Thursday, July 21, 2011

YGEX - Terrible name, terrible idea

Two fucking trolls getting together to troll together. Man, what the fuck is Avex thinking? The shit YG puts out doesn't sell in Japan. Why? Because it's second rate to what they already have under their rhythm zone label, and aside from Koda Kumi, m-flo, and Exile, no one sells shit under that label. (Also, DBSK is under rhythm zone. Wtf? These guys aren't urban.)

You can tell in the three years Big Bang has been over there and the 6 months or so 2NE1 has been releasing Japanese(?) versions of their songs that YG is fucking incompetent when it comes to Japan or just doesn't fucking care. GD and Top still rap in English. 2NE1's songs have three different languages in them. The others won't sell more than 5-10K of their albums.

If I ever see these two collaborate I will book the earliest flight to Japan so that I can beat the shit out of Max Matsuura. Not even fucking kidding.

But really, Avex fucks over most of the people under their label. Their artists succeed in spite of that fucker. Since YG groups will never sell well in Japan Avex will never pitch in their own money so this will most likely end up as a failure.


  1. Dat logo...

    Oh my god, I'm such a perv.

  2. simply put, their type of music isn't popular anywhere in the world except korea. if you think they have a lot of international fans, then you must be a delusional kpop fan...and need some enlightenment from this blog.

    now, antikpopfan, take my request!



  3. That logo, simply put, is brilliant.

  4. Completely off topic but YG always looks like such a pedo to me.

  5. The logo is pure win, Fuck yeah YG rapes Avex or the other way?

  6. ^
    they both rape each other

  7. hey come on anti kpop fan girl do your homework Avex has some of the top artists in the Japanese music industry you got be kidding me if your saying only 1-2 artists are charting no.1 on Oricon!

  8. I wasn't going to list everyone. But all of Avex's artists have always succeeded in spite of him, not because of him.

  9. please excuse me but VERBAAAAAALLLLLLL<3

  10. ^ You're my new best friend on this blog.

  11. Idk, the logo looks like it came from the top half of the Autobot logo. :3

  12. The Autobots are not amused.

  13. Shiiiiit, that logo does look like a girl about to ride a guy

  14. A flat girl about to ride a guy.


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