Thursday, July 21, 2011

Lord save Hyuna.

''HyunA met the girls of GP Basic backstage at “Music Core” last week and gave them some advice.
She told maknae JaneyI feel like I’m looking at a younger version of myself when I see your amazing dance and rap skills. I know there will be hard times, but if you keep working hard, there will good days ahead. Don’t give up and try your best.”

Woman thinks that she can rap amazingly well.


No seriously...what?

Now there Hyuna, we want to believe you but if you keep fast talking in that chipmunk like voice of yours... that really isn't doing you any favours at all bb...but hey congratulations on getting shitloads of views for Bubble Pop!

Just don't read 99% of the comments about guys jacking off to you.


  1. She's really not a good rapper at all. I did like Change and even like bubble pop (DAT DUBSTEP). Overall, she's is smoking hot. I have liked her for a long time now and the first time I saw the BP video I fapped so hard I broke my hip and am now in a wheelchair.

  2. What are you talking about? Everyone loves Hyuna for her amazing rapping skills.


    srsly though I wish I was a guy so I could join the league of fappers.

  3. http://29.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lnornjZRY11qbvo6go1_r1_500.gif

    nomn noo nom nonom nom

  4. Speaking of goddesses, the miss A comeback stage for MCD was really hot. Min was quite bouncy.

  5. this COMPLETELY concurs the post earlier about how girls get a ton shit for saying things lol. -prio.
    cant your authors at least agree with each other?? she gives a compliment and now you guys are talkig shit lol...

  6. what is a min.


  7. no watches her musical enjoyment the mute it && beat it

    @Anon 7:31
    Min always bounces she the attention whore of the group she gotta stand out somehow

  8. I know she was trying to be nice and all, but her statement comes off as sounding like she's a tad bit overconfident in her abilities. I'm not being a hyuna hater, heck she could be anyone with that level of talent boy or girl- I'd probably say the same thing about them too if they spouted shit like that.

    1. Whats wrong with being confident? Hyuna is known for her rapping and dancing so duh she must be good at it. They wouldnt have her dancing or rapping if she wasnt some what good at it. I thought her statement was perfectly fine. Shit if somebody you guys actually liked said that, then you guys probably wouldnt mind. But as i thought...most of you people are just jealous or delusional. No matter how stoopid, small, or insignificant it is you always have to get on her and hate on her about SOMETHING. Bitch please...getta life and stop posting things and wasting your life on somebody and something you dont even like -.-

    2. ^hyuna is known to suck at rapping and bending over and sticking her fingers between her legs ("dancing") and no, just because she does "Rapping" and "dancing" doesn't mean she must be good at it. Following your FAILTASTIC logic, Hara wouldn't be singing if she wasn't so terrible at it. Guess fucking what? Hara is terrible at it and she is still singing in KARA.
      And lol i think you just can't accept the fact that Hyuna just plain sucks at everything.

  9. @7:33 if we all agreed with each other we would be like the fangirls we hate on.

    Sorry that we have our own opinions :(

  10. did Hyuna really gave that advice to Janey? i'm appalled!

  11. 7:33 - This has nothing to do with gender.

  12. what in god's name happened to this blog? i used to come here cuz of antikpopfangirl's spazz of hyo sung and underaged girls...

    now there's like 10 posts a day talking about every single little detail they can run an article about

    hopefully by the end of this month, you guys have a survivor author game where only 3 or 4 of you are left.....

  13. i think you all interpreted the quote wrong. she isn't really calling herself an amazing rapper, shes calling janey one, which is pretty bogus in itself, but whatever.

  14. @unfaithful kpop fan

    I'll be writing a lot less from now, so I had to get more authors.

    July has been very busy for Kpop. It's expected for there to be a lot of articles when 90586093475 groups are promoting at once.

    Btw, if you want what you came here for originally, follow my tumblr.

  15. i read your tumblr everyday =)

    i wonder if you ever did anything with that pic posted awhile ago with nana from after school putting a banana in her mouth

  16. She's so overrated.

  17. i just realized how ugly her face is after her bubble pop release

  18. ^ She's always had an ugly face. She just stuck jewels and put lots of make up all over it before.

    I was listening to Navi's "Wasteful Tears" which featured Hyuna... and the song was good until Hyuna's part came up.

    *KEYBOARD SMASH x23894723894723*

    Around 2:44.

    FUCK YOU HYUNA. Talking in a different tone does NOT mean you're rapping. And doing the "rap" parts in songs doesn't make you a fucking rapper, bitch.

    Just disappear from K-pop already. Can't sing. Can't rap. Ugly face. Your only skill is dancing, but you don't even do that anymore. Just make a porno. That's all you're good for.


    1. Hyuna is quite cute without make up. Her rapping is decent and pretty good and has a lot of potential. I actually only listen to that song because of Hyunas rap. And talking in different tones and speeds and carrying a good flow is basically what rapping is all about. And there would be tons of people who would be heart broken if she disappeared from Kpop :( She cant sing....She can rap....She has a pretty face and she an amazing dancer. Hyuna is very talented but she needs to leave singing alone....seriously. i love her but some people just were not born to sing.

    2. ^No. Hyuna is fucking ugly without her makeup. She looks like a fucking wrinkly frog. Her rapping makes babies cry and she thinks she's got swag with her "deep" rap voice, but she doesn't know shit about rap at all. And no, speed, tone and flow is NOT what rap is all about. I don't think you know what the fuck rap is all about. What about the fucking lyrics? And do you really think that her flow, tone and speed is even that good? Holy fuck. And no she is not an amazing dancer. Have you seen her do anything else accept hip thrusting and acting like a slut? LOL.

  19. She is such a joke.

  20. JiYoon is better!

    1. Nobody is higher or lower than anybody else. We are all human and we are all imperfect and make mistakes, so we are all in the same boat. You are no better than me as i am no better than you. We are the same species and are alike way more than you think we are. Just as you are alike to Hyuna way more than you think you are.

    2. ^
      Singing: Jiyoon>Hyuna
      Dancing: Jiyoon>Hyuna
      Rapping: Jiyoon>Hyuna
      Looks: Jiyoon (doesn't wear hideous contacts and doesn't look like a wrinkly frog)>Hyuna
      Hm. looks like Jiyoon IS better than Hyuna.

    3. ^ this comment wins.


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