Sunday, August 28, 2011

A message to Sandara of 2NE1:

Whatever you're doing, no, whatever you're trying to achieve, stop it. Just spare us the horror. You may think you have them fooled, but your fans simply aren't buying it... well most of them aren't.... okay most of them are.

note-to-BJs: How the fuck do you take her seriously? Really.


  1. she needs to stop posting nonsense...

    and minzy has to stop posting selcas of herself...

    i believe they've both changed mirrors repeatedly over this whole ordeal

  2. She's a cool chick, brah RE-Fookin--laxs. She's the only thing interesting on 2ne1 tv. Bom whines all the damn time, Minzy is ok, and CL is a total bitch probably. CL seems to avoid being on came and also seems to think highly of herself. At least Sandara is kind, entertaining, and interesting to watch. Chicks cool, so F the haters. Yes, I know she can't sing HUURR DURRR we all know this. But she at least has what most other kpop chicks don't---personality.

  3. I can only imagine how boring her solo performances were at that concert of theirs.In terms of talent she has nothing going for her.

    When you are in the entertainment industry as a singer and you cant do just that, sing and all your fans have as some sort of defence for you is 'she has a nice personality' then you know you need to gtfo.

  4. @ sulli_fag

    most of girl bands cant really sing in today's kpop world so dara is off the hook.

  5. @liley

    when you get fired as being a horrible writer and bashing 2ne1 in useless articles and still run around here trolling 2ne1, that's when you know you need to gtfo.

    honestly, i agree with sulli_fag. antis go apeshit when fans say that dara's the one with the "sweet vocal" yet snsd's sunny/sooyoung/yoona can get away with having a "sweet voice." the only reason why people bring up the point that she "cant sing" is because the other members of 2ne1 have MUCH stronger vocals, whereas 8 of snsd has basically the same range and vocal ability.

    I know i know, call me a butthurt BJ, but shit. lay off her case. her personality is much more attractive than most girl groups out there put together.

  6. So far I agree with all the Pro-Dara post. The truth is I am realistic and know her vocal talent is not up to par with the rest of the girls of 2ne1, but come on, most kpop chicks are shit in their vocal ability and to bash Dara for having that same lack of ability is just re-fookin-tarded.

    Dara has more personality then all the girls of 2ne1. In fact, 2ne1tv sort of made me like her and dislike CL. CL is cool (sort of) and she has a good stage presence, but holy hell she is boring as fuck off stage. Dara is lovable, kind, and honestly would be the kindest out of all the other girls to meet or get along with. Huurduurrr about her all you want, make fun of her photos, or trying to be a tomboy, but in the end Dara is having fun and she's herself. Most kpop chicks are just photocopies of each other at least she's different. You people may bash her but the fact that she's getting your attention means she is doing something different and I respect that. Yes, 2ne1 has some shit songs. Yes, dara cannot sing for shit, but dammit she has some spunk and I love it.

  7. @11:42 so ignorant that you don't even know this article is talking about you. "because the other members of 2ne1 have much stronger vocals", fucking classic, I pity you...really. oh btw your dara unni is turning 28 soon, if you still buying this ish when she's 30 and pulling these preteen selcas, I will personally send you a certificate for retardation.

  8. I agree with Sulli_fag, she is fun to watch on 2NE1TV, unlike the other girls who bore me. I think dara, when old, is going to be one of those old ladies on variety shows making jokes.

  9. Haters gunna hate and haters gunna hate haters. What I hate is when I come on here and see a new post I expect clever and interesting article and comments, but I get five sentences with no funny and some rage. I'm not mad because this blog doesn't owe me anything, just disappointed that I'm not getting something I've come to expect.

  10. Why is vocal talent even being discussed? It has nothing to do with the actual article. I really don't care if an idol sucks at singing; I'm accustomed and conditioned to that. It's merely her child persona (at the age of what, 27?) that constantly irks me.

  11. Dara can't sing and takes ridiculous selca. ok, I agree but the why are the hate only on her? Is it because her selcas are the most ridiculous or is it because they receive the most coverage? Hyuna take a selca of her fucking booger, asking if anyone wanna share it. And not too long ago, there were several articles of Hyomin's selca on AKP per day. I understand that Dara's nothing special but come on, why hate on only her but not the others?

  12. @11:42 you pressed hahahaha.

    I said nothing about 2ne1 as a whole,just that dara is a talentless slag with nothing of real value to add to entertainment,and you're freaking out on me, with your "you got fired" jokes.That shit hurts.You think being unemployed on the interweb is easy? Its like being disabled. Would you laugh at a guy in wheelchair?

  13. 10 years ago Dara could sing better than she could dance. Now she could dance better than she could sing. *haha random comment*

  14. @12:08

    LOL k you can make fun of dara's singing ability all you want, but the rest of 2ne1 CAN sing well. Keep hating. I actually don't pay attention to her selcas or me2day w/e. I just listen to their music and watch 2ne1 tv.


    because liley, the notorious 2ne1 h8r, brought it up. If it bothers you so much, why do you pay attention to her? Gosh, I respect the authors here who write about if 2ne1's newest song is bad or if they have a legitimate reason to bash them, but holy. shit. there's been several posts about delusional BlackJack comments or their selcas.
    Here's a solution: dont pay attention to it. seriously! it's so easy to overlook! No one asked any of you to look at the selca.Truth is, she's actually my least favorite in 2ne1 because I appreciate talent more than looks and personality, but wow.

    uh, no. I wouldn't laugh at a man in a wheelchair, unless he deserves to be laughed at for being rude or something. Like i said, im not even dara's fan. i'm a fan of 2ne1, but so much hate just because of a picture. like sulli_fag and many others previously posted, she IS the most entertaining to watch on 2ne1 tv so obviously she HAS worth in entertainment. Just because she wasn't born as talented as the other three, you expect her to just give up there? buhduhrrrr uh no. if she's just been staying useless and hasn't shown any improvement, YG obviously would've cut her by now.

  15. i'm not a fan but wouldn't call her talentless that's too rude, i know and i'm not gonna deny that she has a little bit of a talent i mean she sings in 2ne1 and dance right? if not what is she doing during their live performance just stand and stare at the camera do absolutely nothing? and i also find her entertaining to watch, any derp faces selcas of her i don't pay attention anyways i just read her translated me2 messages but sometimes i do find her a little bit annoying but not to extent that i will hate her, that's too childish.

  16. I don't like the fact that she's trying to act cute based on her age but then again I don't know anything about south korea culture... I don't know she just comes out as fake by trying to be this angel off stage

  17. @liley LOL she owned her solo perf in their concert. I think she did great on her perf. sorry to scruff your feather.

    and @7:42 well if she's faking it.. well she's verrrrrry consistent. >XD

  18. @12:08 better to look younger than your young but look like an old hag bwahahaha

  19. @davidfresh hasn't it occurred to you that it would be much funnier and fuckin crazy if dara act like her age when she have a pre-pubescent body? xD LOL no ones gonna believe her being a 27 year old anyway. Besides she's always been like that.

  20. that lame and fortunately fired writer liley got owned in the comments. so much lol

  21. She has personality? You're kidding right? I'm actually a 2NE1 fan, but out of all the girls Dara is my least favorite. She's childish and quite frankly has no personality! She mimicks anything funny the other girls do and makes it part of her act. She practices her funny stuff which turns out to be horribly dull. I can't believe some people think she is the most interesting of the four. If you watch 2NE1tv you'll see most of the funny stuff happens while she just watches; but then again, some of you like her and apparently watching her fail at mastering the F chord was entertaining. It can't be helped. I used to like her a lot but then realized I was growing up but she wasn't. Her immaturity is annoying as heck now.

  22. I hate 2ne1 and I adore Dara EXACTLY for her personality.Even her voice.She's fun.She's cute.She's not pretending...she's just naturaly aegyo-ish...unlike Sunny's totally BARFABLE aegyo,Dara's is actually funny.So yeah...If she's posting pictures of herself,it's for the fans,not for antis.I never understood antis...they spend EVERY single moment to look up videos where the aritst has made a few mistakes,they go through ALL of their pictures just to find a not-so-cute one and they talk about the artist ALL the time.If you hate her so much why the flying fuck do you care about the pictures she posts? o_o

  23. @anon 12:22
    Yup totally sucked it to me.All of what 3 comments? two from the same person,yup i mos def got served.I should just get off the internet now.

    Woe is me *sighs*.

  24. Dara has personality...lolwut.
    Bom owns 2NE1tv, all legit Blackjacks know that.

  25. @suckmydee WORD UP!Bom may not be my favorite 2NE1 member, but i enjoy seeing her on 2NE1tv because her humor comes naturally(well to me it seems natural).Dara's constant attempt to look cute/younger is barf-inducing.And do not get me started on her overly-exaggerated reactions. CL always carries this bitchy-like attitude(which i like but can't stand sometimes) and Minzy is sometimes boring to watch(I keed. Watering plants is the most interesting thing ever since porn.;)

  26. 'Dara' and 'personality' should not even appear in the same sentence. It's blasphemy.

    @suckmydee fuck yesh!

  27. As a BJ Dara has NO Personality and IS NOT funny at all. Bom makes 2ne1tv entertaining.

  28. stop using bj it makes me horny

  29. The girl gets CF deals all over the place, why the hate?

  30. Amen; Bom is the queen of 2NE1tv. Yeah she does immature things like Dara, and yeah she's the same age as her but doesn't act her age, but I find her personality on there more damn genuine than Dara. I don't particularly hate Dara, but the amount of screen time she's been getting lately is just fucking ridiculous. On the plane it's her, in the hotel it's her, walking down the hall is her. They're overusing her as their "visual" part of the group. She's afraid of mostly anything that can move and is not a human being, and she walks around like the wind will blow her down any second. Bom's voice alone wins over Dara's because it gives me a feeling of idgaf instead of i-want-you-to-feel-happy-when-you-hear-me. I like her bully attitude towards the members and she hits when she wants and gets angry (be it fake or not) when she wants. That's called being yourself; or let's say, being normal. I think Dara is a kind hearted girl, but if that really is her "personality", I don't think I ever want to meet her then.

  31. 11:03 lol know why its mostly dara? she's mostly the one who gets the camera and film everybody.. If she doesn't film fans don't have anything to watch. And I think dara is genuine and cares so much for the fans. and Bom being the queen of 2ne1tv is AN EXAGGERATION lmfao

  32. suckmydee legit blackjacks? errr I think only bom bias LOL

  33. @5:08 yes... Dara films everybody.. and for 20 seconds they get screen time a b4 she takes the other 40 of the minute being aired of her recording them.

    @11:03 Gotta agree with you 100% I mean do people really think she acts like that when the cameras are off? I mean you can tell she's doing all these things for the cameras egging everything up. Maybe not being afraid of animals cuz that could be legit, but every other reaction she does.

  34. @9:01 - dara's always like that since she was in the phil she's sensitive but really cares so much for the others. You guys are really hard on her. I mean she doesn't do anything bad and I think her only flaw is that she do too much fan service that irritates most of you. I mean she's always trying her best because of people like you always bring her down. She know her flaws, that's why she knows that she needs to work hard. She knows that she cannot be on par when it comes to talent with the other 2ne1 members and she's always afraid that she might ruin their perfomance and mvs bec of her. That is why she's trying to improve. To prove you guys wrong about her. She already faced so much hardships. I actually admire dara because in spite of her own family problems(her dad leave them and take all the money she worked for years as an actress in the phil) she just wants her fans to be happy and seeing some of your comments I can't help but really feel bad for her. Hope she doesn't read blogs like this.

  35. ^ I sense a Filipino hardcore Dara fan right there. Most of these 'fans' wouldn't really give a fuck about the rest of 2NE1.

    Yes, we get it. She had it hard. But then again, everyone has their own sob story, so it really shouldn't matter.

    But yeah, I suppose she needs to do this. Someone needs to bring in the fans. Otherwise, she would literally be considered useless as fuck in 2NE1.

  36. ^Im a 2ne1 fan fyi so I give a damn about them. And CL is my bias so suck it.

  37. @1:23 what does that have to do with anything i said (9:01). I just said she gets majority of the screen time while obviously egging up her actions for the camera 90% of the time. If she wanted to prove me wrong I guess she can either chill the fuck out or live the same way she does on n off cam then if i finally meet her and see it for myself.

    Didn't really shit on her talents cuz face it every idol group has 1-2 useless or under par members and they all work at them etc. So plz bring that BS of her working hard to prove me wrong nonsense somewhere else.

  38. I'm a long time 2NE1 fan, and as much as I love them I am in no way disillusioned about the role of Dara in the group. Talent wise, I can admit she doesn't compare to anyone else in the group. Harsh reality is that she can't out sing anyone in the group. She can't out dance Minzy or CL. She can't out dance Minzy or CL. And while the same can be said about Bom, Bom brings a powerful voice to the table. 2NE1 is a group where each member specializes in 1 of 3 things (Singing, Dancing, Rap/Stage Presence)but I don't think they'd be as successful as a 3 girl group. IMO, she is kind of the softer voice that fills the background/chorus well. Sure, it's not tough to find someone in the business to fill her role, but it's a role that needs to be filled.

    You can't really say Kpop is just about the sound. Anyone who has invested anymore than a month into the genre can see this. The music industry is intertwined with so many other aspects of entertainment. And Dara does shine a bit better in these things. So, I can admit that she's the least talented, but I'm still glad to have her there. Someone has to be last.

  39. I find her Boring
    I do not hate her
    She bore


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