Thursday, October 13, 2011

Another relevant girl group: C-REAL.

How I know they're relevant:

1. "1,868 likes, 122 dislikes". Those aren't the stats of your average girl group, both numerically and ratio-wise, after just one day. Generally, you'll see the dislikes and likes duking it out for top spot (and for good reason. I can't be the only one who finds it embarrassing that we get about 30 fucking girl groups in 6 months, and less than a quarter of them are actually fucking qualified to be celebrities).

2. Although they come from the no-name label N.A.P. Entertainment (truly an inspiring name), they have the backing of Brave Brothers (the dude who makes shitty, generic songs for anyone (and I mean anyone) that's willing to suck a short, hairy cock), Shinsadong Tiger (Cube's pet producer), and Wheesung (who is admittedly barely relevant anymore {note: if he ever was}). That's an impressive line-up for any group, let alone a rookie group that would normally be fading into obscurity already.

3. They already have mother-fucking controversies. Apparently they're being called the 5-member IU (likely, by their own label). If that ain't a controversy, I'll fucking make it one. Yes, these girls are promising, but here's the thing: BITCHES AIN'T GOT SHIT ON IU, GTFO. Now the infamous "there's no such thing as bad publicity" doesn't always apply to Korea (possibly and probably due to Korea sheltering some of the most tight-assed netizens I have ever witnessed, but it can still be used as a rule of thumb (i.e. CHI CHI).

4. Look-a-likes. As many have pointed out, there are a ton comparisons that could be made, but holy shit, Ann J (weird, I know their names already) looks a loooooooooooot like Soyeon (of T-ara, who else?). And Suzy, if you look hard enough, but no, that's enough blasphemy for one day.


  1. no no she does no look like MY SUZY, Yes, MY SUZY.

  2. Their mini is cool. Enough for me to keep an eye on them.

  3. Are they related to Crispi Crunch?

  4. Is the chick in the gif the one that looks like Soyeon? I DON"T SEE IT !

  5. Nothing special. we'll see.

  6. its good to see at least some groups take their debut seriously... :)

  7. @Anon 3:41
    Wash the cum outta your eyes buddy.

  8. I've watched their debut mv, and damn, they've got a cloned Soyeon, a cloned Yoona, and a cloned herpy derpy faced.

    I think it's about time for a remake of Attack of the clones, Korean version.............

  9. I was totally jamming out to Wheesung's new mini though... music is the song.

    But anyways, I think Suzy is prettier than all of them but I feel bad that they got stuck with brave brothers when his shit is always SO FUCKING BAD. And I'm not really a S. Tiger fan either, I don't really like behst or poorminute's music tbh. One of the girl's sounds just like hyorin so I know there's talent there.

    BTW, why do companies insist on making their girls look the same? Shit aint cute, and you see how well it looked for Seohyun look alike group a-pink... it didn't.

  10. Shinsadong Tiger created Bubble Pop. Guys a fucking genius.

  11. They remind me of 4minute, being that only 1.5 of them are pretty.

    They're still young though, so I'll give them a chance to have their botox shots and plastic surgery before finally judging.

  12. cereal not so bad, but they don't stand out so much. i'm patiently waiting for the debuts of grits and oatmeal

  13. They do sound like Sistar, I noticed this morning. I think they're pretty good and have potential, I'm gonna guess the reason why they haven't received much hate is because they all look like other idols, only DISGUSTING ALTER-VERSIONS OF THEM.

    I think they used the discarded skin from Yoona and Sooyoung's surgeries to make like two of these girls or something, it's a little freaky.

  14. @7:33 AM if by 'genius' you mean 'can jack britney spears' swag' then yes, he is a genius. (in fact, everyone in kpop is)

    anyway i don't get why people like this. it's not bad, but it's not special either. people are saying "finally something new" WAT there are a million songs like this outside of kpop, and there are still tons in kpop if you listen to the albums instead of just the promoted songs

  15. ^this

    *goes to jam to some BritBrit*

  16. dude they suck, can't sing for shit and their song is boring as hell.

  17. ^They can sing, you're just blinded by your love for tone deaf plastic pretty faces.

  18. Wheesung's the most relevant guy in K-pop ever!

  19. LOL @2:47 who said I liked tone deaf plastic pretty faces? I couldn't give a shit what they look like if their song is shit

  20. These girls sing way better than any of the popular girl idols.I am thoroughly enjoying their mini. Nice songs,good vocals a real treat.

  21. Anon 2:47 is obviously referring to the queens of plastic surgery Plastic Generation.

    No one gives two fucks about Shitsadong Tiger.

  22. Does anyone else think she looks like Hyuna?

    ^ that!


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