Thursday, August 11, 2011

HyunA creates one of the LAZIEST follow-ups with "Just Follow"

Before we start, yeah, i've been gone for awhile but I highly doubt anyone has been really missing my articles.

So on to HyunA. Okay, most of us know that "Bubble Pop" was banned and HyunA was to start promotions for her follow-up track soon. Well, we just got a glimpse at this...piece of shit performance.

Jesus HyunA, your rapping could liquify a unicorn's brain. It's like talking...but with a bit of an "urban" feel to it. And at least be able to stay on beat the whole time! But since we all know HyunA is made to LOOK AT not HEAR, let's just get on to the other performance aspects.

First off, Dok2 was replaced by Zico from Block B for the performances. Zico even wrote his own rap for it and blah blah blah. Really Zico? I really like your music and all but you should have listened to this horrible song and backed the fuck off. But, I won't totally hate on you for using this as an opportunity for more exposure (because God knows Block B needs it...).

As for HyunA. WHO THOUGHT OF THIS PERFORMANCE CONCEPT?! So she's sitting in a chair at the beginning? Okay, nothing wrong with that, it's done in kpop all the time. Then she stands up and pretty much just looks over her shoulder the whole time, no dance or at least variety of movement (though she's got girls dancing all around this trick!). Bitch then goes and sits down some more and lets Zico rap for a quite a while considering this is just a featured rapper. Then it's just sitting and standing with HyunA. If she's going to put on a shitty performance, AT LEAST DO WHAT'S GOOD FOR YOU AND BE HALF NAKED!


  1. Bubblepop was better
    also is not like you can really dance to this kind of songs i give it a 1.5/5 cause she looked good

  2. It's more like Zico feat. Hyuna. Well, at least I was exposed to this guy from Block B. He's not a bad rapper for an idol. I hope Block B will have a better song though. Less cutesy!

  3. What the hell? She's basically talking in a "gangster" voice. I still don't understand out of all the people in 4minute why they chose her to go solo? Oh right. Because she's popular and is nice to look at -_-

  4. Always hard for me to believe that a korean person is "street" since I actually grew up in a city with a bunch of ghetto ass gangmembers. Other than that, shit was boring, she at least needed to shake her damn ass like the good C-tease she is.

  5. she looks classy for once.

  6. When will they learn: all female rapping needs to be left up to Eunjung. T-ara's Eunjung is the only k-pop idols female that has any actual flow and doesn't put on her "thug" voice everytime she raps... Ugh. (if there are other idols please let me know, but I think Eunjung is it... the rest just can't sing so they "rap")

    Hyuna you are no Lil Kim or Nicki Minaj you can't pull this off, idk why you even tried...

    Dis bitch is whack, yo!

    Zico was okay... he was just trying too hard.


    It's a shame it was so bad that it went past funny... I wish I could have laughed at this... but I think I feel more offended... Hyuna you let my people down... *tear :'(

    Please go back to trying to shake that flat bottom of yours... please (at least that was funny).

  7. The three bodyguards in the back = <3.
    I can't be the only one who lol'ed for days at that.

  8. The only redeeming factor of this song is the instrumental. Can do without everything else.

  9. Haters will hate.Bitches will bitch.Bitchy haters will bitch AND hate.Like what you're doing now.AGAIN,this blog REALLY needs a 4nia that can actually explain 4minute to your retarded brains ^^

  10. why the fuck did hyuna have clothes on

  11. Anon 1:48

    I think that's the more important question. Why does she have her clothes on?

  12. anon 1:41
    idk if you're a guy or girl but you're acting like those typical delusional "fangirl" right now lol

  13. I was actually very impressed with Predator (Zico). The lyrics were the same atrociousness (I got swag and you don't) that people like these seem to produce, but in terms of flow I was pretty captivated. Does that mean I don't know shit about rap? Possibly.

    This performance proves Hyuna is a talentless hack. I think she's super hot and has a fun personality but seriously. You don't need a backtrack for this song. If you can't use your own voice while rapping, what are you really left with?

    She was NEVER a real singer, and she was known to be the girl that can rap. BULLSHIT! No stage presence and no flow.

    1. I think she had a back track because she was sick the whole time during her "Just Follow" performances. You watch the "Just Follow" performances and you can tell that she looked sick. Her voice was very umm....hmm idk but she sounded very sick.

  14. she looks pretty good here. don't know where you can complain

  15. Zico is probably the best idol rapper in the game at present. Lord knows he doesn't have much competition.

    HyenA needs to leave shit like this to Miryo.

  16. Erm...she has...nice hair....that was the only good thing bout this performance.

  17. Hyuna rapping as if she has last night's cum stuck in her throat isn't a surprise any more.

  18. hyuna sounds like she is possessed......

  19. i thought zico was gooddd.....hyuna can never rap to begin with.....at least her hair and outfit look nice....

  20. Hyuna's performance reminds me of Miryo's part in Abracadabra where she's sitting in the chair with all those tvs around her... But with a bad tan and a shitty song.

  21. I don't like this song. It would be so much better if Hyuna was sitting in the back the WHOLE time and watch Zico do his thing..xD

  22. who said eunjeun is the only good idol rapper? miryo owns her

  23. H Y U N to the A
    wtf those lyrics, I like zicos part tho

  24. hyuna is just talking in a husky voice? WTF? and then she did it again today! someone should stop her...

    i'm with August 11, 2011 12:39 PM...

    eun-jeong is a pretty good rapper by Korean standards (but thats not saying much). She puts Hyuna to shame. she's pretty hot too, flap, flap.

  25. At least she had nice hair. I give it: 2 HyunA ass shakes out of 5.

  26. They should take Hyuna away (make her a back up dance) bring Bekah back and make her the rapper

  27. I think Cube is doing this on purpose to have people begging for bubble pop back...

  28. Fans kept on defending her shitty singing in BUHBOR POP saying "she's a rapper, not a singer," but even this rapping is shitty!

  29. Okay so her performance on stage wasn't the "best music video of the year" like you all expected it to be. People for one should fucking relax. If haters hates this song so much then dont listen to it ! Are u just plain stupid or u flushed ur brain down the toilet? =_= hyuna was okay in here. She aint the best, but damn she aint the worst either. Shes pretty and aint no slut. Stop with the malicious comments and if u hated this song so much, dont listen to it, dumbass.

  30. ooouuu
    that abortion girl~~

  31. I think whoever you are making this blog...your really really stupid and you have no life. Why would you waste your precious time worrying about something you dont even like? Time is precious and you can never get it back once its gone....so why waste it being a hater and a bitch when you could be living your life to the fullest doing positive things that will benefit you? To me this is disrespectful. If you dont liek her or her music thats fine, thats your opinion, but whats the point of going and making a page about it? You dont like Hyuna or her music.....who gives a damn? Move on with your pathetic life.

  32. I think Eunjung and Yubin are better rappers To be honest. I dont mind Hyuna i just don't think shes as good yet. They need to stop focusing on her sex appeal and practice more on the music itself


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