Saturday, July 2, 2011

...On second thought (T-ara's Roly Poly)

When I first heard 'Roly Poly', I was skeptical. This isn't the same dark electro-pop-ballad T-ara that I fell in love with. This isn't even fucking good, so why does everybody think it is?

Here's the thing though. I've been unknowingly singing this tune all week, and while I stand by my initial observation that it's a shitty song, it's a shitty entertaining song. Now let's talk choreography. When I saw the choreography in the music video, I almost shat my pants laughing. The hell is this? It's awkward, sexually unappealing, and borders on primitive (not that T-ara's choreography has ever been complex). Who in their right mind would like it?

Yeah. Me, again. After a couple seemingly painful repeats, I found that it actually serves the purpose of enhancing the experience, rather than being an unnecessary flourish (as Kpop dances often are) and the chicken-dance shit is hysterical. Plus, watching the girls all excited and energetic makes me want to get up and dance with them (seriously, it would take a minute to learn). On to the comeback performance.

Vocals: None of them do exceptionally well. The main vocals just sound okay, and the loud-ass background music swallows everyone else up. Still, I don't expect much talent from Kpop, just looks and personality, so T-ara wins in that sense.

Looks: Ah, more familiar territory. The outfits were terrific; distinct, yet cohesive as a whole, plus, no bland colors here. Great expressions everywhere (honestly, why does everybody hate Jiyeon's bitch-expression? I think it's great) and major energy. The stage, the lights, the fanchants, the backup dancers + fake DJ; they all contributed to a sense of an actual setting. Thankfully Qri's baguette hair has been replaced, and the usually-lacking members (cough/Boram) look great here as well. Hyomin's stone-cold glare had me crying in a corner due to raw intensity; great charisma on her part.

But the girls who impressed me most was Hwayoung. A horribly mismatched outfit and a simply shitteous wig weren't the only things plaguing her (is it wrong that I love seeing her fail?). Apart from 2-3 flashes, the only screen-time she got was "I LIKEY LIKEY DIS, I LIKEY LIKEY DAT, I LIKE DIS, LIKE DAT, YA" (always the part I look forward to most, not even trolling), and that, made the performance that much more enjoyable.

P.S. I don't hate the girl, really. I don't know/care enough to hate her. I do hate what she stands for. An ugly troll joining + ruining what was a very well-rounded T-ara. Hand me the troll-spray.


  1. Not a fan of the high pitch singing like in the beginning and the random shitty rapping, "like this like that".

  2. lol.. i always laugh whenever i read this blog..
    this blog is really refreshing lol
    and hell yeah ? why does everyone hate jiyeon's expression ?
    hand me the troll-spray too
    i think i need it in some web lol

  3. i'm hating jiyeon's screen time, uuuugh i think this the last time i'll be watchin rolly polly unless they reduce jiyeon's and give it to eunjung hyomin or soyeon

  4. This song sucks.
    The chorus is so shite it's not even funny.

  5. the song sucks, the choreo sucks, they suck live, the outfits are retro so...i cant say it sucks because its just not my style....and the "i like this i like that" part is laughable. I dont find them entretaining...personal taste, i guess

  6. As stated in the article, this song is nowhere near spectacular in terms of singing but it makes up for it in leaps and bounds with how catchy teh damn thing is.

    Hyomin was hot as usual. I;ve never wanted to bang jiyeon so hard till this video. Good Boram singing/screen time. Pity about the lack of Eunjung though.

  7. It's not really a stellar song but you just can't help but like it.

    I do like it but I still hope one day they go back to their earlier days. Why I'm looking forward to their Japanese debut since there's a chance they could be redoing a couple of their earlier songs aside from BPBP.

    Oh nd my Hyomin is the hottest thing ever.

  8. the song isnt all that great, but I like the overall vibe the song is putting out.
    Its different from other groups which is probably why I like it, and why a lot of other people dont like it.

  9. This song is as bad as its title.

  10. they are different from other groups in the sense they manage being entertaing without excel in singing or dancing,they have good personality and they are always given catchy songs...

  11. Music Core had the best camera work. Soyeon in skirts on MuBank and MuCore. Qri looks great in all three stages so far. Boram has looked the same, Hwayoung has ditched the wig, Jiyeon's been the same, Eunjung's and Hyomin's wardrobe gets worse for each stage.

  12. The thing I like about T-ara is that they always work their concept. I wasnt really too excited about this disco concept but they can really pull it off.

    They should really bring back their power chic RnB style ala TTL though.

  13. i don't get why any of you listen to pop music if you think it's so ~shitty~

    but anyway i love Jiyeon's bitch face and Eunjung is always too happy compared to the other girls but that just makes it more fun

  14. ^
    I dont like this song, its kinda catchy but im not feeling it....that doesnt mean i dont like other kPOP songs, right?

  15. when hwayoung joined the group.. it just went downhill from there.

  16. Hyomin is the smex!


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