Monday, August 29, 2011

Sooyoung is pregnant

She'll be on the DL for a while, but I heard Daesung was driving around and saw her riding in a van. Don't miss her too much while she is away. Also, she might have some more plastic surgery done during her off-time. Looking forward to her new look!

Oh, and ALL YOU HATERS out there... you need to understand... a woman has needs!

Top secret: I'm making fun of how rumors start but let's see who takes it seriously.


  1. eye witnesses confirm that the driver of the other car was a male aged between 21-23 and had eyes like -.-

  2. Hahah as bad as this is horrible, it's pretty damn funny.

  3. Jesus fuck. You guys have finally hit the limit - making fun of someone who was just in a car accident? Wow. It takes a special breed of moron to write something like this. You're not "funny" or "edgy" anymore - not that you ever were. Just call yourselves STANDs already.


  5. Who said I was making fun of Sooyoung? I like Sooyoung. She's probably the coolest member of SNSD, either her or Sunny. You must have missed the secret part. I hope she heals well. I'm actually pretty worried for her because even minor back injuries can have symptoms that linger for years. :(

  6. 아저씨, how can you be so low? Fuck, I'm not even a SONE. Not cool man.

  7. Well after that other article blew up I kind of became the polarizing guy around here. I have accepted that many people would misinterpret this as me hating on Sooyoung, but for those who understand the meaning, it's kind of fun. The comments people make here are/will be part of the joke. Sorry if you don't get meta-humor.

  8. Not funny. Let's pray for Sooyoung to recover well. I just hope you really meant this as a joke, although a sick one.

  9. Ahjussi, when you put Daesung into the equation, it simply turned into LULZ. You rock.

  10. Not a good joke. This is in bad taste, man. Wow, pregnancy and plastic surgery. Way to go, bro. That's really funny, eh?

    Fuck you.

  11. This is the most disgusting post ever. How cheap can you get, that's low. You don't poke fun at someone like that whether they're in an accident or not and the Daesung thing is just poor taste. Seriously get a freaking life.

  12. wow you are disgusting

  13. looks like daesung decided to go for a double kill

    lol @ people thinking ajusshi went too far, why the fuck are you even on this blog?

  14. Humor has its limits, and this is a bad article.

  15. Fags are mad. :3

  16. @5:29

    Because it's a fun blog, obviously. Not so much today, though.

  17. omo..i found the top secret part..hhaha..

    readers..you really have to pay attention..

    *even though i found it by accident..xD xD*

  18. HAHAHAH~ this just made my boring day come to life thank you author!

  19. Sooyoung, to me, looks SUPER vietnamese.

  20. 6:04 lol me too, thanks to you xDDDD

  21. white font is for cool people

  22. No need to worry about the sensitive people ajeosshi, they have no humor.

    Daesung in an article about a crash, shit is hilarious.

  23. Also damn you and your secret text, I'm on my phone, I had to be creative to see it lol

  24. Oh just found it too.yay for me im not so dense.

  25. LOL!

    Calm down, SONEs and VIPs. You act like you pray for them before you go to bed or some crazy shit like that. You wouldn't bash on the author if they were making fun of a huge accident Justin Bieber or Miley Cyrus got in

  26. ^ how could you assume such ridiculous things?

    jk I'd hope for the worst if it came to just in bieber

  27. I just saw the secret =.=
    I take back what I said. *apologizes*

  28. SONEs need to get over themselves. She's going to be fine and this post is hilarious

  29. Please be breast implants. I will be so happy if she gets breast implants.


  31. Sooyoung and Sunny nom nom

    Also, Tiffany minus her bible verses!

    Hope Sooyoung comes back with Big ol' "korean D cups."

  32. hahaha top secret hahaha

  33. i don't get it when people praising her for her looks, she's mighty ugly....
    but her attitude's kinda cool, hope she'll recover soon

    and probably the accident ain't that bad, typical SME who blows up everything when it comes to SNSD

  34. LMAO just saw the secret text!! xD

  35. Not funny, you are so low

  36. LOL.. funny post ajeosshi. Ppl need to calm down and read the secret text too.

  37. ^ No my good sir/madam, it is you who is not funny. With a side of no sense of damn humor :P

  38. because I said something in attempt to be humorous, right? Or perhaps you are too damn stupid to realize not everyone finds the same things that you do funny. Oh no, the horror! Someone doesn't find what I find funny, well it must mean they don't know what funny is!


  39. I'm not doubting she got in a car accident and was hurt badly, but this would also be the perfect time for her to get any plastic surgery done. I wish her a speedy recovery from her injuries (and surgery).

    Just saying....

  40. "Please be breast implants. I will be so happy if she gets breast implants"

    EPIC. And yeah, white text is for geniuses.

  41. To 11:04
    Haha my dear SONE she's FINE she isn't dying, she doesn't have any critical injuries and if I read the story correct;y she'll be back to work in a few weeks. Why are you on this website anyway when you clearly can't handle a little joke (did you read the secret text?) Even if it's not funny to YOU doesn't meam it's not funny to others. THE HORROR! Right? :P

  42. get off this blog's dick of calling everyone who doesn't troll along with them 100% of the time a part of a fandom. I do not associate myself with any fandom but I DO think making light of someone who was in any type of accident in extreme bad taste. Doubt you would be laughing along if someone were to joke this way if this had happened to someone you personally knew. Also, I merely stated that I didn't find it funny, you come at me, and now suddenly I'm supposed to be accepting of others opinions? Shit it must fucking hurt to be that stupid.

  43. Ok ok I see I've offended you, I apologize. You're right, completely right and I am but a mere worm. Thank goodness I came to the right website so that you could wag your finger at me and call me a few names. I have seen the light and I will no longer go up against someone of your magnificant stature. I am not worthy! *Hides in shame*

    Psh, I'm bored with this, can't wait for the next blog post! :)

  44. Yeah, as usual 아저씨's post sucks, please AKPFG, fire him too.

  45. Secret text or not, this wasn't funny at all. It's not about being butthurt or making fun of someone who was in an accident, this article just doesn't have any humor in it.

    I mean I get where he was trying to go with this, but he failed. Sorry my son, you need to try harder.

    Take this as constructive critcism.

  46. lol this thing.

    Heard she fractured her tailbone. It's gonna be uncomfortable for her to sit for a couple of weeks.

  47. Oh her tailbone? I thought it was a vertebrae and was pretty concerned. Tailbone is much less serious.

  48. Tailbone still hurts, but yah nothing to worry about longterm.

    I chuckled and went oOoo this is how rumors get started, then saw the sekkrit text and chuckled some more. Yay.

  49. The tailbone is useless as fuck, anyways. The worst thing that'll happen to her is be uncomfortable to sit her non-existent ass for a few weeks.

    (Although I do also wonder how she's going to handle shitting after this because I heard it can also be painful to do that with this type of injury.) Sucks to be her.

  50. I stumbled upon this blog by chance, and I'm honestly sickened. None of this is funny, this article shows what kind of person you are. I feel bad for you because you obviously have nothing better to do. Instead of taking a break from the crap that's normally written to maybe write well-wishes for her recovery, you turn it into a joke instead.

    You make me sick.

  51. i wanna bang sooyoung, daesungs is fugly, article was for fun, you people need to calm yo tits

  52. Meta-humor or whatever humor, this makes you look like a douchebag, douchebag.

  53. It's not meta-humour, it's a poor attempt at being edgy and a poorer attempt at being funny. I've noticed that a few authors on this site try to pull that schtick, I don't even care much about the subject of the article but you have to realise that sometimes, when people don't find a "joke" you've made funny, it's not because they don't understand it, it's because it isn't funny.

  54. Well, it seems like several people here thought it was funny, so perhaps you just didn't get it. Either that or *gasp* different people have different senses of humor! How outrageous! Next thing you know, one person will think a certain food tastes good while another thinks it tastes bad! They might even find different people attractive! What are we going to do?!

  55. You're grasping at straws here.

    I mean, if it's funny in your mind, great. The rest of us want some quality, K-pop related shit.

    Also, a good comedian shouldn't have to defend his material, he just lets it speak for itself. There is nothing more annoying than someone trying to convince others that they're funny. You defending your piece isn't gonna add anything to it, it's been written, it's on paper (so to speak), but retorting against the audience will make people dislike it even more.

    This wasn't funny, learn from it and move on.

  56. Any joke in the word is funny to some people and not funny to others. I'm not going to try and shape some sort of comedic theory out of the responses I get from this blog. That would be insane.

    Speaking of insane, you are still trying to act like your opinion speaks for everyone despite plenty of others expressing the opposite. I find that humorous. You see, this blog isn't only for the readers, but arguing with some of you guys is part of OUR entertainment.

  57. LOL you rock ahjushi,u gain another fan,u should don it more often

  58. this was teh same thing that i rhought when i read that but in other situation like what if sooyoung was teh one who die in car accident of daesung ...D: okey but mine worst yours ia funny at least!

  59. LOL you sones are such idiots. This is just a PUBLICITY STUNT for SNSD's comeback.

    Didn't SME make loads of bullshit about their artists getting injuries before? Like MinHo and Amber.

    They just want to do this to hype you idiots into paying attention to her because she's gonna be the center for SNSD's comeback. Not Yoona.

  60. is this one more version after Sunny hospitalise? oh so funny. SME just full of drama.

  61. She also fractured a part of her spine...

    This wasn't funny. At all. I tried to look at it in a funny way, but I couldn't even crack a smile.

    And LOL at you sick fucks in this blog who think this is a publicity stunt. Who would lie about a person fracturing their tailbone and sacrum? Just for the sake of publicity? You guys are sick.

  62. Who said I was making fun of Sooyoung? I like Sooyoung. She's probably the coolest member of SNSD, either her or Sunny. You must have missed the secret part. I hope she heals well. I'm actually pretty worried for her because even minor back injuries can have symptoms that linger for years. :( <------funnier than real post. You'll thrive better in akf as one of us guys. sorry ahjussi. you fail as an author =p

  63. What's the secret text?

  64. things will always get dirty whenever Daesung is around


  66. I'm a SONE and I'm pretty cool about this blog... Haters gonna hate, and it's clear that this bitch is smart.


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