Thursday, October 27, 2011

How to take perfect pictures.

The Fresh gives his advice on how to look flawless in pictures, even without photoshop! (warning: Lots of photos).

There is simply one thing you have to keep in mind at all times. Hide your major flaws. With that, you will look absolutely stunning in your selcas.

Is your chin flatter than Sooyoung's chest after liposuction (I know how unrealistic that sounds, bear with me for a minute)? Fear not, we have the perfect solution! Find an object, any object (preferably non-phallic) that covers the length of your chin, and insert it into your mouth. It is generally best to have an excuse as to why you have an object in your mouth, covering your chin, but it is not a necessity.

Or you can take the bolder route, and cover that shit completely, without even bothering to come up with a actual excuse. Of course, you have to look damn cute doing it.

And if you happen to have a monstrous mole dead-center on your nose, no need to panic. Personally, I have found that the best approach is subtlety; try different angles to see how naturally you can hide it. Like so.

Or of course, you can go with the tried and true method of blocking it from view. Great work Qri!

Lastly, if your eyes are so close to one another that they actually look like a single entity, we also have a solution for you. Using your hair as a natural barrier, choose one eye to hide, and place a tuft of hair over it. Now you have successfully hidden the fact that your eyes are basically touching!

And of course, our secondary solution will be the ever-reliabl- um, Jiyeon? No. No, you're do- well, alright.

Whatever works for you, dear.


  1. oh god that last picture is horrible.

  2. I kind of feel bad for that last one i don't even know who that is. sad anonymous is sad.

  3. Ugh, that last picture of Jiyeon is BAD. (She should never take a makeup less bang free selca ever again... My eyes are like scarred.)

    I like Qris mole... it distracts from her dead eyes.

    Funny article I give it a solid B+!

  4. that last pic is cruel, but thanks for the tips LOL

  5. David learned how to use the page break. It's a miracle.

  6. wow david's on a roll these days.

  7. You guys are Tara biased... But I don't mind

  8. well, jiyeon is naturally crosseyed......damn that picture looks bad LOL

  9. Its sad that even with Jiyeons eye and Qris mole and Hwadogs derp and Hyomins cancer and Eunjungs lebzbihonest tendencies and Borams drug problem and Soyeons empty stare.... T-ara is still one of the hottest girl groups over all. Now, for talent... At least Eunjung, Soyeon and Hyomin can sing and Eunjung and Jiyeon can act right? Can't win them all girls!

    Geez that last picture of Jiyeon is dreadful.

  10. ^ no they are not you neandertal 5dolls is the hottest girl group ever!1!!11

  11. that last pic isn't that terrible for a bare face tbh

  12. ^are you okay? do you have a fever or something?

    The girl looks retarded! Not even mildly retarded, full on special ed RETARDED! (and I'm a Diadem)

  13. ^she has nice skin tho? lol I actually thought she looked squishy but yah, I see why ppl think it's terrible

  14. Yes, retarded people can have nice skin too lol

  15. I like Jiyeon so much I'd be willing to wake up next to her cyclop face the next morning. At least she only has to put one contact in...right?


    Ew groce.

  17. I just want to eat the mole off her face. In a loving romantic way of course.

  18. jiyeon is hideous. with makeup and without. rainbow is 10000x hotter and some of them have boobs.

  19. Jiyeon is rather unattractive, but over all T-ara is hotter then Rainbow tbqh.

  20. ^
    Agree. Jiyeon is forever fugly in my eyes,
    but T-ara is still hotter than Rainbow.

  21. Yoonhye's bug eyes and Seungah's uncanny resemblance to Kwanghee hurts Rainbow in my rankings.


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