dislike bar is Justin Bieber's dick' 'Taemin is 100 x better than JB' 'JB sings like a 12 year old girl while SHINee are amazing' 'Koreans are sooo lucky we Americans get lesbians like JB while Korea gets hotties like SHINee oppas'.

Your stupidity baffles Blair too.

Not only do morons exist on youtube but they exist in the forums too.
No words people, no words.
There are many more screencaps but I'm too lazy to post all of them.
Whenever I read such atrocious comments made by K-pop fanatics about Justin Bieber I feel like it's the appropriate moment to bust out doing a beautiful rendition of  Alanis Morisette's Ironic.
  1. It's funny how JB's hated by K-pop fans for being a girl or sounding like a girl when in fact more than half of male K-pop idols *coughHeechul/Key/Jo Kwon/ are the ones that dress up in drag, wear heavy make-up *cough2pmcough*, kiss each other on stage and do ridiculous stuff for fanservice *coughSujucough* and have ridiculously girly voices too. Furthermore aren't the horny fangirls the ones that go around drawing x-rated guyxguy fanfics and fanart *coughJongkey/Yunjaecough* yet they have the audacity to take a 180 degree turn and bash Bieber for being androgynous and effeminate, the hypocrisy simply baffles me.
  2. Talking about how 'untalented' he is. WHAT A JOKE. The majority of your oppas & unnies train for 3+ years yet they fail to impress the masses when they're live. Usher & JT had a bidding war on this kid, something your bias would only dream of. JB on the other hand fares better than them even though his singing is decent, he single-handedly pulls off a performance that's 10 x better than your everyday idol group. Plus he plays 4 instruments too and writes his own lyrics, if that's what people brand as 'untalented' then OMG y'all I have no idea as to what 'talent' 90% of your oppas and unnies possess.
  3. Then you have K-pop fans talking about how retarded Bielibers are when in fact K-pop fans are just the same if not even worse.
  4. 'JB makes shit and generic music, the lyrics are so damn cheesy and lame' ,bitch please. K-pop is goddamn generic too but y'all choose to listen to it & LMAO don't even get me started on the lyricism seen in K-pop 'fantastic elastic' 'supertronic hypertonic' 'let me see ya lalalala love me hey yayayaya'. Yup they define the term ingenious. /sarcasm.

Y'all can all go jump on the bandwagon and hate JB all you want, IDGAF but please for the love of Lord Voldemort (latest HP movie on the 15th oh yeah bitches) try not to embarrass yourself by saying that your oppas & unnies are more relevant than JB. That guy sells more than your bias could dream of & has more fans, plus he manages to do all this at a very young age which is quite an achievement in itself. Oh and guess what some K-pop idols have even admitted to liking Justin Bieber.

...& no I'm not even a fan of this kid but denying the fact that he's a talented artist is just plain stupid. Credit should be given where it's due and not to some of your aesthetically pleasing idols who simply flash their abs and wink at you while shaking their booty in a gravity defying manner making your undies wet. 

Long read aye?
Here have a Lord Voldemort gif.

Yes, I Lord Voldemort shall 'avarda kedavra' your asses if you act stupid.


  1. read it all and agree with everything.
    What most kpopers dont understand is that most of the songs are almost as plain as you can get, there is basically no distinction in the kpop world because its all generic shit. Bieber songs might be generic, but the little fucking kid can sing and is very talented. I give him props for that, even though I will never come to liking him. Little kid acts better then many of the idol "actors" lol

    The one thing that is huge in the kpop fandom is hypocrisy, its fucking rampant.

    also, how the fuck you pronouce shawols. Fuck did that come from?

    1. Listen you !!! There is this magical thing called YouTube and with our magical hands , we can simply type How to pronounce Shawol , if there is no result then ask a Shawol . BTW I love all kpop bands n idols (except for the ones I don't listen to that diss my biases like rapper b free) . Justin beiber is talentless (its what happens when you skip puberty) compare to idols like suga , Jimin , v etc. Idols are multitalented , they could dance , rap (at least most of them could) , sing , act and they don't spit on their fans or threw a bouquet of flowers back in their fans face like a certain someone does . Has justin beiber ever donated money to help a sick kid like g-dragon did ? And don't get started on plastic surgery cuz bands like big bang n bts are completely free of them plus they're Damn fashionable and sweet . Not forgetting their beautiful abs (jimin , v �� etc. ) . All of justin beibers songs are basically about sex n shit like that . Kpop idols got talent and could beat justin bieber anytime , anywhere !!! Peace off !

  2. If you can only make your bias look good/relevant by bashing justin bieber then that's just plain sad... for you and your bias

  3. I do not think that Justin Beiber has much talent; the four instruments he plays, he plays at a very basic level [ask anybody who can actually play]; Idols like Ryeowook who play only one instrument play much better than he does. And the lyrics he writes are pretty horrible. Idols who write their own lyrics [something that they unfortunately only get to do once they are famous] have better lyrical content, even though the subject matter is the same [which had me disappointed. The only people who write lyrics about other things are JYJ and look at the shit they get because of it] [Insa - Jaejoong, Obsession - Jonghyun etc are better songs than Never Say Never lyrically, IMO].
    I still agree with you though. Shawols for the most part keep bashing Justin Beiber and it really annoys me because my motto has always been "don't like? Don't watch."
    Also I apologize and I'm not a homophobe but those incredibly graphic Yunjae/Jongkey/Eunhae fanarts and fanfics kind of sick me out.
    Kpop idols for the most part have less talent than Justin Beiber, but I genuinely believe the more prominent ones [DBSK etc] have more.
    Also, agreed with anon @9:38
    I would never go to a video about Eunhyuk and say something about Justin Beiber, because its completely irrelevant what I think of JB when the video has nothing to do with him.

  4. To be fair, contemporary American music for the most part is shit and generic, the only difference is that I can't understand the lyrics in K-pop, whereas in American pop, I can't help it.

    In K-pop, I can ignore what they're saying and enjoy that delicious pop goodness. In America, I'm forced to stop myself and say "really? Why would you say something so stupid, what happened to the RZAs and the GZAs of the world?!"

  5. Okay that post came out too biased.
    Still want to reiterate that for the most part, I agree with you. Justin Beiber is far more successful than anybody in kpop who is active right now, and I dislike the JB bashing -_-

  6. i don't like Bieber either but i always find myself defending him.
    i used to be a Jonas Brothers fan (lol not a crazy one, i just like the boys and their music when they actually sang some good pop stuff) and Jonas fans hate on him constantly, when really Jonas and Bieber aren't that different. Jonas just disguises their product-ness better than Bieber.
    I'm too old to really get into Bieber, but he's really not that bad. he's one of the American only pop stars left who dances and actually puts on a good performance (side eyes Katy Perry, Ke$ha, every other pop idol who pretends to be above being a product)
    i guess i could go on forever about American pop music and what i like and don't like about it but anyway my point is that bandwagon hate is so stupid
    honestly his haters are more annoying than his fans.

  7. I wouldn't go as far to call him talented, but better than your average Kpop idol? Definitely.

    Loved the Blair gif but... I thought that Michael gif was for me and me only.

    1. to say true, justin can sing, dance and play instruments but that's not that impressive, for the boys and girls band there's not 1 person but 4,5,6... so one can be awesome in dancing, another in singing, and it's true some have just the role of visual and it's sad but groups like super junior have real talents, all of them and they have charism heechul is extremely funny cute and charismatic, so we come to like him, and the fact that he isn't good enough in dancing or acting doesn't matter because they are 10 in the group.

  8. Before I even begin, this whole concept of a post fails. This post is clearly made to defend Justin Bieber, prove me wrong. This isn't a Bieber fan club site.

    'Surprisingly 90% of the hate on JB from K-pop fanatics come from none other than...Shawols.' - Where is this information from, any proof?

    'Not only do morons exist on youtube but they exist in the forums too.' - So you're calling everyone that bashes on Justin Bieber a moron? Typical of a fangirl. Also, 'morons' exist everywhere.

    'when in fact more than half of male K-pop idols *coughHeechul/Key/Jo Kwon/ are the ones that dress up in drag, wear heavy make-up *cough2pmcough*, kiss each other on stage and do ridiculous stuff for fanservice *coughSujucough* and have ridiculously girly voices too. ' - Once again, prove it.

    'The majority of your oppas & unnies train for 3+ years yet they fail to impress the masses when they're live.' - What do you mean, fail to impress? Look at the immense number of fanboys/fangirls who love their concerts/performances.

    'Usher & JT had a bidding war on this kid, something your bias would only dream of.' - Wrong. I bet if someone like Taeyang told everyone he'd sell his body to a fangirl, there would be a massive bidding fest.

    'JB on the other hand fares better than them even though his singing is decent, he single-handedly pulls off a performance that's 10 x better than your everyday idol group.' - He fares better then them because he has a bigger fanbase. And Justin Bieber has lip synced some of his performances. That's definitely not 10 x better than my everyday idol group.

    'Plus he plays 4 instruments too and writes his own lyrics, if that's what people brand as 'untalented' then OMG y'all I have no idea as to what 'talent' 90% of your oppas and unnies possess.' - He doesn't write his own SONGS, he writes a couple lyrics here and there. Good job, anyone can do that. And playing 4 instruments and writing some lines here and there makes him more talented then 90% of k-pop idols? Not even close.

    'Then you have K-pop fans talking about how retarded Bielibers are when in fact K-pop fans are just the same if not even worse.' - I have yet to see a single k-pop fan talk about how retarded Beliebers are.

    '& has more fans, plus he manages to do all this at a very young age which is quite an achievement in itself. Oh and guess what some K-pop idols have even admitted to liking Justin Bieber.' - If you're talking about young age, I'll be waiting for a post defending groups like GP Basic. Also, give me 2 k-pop idols who said they liked Bieber with evidence.


    I'll be waiting for your reply.

  9. Don't forget to blur out the YT vid user's names, yo, in the name of nonexistent anonymity

  10. oh god. I cannot wait for 10:39 to die please reply well guys

  11. 10:39, stoppit, liver-for-brains. Just because you cross-ref every paragraph doesn't mean you know how to refute. Essentially you just argued "prove it" "show me" and "ur wrong."

    Justin Bieber is annoying as hell sometimes. Some kpop idols are annoying as hell sometimes. Each's level of talent is dubious compared to their hype and amount of diehard fans.

    Bieber will be more well-known and weathier than any idol. Idiots who make the abovementioned youtube comments need to grow a brain.

  12. 10:52 no one's standing with your stupidity either, so don't make it like the rest of us are chummy with you

  13. 10:54.
    'Just because you cross-ref every paragraph doesn't mean you know how to refute.'

    Definition of refute:
    1. Prove (a statement or theory) to be wrong or false; disprove.
    2. Prove that (someone) is wrong.

    I'm asking her to prove her statement. If she fails to prove her statement, I have - 1. Proved (a statement) to be wrong or false

  14. Justin Biber has fair talent. Youtube was what got him started because of his "cute" looks, majority of females fell for him. Because of this reason, it was enough for Usher to sign him due to the fact that Usher knew it he was able to bring JB out, he would make a lot of money. Just like the KPOP Ent. industry; looks, fair talent is all you need. Plus majority of the idols got plastic surgery as it is common in Korea more than the states.

    JB is more popular than most of Korean idols but the popularity came from partly luck.

  15. ANON @10:39
    [//even though I think kpop is better than JB xD]
    read the comments
    Shawols and beliebers hate each other:

    Heechul's fanservice:
    I love Wookie and he has one thousand times the singing talent JB does, but people love his voice even though its high and hate JB's

    Who gives a fuck if fangirls would bid for Taeyang? Can you name one single fangirl who has a fanclub of her own and a significant impact on the mainstream music industry?

    even if he lip syncs, it can't be as bad as this.

    "I have yet to see a single k-pop fan talk about how retarded Beliebers are."
    evidently you have never been to allkpop

    SHINee's Jonghyun is a JB fan
    Key likes JB songs

  16. 11:06 have you ever heard of he-said-she-said? OP won't be able to prove certain claims true, and you won't be able to prove them certifiably false, either.

  17. "What do you mean, fail to impress? Look at the immense number of fanboys/fangirls who love their concerts/performances."

    Fangirls and fanboys =/= the masses
    In fact, if you have spoken to anybody from Korea, ever, you will know that the idol industry does not impact such a large part of the population.

  18. " He doesn't write his own SONGS, he writes a couple lyrics here and there. Good job, anyone can do that. And playing 4 instruments and writing some lines here and there makes him more talented then 90% of k-pop idols? Not even close. "

    Yes actually, it does. [read: SULLI.]

  19. "So you're calling everyone that bashes on Justin Bieber a moron?"

    Anybody who bashes anything mindlessly without adequate knowledge or substantiation is a moron.


  20. @10:39
    "'when in fact more than half of male K-pop idols *coughHeechul/Key/Jo Kwon/ are the ones that dress up in drag, wear heavy make-up *cough2pmcough*, kiss each other on stage and do ridiculous stuff for fanservice *coughSujucough* and have ridiculously girly voices too. ' - Once again, prove it. "

    are u fucking shitting me? where the fuck have you been? you have NEVER seen any of this being done?! WOW

  21. This article speaks so much truth. I love the double standards in Kpop, because they love how feminine their male idols are yet get their vaginas pissed the second you call them gay but they'll go do the SAME SHIT to ppl less gay.

    P.S. Love the Voldemort/Blair combo

  22. Justin Bieber makes more money, had a world tour, a movie, and was discovered on Youtube. And, like you said, Usher and Justin Timberlake has a BIDDING WAR over who would get to sign him.

    Shawols can hate on JB all they want, but he's more successful—not just in the US, but worldwide—than they are.

    Bieber wins. Sorry, Shawols.

  23. This article is a heavenly treat ♥

  24. Gaylord beiber (or is it bieber) is still a gaylord.
    Success does not equate talent,yeah sure gaylord is mega rich and successful in that context but he has very little talent.he isn't selling albums because he is the next johnny cash but because he has an army of mindless tweens buying into what he calls 'music'.

    Kpop fans and gaylord fans are the same.We all, over estimate our biases abilities,lawd knows I've done it.

  25. Biebs is pretty gay,
    and apparently so are you.

  26. The bashing is ridiculous but bebier or whatever being talented is questionable. Maybe he has some more talent than the average idol, but not more talent than shinee as a whole, for example. His lyrics are lame anyways and he plays those instruments he plays them at a very basic level. He sings ok I guess
    Oh, and beliebers and some kpop fangirls are equally crazy

  27. I bet the author (suckmydee) is one of the prepubescent girl who want to have (lesbian?)sex with him. lol

  28. well, you still have to remember that American Pop is embraced all over the world while K-pop isn't.. This isn't an issue of how many fans Beiber has compared to K-pop groups.. it's an issue of how many people listen to American pop than K-pop.

    Plus, Beiber disses fans, throws CDs to the ground AND he doesn't know what Germany is.. so yeah.

  29. We don't make fun of Bieber cause he's not talented (His talent level could be debated) but because it's fkin hilarious.
    SuckMyD You're being WAY too anal about this topic.

  30. Awesome post OP!! Very true. Though I do not like Bieber, Kpop fans are being hypocritical by bashing him. Most K-Pop idols do not even lesser "talent" compared to Beiber. *coughMINHOcough*

    (I think Shawols started because of a Key gif. Beliebers thought it was Bieber. Cry me a river Shawols)

  31. What an AWESOME entry! I am also not a fan of Bieber but damn I totally agree to this! LOL @ Voldemort and Blair gif. especially the comment. When I see SUJU I automatically think they're a yaoi band hahaha!

  32. 'when in fact more than half of male K-pop idols *coughHeechul/Key/Jo Kwon/ are the ones that dress up in drag, wear heavy make-up *cough2pmcough*, kiss each other on stage and do ridiculous stuff for fanservice *coughSujucough* and have ridiculously girly voices too. ' - Once again, prove it.

    do you really want us to prove that...?!
    i cant even. where do you live!? excuse me, but how can you NOT have recognized this?! its impossible!!
    i can not believe this. i think youre just trolling.

    damn. i cant get over the fact, that an apparent kpop-fan questions the guyliners, the crossdressing or the homo-fanservice which are prectically UBIQUITOUS in kpop!! what have you done all the time?! where have you been?!

  33. Oh my goodness, finally someone who has the same opinion. I applaud you.

  34. ahahaahahahah

    Justin Bieber actually has more talent than most kpop groups and i aint even a JB stan....look at where he is and where these kpop groups is...

    tell me who made himself/themselves famous....justin bieber or is it one of these synthetic groups put together through "auditions"

  35. Anon @3:40 actually that was a picture of MBLAQ's Mir and A+ don't particularly care xD

  36. I'm a Shawol but I agree with this so much. I don't even like Justin Bieber xD

    I didn't know that it was usually Shawols that do this, though.

    @Rotaryknight - Shawol is a shortened version of the Korean pronunciation of SHINee World...

  37. @liley: "Talent" is something that, after it reaches a certain point, remains in the eye of the beholder. That is always going to be someone who thinks that someone is more talented than another (& therefore, "better). There are people in the world who play the guitar better than E-Young, people who dance better than Taemin, people who sing better than Kyuhyun... But JB is more successful because he is more popular. The music industry is not about who's talented, it's about who's popular. Popularity = success.

    - - - - -

    Something a lot of K-pop fans fail to do is realize there is a world outside of K-pop... and it's an exponentially bigger one. The music scene in Korea is bursting with catchy music, but that music only sticks around for a month at most before another song becomes popular.

    How many people still sing Kesha's "Tik Tok" or JB's "Baby"? Or Gaga's "Pokerface"?

    K-pop basically consists of forgettable music. That is why people like Bieber are more successful than they are, without trying.

    And why every idol venturing into the US is going to fail. Hard.

  38. ^ well I dunno about you but I never hit the 'next' button when 'again and again' or 'shock' comes on shuffle, off the top of my head.

    ps. ironic how leighton meester is expressing disapproval. now there's an actress who should stick to acting, and stop trying to bloody sing

  39. Dang that is a long post.

    The Justin Bieber potshots are not unique to kpop fans. Not by a long stretch. I've seen it hmmm everywhere and by everyone and by now it's pretty cliche. It'll pass soon enough, or not, but either way. Who cares?

    I miss Michael Scott.

    Alanis Morisette's examples of "irony" in the song "Ironic" are ironically not ironic. They are just things that suck.

  40. lol it's funny that the author can't say anything about Bieber without being called a "gay fan"
    fangirls gm the opposite of h

  41. truth is that neither have talent, for the most part. well, not enough to impress me, that is.

  42. Great article. I enjoy when you make posts like this: true,funny and without excessive bashing on idols.

    And also,LMFAO at the butthurt comments I see.

  43. the reason i dislike Bieber is not because of his talent, looks, or voice, cuz he's good in those categories.

    but the kid is a disrespectful douche. He locks up a director in a closet as a "joke" and his stupid fans all defend him saying that it's okay for him to play those jokes since he's a teenager!?!?!

    **rolls eyes** had i done that, i would get my ass wooped so bad.

  44. Truth is most kpop fans and JB fans are the same. Oh and JB being talented is questionable.

  45. Very good points. I've never seen too many differences between "beliebers" & kpop fans & the shawol thing is right on, but this article seemed a little bieber biased. Here are my two cents:

    1. The bieber sounds/looks like a girl thing, is old. Yes, I did mistake him for a girl when I first heard his voice, but in kpop, well, only that one guy from infinite truly sounds like a girl. Anyone else with a high voice, like Ryeowook, sounds like a guy. Yes, a guy with a higher voice than many of female fans, but I wouldn't confuse him for a girl if I just heard his voice. Cross dressing & fan service is what fan girls like. If fans didn't like it, idols would -probably- never do it. Makeup is just a concept thing & plenty of non kpop bands wear guyliner and other forms of makeup (though 2pm's eyeshadow would make RuPaul proud). Bieber on the other hand, isn't that androgynous (albeit I haven't seen him cross dress, so I truly don't know how pretty he is) but many kpop idols just flat out look prettier/girlier than Bieber even when not in drag. As for the fanfiction...no comment. That shit scares me.

    2. Ehh...no one goes to kpop for talent. Bieber isn't that talented, IMO. Well, the kid could hold a note, but play 4 instruments? Yes he can -play- them but he's not insanely good at any of them so I don't see how this is relevant. Anyone can play any instrument at his level with a little practice. Not sure what performances of bieber -I've- watched, but 10x better than most idol groups? They're on par, I'd have to say. As for songwriting, I believe some idols -can- write songs (why they don't, I've always thought was a company thing), but when they have, they've been just as generic and meaningless as Bieber's.

    3. Agreed.

    4. Fact = kpop lyrics are worse than Bieber's. but since I don't speak korean, IDGAF. The engrish is good enough for me.

    /. . .that wasn't supposed to be so lengthy.

  46. @Kommie..
    "The music industry is not about who's talented, it's about who's popular."
    that is the saddest statement ive read on this blog.It highlights where we've gone as the human race,such a shame,that we will pass up actual talent and instead choose to be content with mediocrity and complacency.What a fucking shame.I suppose we aren't to far from what this documentary spoke about.


  47. GAYnee is 5 times more gayer than JB for the following reasons:

    1. They have yuck sense of fashion
    2. They try hard to act straight but they fail.
    3. They try hard to act beastly by doing certain things(eg. MinHo tried TOO hard to win at the Idol Olympics by winning most of the medals to make himself look more manlier, fail).
    4. They can't come up with their own music. Always taking tracks from 'American' singers. Also, they get American songwriters instead of Korean ones. Very unoriginal and Korean-less.

    The only difference is that GAYnee are gay while JB is a girl.

  48. "Then you have K-pop fans talking about how retarded Bielibers are when in fact K-pop fans are just the same if not even worse."

    I definitely agree with this point. Just LOOK at these Sones(BOTH boys & girls). They are so effing delusional.

    They go to the extreme just to prove to everyone that SNSD is more popular than KARA in Japan. LMAO they even made a post at 6Theory forums about the ratings that SNSD got while appearing on Music Station and compared it to Kara & BEAST.
    Plus, they always wave the number of sales that SNSD has with their album when arguing with people who don't agree with them.

    Little do these delusional and arrogant Sones realize is that its NOT the Japanese people who got the sales up or the ratings up. Its THEM, the non-Japanese international Sones disguising as Wapanese Sones just to get SNSD to #1 in Japan.

    Get a life you arrogant Sones. Your not SNSDs' parents. They can handle themselves well enough in Japan on their own. Want them to be more popular in Japan? Let them be on their own. Getting them to #1 there doesn't mean that the whole of Japan are gonna bow down to your idol.

    I want Oricon to reveal the sales that SNSD got for their debut Japanese album. Let's see how many LOCAL Japanese people and INTERNATIONAL people bought the album. In terms of sales in Japan, Local < International for SNSD. So don't you arrogant Sones go around telling people that they have surpassed Kara yet :P

  49. okay i admit it some shawols make others look bad, sometimes i'm embarrassed -___-

  50. What is Gaynee?

  51. LMAO. Nevermind. I just got it.


  52. "The music industry is not about who's talented, it's about who's popular."

    Damn true. So basically I see the comparison between Kpop-idols & Bieber is irrelevant, since they're both irrelevant themselves. Ppl come to Kpop idols not for listening to music solely, and you must be kidding to say that those Beliebers worship him like a living saint 'cause his music is the best or he is more talented that most ppl. And besides, for an outsider as me, SOME Beliebers & Kpop fans are equally "delusional", ur favorite words, but I've seen many ppl loving K-pop (when I say Kpop it's not only idols' Kpop) who are very respectable & knowledgeable & some Beliebers who are very cute in real life, so I see bashing them as a whole is also very irrelevant.

  53. Both Bieber and K-pop have their share of retarded fans. What a shame.

  54. Oh yeah~ more exposed Youtube trolls.
    Time to troll the trolls.
    Great job on the article! Definitely made my day :D

  55. Shawols & Blibers(idgaf)= same thing
    Gayness poll kpop takes the cake. Yeh Bieber looks like a girl which alot of kpop guys do too, but at least he doesn't try to accentuate it with fugly guyliner etc.

    Both groups in their own respects can sing but I give mad props to JB over kpop groups for the simple thing that he is holding the stage by himself. Most groups share the stage with 5+ members. Of course you can/should sound good when you get 3secs and then pass the stick onto the next person.

    I actually like JB music *don't shoot me* I seriously don't find it all that "gay and stupid." Well not compared to most mainstream music today. I like some kpop songs too but the engrish in it..yikes! For me, an english speaker, it really brings the song down. If your gonna try to get the international fans active do some research, or ask the growing number of foreigners already in kpop how it sounds.

    As for the blind Shawols bashing JB they seriously need to just take off the blindfolds and view their actions, and their artists to him and notice their isn't much of a diff.

  56. REAL TALK Justin plays several instruments - yes impressive.


    Kid can't sing live or otherwise.
    Kid can't dance to save his life.
    All kid's songs sound EXACTLY the same.
    Kid is ignorant and high on himself.
    Kid has the personality of a wet mop.
    Kid doesn't just look a little fem, he looks like a legit butch lesbian. Male equivalent of f(x)'s Amber in a skirt.

    Usher/JT bidding war had nothing to do with talent. It was all about how to make that preteen-daddy-buy-me-that CASH MONEYS.

    That being said the examples k-stangirls use to combat this boy's popularity (ugh Heechul/Key/ Jokwon well at least Jokwon CAN sing) are pretty pathetic. But I guess with k-pop there is more variety to choose from compared to one lonely boy...who doesn't even promote what he does well. That is play 4 instruments, is it?

    Let's bring it back to JT can we? JC was the only good singer from NSYNC. JT's music isn't as great without the tweaking from other writers and producers. Asians in general can dance better than him. He's just a tone-deaf, spoiled brat's Usher.

    But hey if it's white, light, good and bright it will always sell.

    - I need at least good music or good vocals to care, preferably both.

  57. The problem here is the bias. Both sides bash each other, but I know a lot of K-pop fans who don't like Bieber and yet don't bash. And I also know a lot of Bieber fans who don't like K-pop and don't bash either. There will always be those stupid, idiotic fans who will go over-the-top and bash other groups/artists, but there are still some out there who don't. Writing an article like this is just making you as bad as them for bashing them/their comments/their preferences. Let's all grow up a bit and stop these stupid fanwars rather than taking part in them.

  58. lol ~ funny >.> you come here saying they should "STOP BASHING YOUR PRECIOUS BEIBER" but here you are venting and bashing kpop idols . do i smell sarcasm burning ? LOL ~ let me tell you something , there are COUNTLESS times where i click into a kpop vid and all i see is some ignorant BEIBER fan talking about how your BEIBER is better and blah blah blah . whatever . okay , everyone has their own opinions but i guess BEIBER fans are just too ignorant to see that what they're commenting on is NOT A BEIBER video ! kpop fans do that because of the extent where they were insulted by childish comments from BEIBER fans . cause and effect . get over it and stop acting like you're the right one when you're on the same level as those who you call stupid . if you want to be mature , keep your mouth shut and stay out of it ... oh wait , you ARE NOT MATURE .. teehee ~ *bows* 죄송 해요 ~ :P

  59. nice blog. your totally right. but i think respect is the solution. its the music,entertainment,artists,fans and the people who helps them is what really matters ;) not the opinion of just some random person who spreads hate and bitterness :))

  60. I don't know about all of you, but the person who wrote this article seems to have a good point, and from my own personal opinion (i live in Korea)
    I think K-pop is talentless but catchy, although it gets too mainstream so it gets annoying after a while. I think Kpop just requires good looking people and making them dance and sing, and the producers write their songs, thats it! :/ hardly any instruments it's all just generic. So I'm sick and tired of hearing K-pop fanatics saying k-pop is the best thing in the world.
    I'm not a Justin beiber Fan either, but give the little guy a break, he is just doing what he loves and he is doing better than all of you will ever do in your entire life, as you sit in your fat ass and rant about how k-pop is better than justin beiber. ugh i'm done here, this is useless and a waste of time :/ im not gonna open anybody's eyes, but fan clubs are retarded and that is why i hate idols :/

  61. Gosh! I dont like JB and no bcuz im a kpop fan... actually since the beginin' of his career..i just dont like him... but i can agree the boy has talent... as well as the kpop idols that i love and taht you are talkin shit~ (._.) Yeah~ maybe kpop idols have to be trainin' for 3 years or more... but beliebe me when I tell you that... thats why all of them or the major part are so talented in what they do~ that they make gay things..well fan service is somethin' that works for them...they do stupid things?! at least they shown that they are still people...and no a 16 year old boy who think is god! Maybe they dont have the popularity of JB but watch out!!! really :0 life could be like a chocolates box... never know what is going to be~ maybe kpop idols dont work with USHER & more... but they work with WILL.I.AM (black eye peas)...with Ludacris, Snoop Dog~ and I can bet the list of world artist workin with kpop artist will be bigger! with the time :3 OK LETS MAKE IT SIMPLE... IF JB FANS DONT SAY SHIT ABOUT OTHER GROUPS (no matter the country) THE WORLD IS GONNA BE IN PEACE WITH THEM~ :)

  62. I both agree and disagree on this, because on a lot of K-Pop MV's there's always some troll who tries to make out that k-pop idols are whores and talentless compared to JB. And same same, its mostly just Troll's who do this or possibly the sasaeng fans (crazy-stalker fans) who do stupid things like this. Yes, I agree, but I also find this offensive because you're basically saying ALL K-Pop fans and Shawols are bashing American artists when the majority of us listen to them and love them.

  63. I never thought the day would come where I would find a post as dumb as this. What the hell did I just read? -_-
    I used to be a JB hater, but now, I would say I almost like him. He's not bad, and I definitely don't think that the hating on him is appropriate. Nobody deserves it, and honestly I think JB deserves attention and money, because I think he works for it. HOWEVER. As stated by others before, to sit there and say that 90% of the haters are Shawols is just...not fair; what kind of made of B.S. is this? I'm not even a Shawol, but wtf man, where is there any proof of this??
    Also the other arguments about kpop stars "failing to impress live"? I'm guessing that is another one of YOUR opinions again, because obviously this isn't true, or people wouldn't pay to go and see them, now would they?

    Additionally, kpop idols do have to work for what they want to, even though, it may seem easy, they have their fair share of work and training.

    Half of your other points are freaking OPINIONS.
    To sum it up, I agree, you have a valid point that Kpop fans should stop bashing on Bieber, and yea, they shouldn't sit there and try and make Kpop seem better than everything else, but YOU shouldn't sit there and be a hypocrite by doing the exact same thing-- Bashing Kpop to make it seem like JB is better. Come back and make a better argument, and maybe people will actually listen to what you have to say.

  64. K-pop fan here to say...EVERYONE STFU...JB is a great singer, so are the boys of SHINee and Super Junior and all the rest, if you dont like something then why in the world would you waste your time thinking of it? Personally I think that K-pop is better however I also like JB. Please don't say fake facts on Shawols mostly being haters. Also the 'falling to impress' I admit is sometimes on purpose, this being body gags, however sometimes they do really fall. Finally K-Pop idols work very hard practicing long hour, one Super Junior member practiced until he vomited blood...then kept going to finish the song, now this isn't me say JB doesn't practice hard but please learn something about them before you post.

  65. K-pop fan here to say...EVERYONE STFU...JB is a great singer, so are the boys of SHINee and Super Junior and all the rest, if you dont like something then why in the world would you waste your time thinking of it? Personally I think that K-pop is better however I also like JB. Please don't say fake facts on Shawols mostly being haters. Also the 'falling to impress' I admit is sometimes on purpose, this being body gags, however sometimes they do really fall. Finally K-Pop idols work very hard practicing long hour, one Super Junior member practiced until he vomited blood...then kept going to finish the song, now this isn't me say JB doesn't practice hard but please learn something about them before you post.


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