Sunday, July 31, 2011

SMent is trying to learn how to troll (EDITED: 2nd teaser up!)

When I first applied for being a contributor to this site, I told Anti Kpop-Fangirl immediately that I did not know how to troll and that he would have to train me if I wanted to fit in and sit at the cool table with the rest of the authors. He responded with, "I chose you because your writing is much different than ours", which I think was his polite way of saying, "because (at the time) you are the second person to respond to our open auditions, I will take what I can get". So he hired a non-troll for a (then) trolling site.

Turns out, SMent and I are much similar than I thought. They also are trying to learn how to be a troll by screwing with fans. Now, my definition of a troll is still hazy and I am definitely not an expert, but these teasers for Mr. Simple was definitely unexpected from what we have seen thus far with the teaser pictures released:

Are you now, how they say, mind-fucked?

What was that? Especially the second one. It's like provocative art gone wrong...

I hope (in a twisted way) that for a performance, they wear their teaser outfits. Just once. And please be during the Gayo Daejun days.


  1. If any author wants to edit my post and upload the video for me properly, I would appreciate that. For some reason, for any post I write, it never gives me the option for uploading the video from Youtube. And no video I have posted thus far has made me like it enough to download it first and then upload it to the site. Thank you in advance.

  2. nope, i am definitely not mind fuck
    they are just men not gods

  3. Mhmm.. I was brain banged so hard that I'm still having trouble figuring out what the hell just happened...

  4. SME sucks when it comes on handling super junior

  5. The MV looks highly reminiscent of Sorry Sorry and Bonamana MVs. What a disappointment.

  6. There is one more teaser left so don't jump to conclusions so quickly, guys.

    Poony, when you're on the video, see the share button? Click it, then click embed, then copy that link into the article.

  7. So far the song sounds jazzy, I like that genre, but that could kinda suck when most of your korean fanbase consists of fangirls 15- tbh. I love that Kyuhyun had like way more screentime than the others though and I hope the teaser was just the intro.

  8. I can't connect this teaser MV to their concept photos... Unless they're boring by day, and *ubersexual* by night (man-slut much?).

    Mind-fucked, indeed.

  9. @12:31
    The song in the teaser isn't part of the official song, it's not even an SJ member singing it, it's one of SME's composers, I believe.

  10. @Shin-B: lol i'd fix it for you but us new writers aren't cool enough to edit other posts :P. but yes, SM DEFINITELY trolled suju fans.
    However...i'm happy. Because those other clothes were SHITEOUS.

    SM Business Guy1: "How long have we been promoting Super Junior? Hell, it's about time we just plan fucked with fans. How about we released teasers of them in horrible clothes! But the funny part is, get this, fans will still love it! They're THAT mind-warped!"

    SM Business Guy2: "Brilliant! And when the song comes out, lets put them back in normal clothes because we'd like to save the last shred of fashionable respect we have."

    SM Business Guy1: "Deal. ELFs, let's see if you fall for the trap!"

    Watch out YG! You have some up-and-coming competition!

  11. IM sorry you guys but the elf in me just couldnt help herself,I freaked the fruck out.MY BODY IS READY SO EFFING READY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. SME aren't just trolls. They are cheaters who bulk-buy their asses to #1 in the charts. Especially in Japan. Many Japanese netizens are already suspecting something suspicious with their artists' sales there.

  13. Ahahaha! It worked! I love you, Dani~ <3

  14. The second teaser is also up. Congrats, SM. You're officially a troll.

  15. ^ Thanks for the heads up! The post is now edited.

  16. I knew they were going to do that, this is how unoriginal and predictable SM is. SuJu are always wearing preppy clothes in their MVs. In fact, their MVs almost all look the same, SM only changes the song (though some of their songs sound alike too. Eg. : "Sorry Sorry"/"Bonamana"...) and the choreo and here it goes. I would love to see SuJu perform with the clothes from teir teasers though, they looked so ridiculous and so NOT ubersexual, BEST "EPIC FAIL" EVER.

  17. Haters need to quit Mr.Sampre is going to be amazing.

  18. I thought I just had a big WTF moment after watching their teaser video.... is SM trying to fool us with this?? it's a bit disappointing tho I thought they'll be like drag queens or something HAHAHAHAH! but whatever!

  19. I think some people fail to realize that this was all part of the plan, teasers are after all made to keep you hooked and guessing wtf is going on and wtf's gonna happen next; fans go crazy, haters go mad. Which is in a lot of ways similar reactions lol.

  20. and in a future article......an article dedicated to the misuse of the word "TROLL"

    "One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument"

    SM nor JYP nor (and this is important) YG are trolls

    stop fucking using these words because you think it makes you sound cool

  21. ^ But didn't SM do just that? They released 'ubersexual' concept photos that had everyone either raging 'OMG oppar is so manly!!!11one!' or 'GAY as FUCK!'.

    And now that they released the teasers, they're probably laughing their asses off because of the pandemonium they caused. =/

  22. I dunno, but I have to say that I am actually kinda loving the music in the second teaser tbh. I wasa really hoping they'd go back to something like Neorago (It's You) and It seems they are. That was my favorite suju song out of the ones they released, it had a classic sound- not cheap like Bonamana or too gimmicky like Sorry Sorry, it was perfect.

  23. ^they didn't post it. what these companies do is called advertising their product by giving you a sample. of course, the teaser is meant drive interest in the product. and if the images aren't provocative, then they've failed their jobs as advertisers. they do not release these forms of media to cause argument. they want to entice you to buy their product.

    they (the companies) do not post videos/pictures of it in forums. it's the allkpops, the koreaboos, and the dkpopnews who do so to elicit these comments.

  24. This ain't trolling. I'ts business bitches.

  25. Lemme tell ya, false advertising is what it is. Fangirls can sue SM into oblivion if their SuJu oppas don't prance around in boxer briefs and feathers like those in the concept photos at least once.

  26. I'm just glad it wasn't that rainbow lalaland shit.

  27. They're pathetic trolls.

  28. ok i finished listening to Bonama/RingDingDong 2.0 oh sorry it's 'mr. simple' Fuuuuck hands down to the MOST delusional fandom which is ELF how could they love this type of music? so repetitively annoying autotune massacre wth ok...i get that elfs love them to dead but to see the truth and being blind and deaf at same time is unforgivable! i can't even...i'll just puke to end this.

  29. "Mr. Simple" the song is just simple fucking retard that only DUMB ppl will appreciate worst song ever! stay pressed SUJU fans

  30. I'm not really feeling "Mr. Simple". They should have gone with either Opera or Walkin as their title song.

  31. Listened to about 4 tracks from their album but I always stop half-way. What the fuck is this shit they called 5jib?!?! It's full of robots singing one-note songs!

  32. That second teaser is seriously disturbing.


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