Thursday, June 7, 2012

T-ara Jewelry Box Review

They may as well have called this album Rehash Box, as there are 13 songs and two original Japanese songs on this album. That's exactly why I had no intention of buying this album. Who buys an album for just 2 new original songs and 11 horrible remakes?

Frankly, I like the two original songs. They're not great, but the songs are what T-ara should be: Soyeon, Hyomin and Eunjung singing while the rest of the members don't do shit. I was looking forward to T-ara's first Japanese album because I knew useless idols in Japan didn't get any lines. As such, the two new original songs are basically Soyeon, Hyomin and Eunjung singing, reminding me of their Breaking Heart album when those three carried most of the songs.

You see, Hwayoung single-handedly ruined what worked for T-ara. Personally, I wasn't fond of Hyomin and Eunjung rapping all the time, but I'll take that shit over what they have now. 6-ara songs were Soyeon singing everything with Hyomin and Eunjung rapping with the other three getting a line per song. Enter Hwayoung and now Hyomin got bumped to a full-time vocalist and Eunjung was without a role. There were already two vocalists and Hwayoung took her spot as the main rapper.

I thought Jewelry Box would have been T-ara's last attempt to have good songs before the two new members joined, but EMI blew it by having an album full of remakes. Hell, for all we know, their second Japanese album might be what Jewelry Box should have been.

That's why I can only give this album a 2/13.


  1. Talk about troll, you didn't even listen them and then BS, did cha?
    Did you hear thm?
    LOL it's Japanese version, JAPANESE. Not the shitty Korean remake they pulled.
    Just the Jap version of Time To Love make the CD worth it.
    If you didn't listen to them, don't shit.

    1. Are you stupid? I reviewed the two original songs because the rest of the songs aren't new.

    2. bloodddruggin probably druggin too much he's the one who forgot to check the ENTIRE album and sayin shit all over makin him stupid

    3. At least someone still has the balls to troll without the anonymous feature. +1

    4. I really don't see how only one song of the whole album makes it worth the money. I could just listen to it all day for FREE at Diadem for crying out loud while keeping my money safe from being spent on useless MVs and shit by Crappy Cunt Media. Or download it off 4shared.

    5. I don't even know you are trolling or just too stupid
      If you only review the 2 new songs then don't say "Jewelry Box" CD review. Jesus. And don't score them based on your ignorance. The remix are not new songs but they are not the same kind of remix like in JTW CD. Every group have Japan debut would remake their songs in to Japanese, they just put all of the Jap songs in one CD, talk about economical buy for fans. And Sorry that I already check the entire album, I also assume that y'all didn't buy BPBP, RP or LD Jap CD so this is consider good buy that have all of those songs.

      And Scatter, good job for being a cheap ass who just admit he won't buy CD, just download and listen for free. Wow, some fan you are. You said you don't want to put money into CCM but then you didn't even do anything for them except talking trash toward the members. HYPOCRITE.

    6. As a man who knows japanese. here is my review...IT'S SHIT!

    7. Guys, bloodddragon oppa didn't mean it..

    8. So what DO you expect me to do for them, eh?

      Just because I'm a fan doesn't mean I should buy everything about them and can't say shit about them at times when I feel like it. You seem to think that I have to worship them as if they're deities or something, just like how motherfucking SONEs, Blackjacks, VIPs and ELFS do for their goddamn idols.

      And what about the folks who are simply saving up on money for something, oh I don't know - on something that they actually need? I sure as hell don't need to spend a whack load of money for something I'm not even going to use or show off in front of others like some bitch.

    9. Hey, as a Sone, I resemble that comment!

    10. blodddruggin, please expound how "the remix are not the same kind of remix like in JTW CD" like give constructive details (for each RECYCLED song if possible) to prove that there's more to just skipping them

    11. yes you need to worship those bishes, bloodragon. You need to lick jiyeon's feet until the day she dies. Also you have to service hyomin in all ways possible...even anal (like she's gonna anal you).

    12. @ SuJunk any words from " In Japanese not in Korean" "the remix are not the same kind of remix like in JTW CD" do you not understand? They sing the new vocal track, not KKS homemade remix.

      @ Scatter I didn't say that you need to buy any of their stuffs, or worship them. I just ask for you to respect each one of them as hard working people. And If you want to say anything, please make sure that you can say the same things to that person face. If you wanna bash Vip, ELFs or Queen's do it in THEIR forums if you have balls, or keep it to yourself. Are you a lady at the fish market? Please stop back stabbing and bad mouthing, you made Queen's look bad.

      @ sulli_fag, service Hyomin in all ways possible seem fun. And who didn't want to anal this http://i.minus.com/i3wNulKEaKs60.gif . Glup*

    13. Well, genius, if you look closely on the English translated lyrics of both Korean and Japanese versions of all songs prior to their Japan promotion, they're clearly within the bounds of each other's meanings. Nothing much has changed aside from that instead of ~~OPPAR OPPAR~~, they're saying KIMOCHI KIMOCHI and shit. There technically is nothing to review about it since they go around the same level of substance despite the difference in langauge

    14. No, you sure as hell were implying that I should buy their stuffs to show my 'support' as a fan when in reality, motherfucking CCM's the one that gets most of the money instead. And yes, I do respect them as hard working because they've been constantly screwed up by that abomination who calls himself a CEO.

      And this site is called 'ANTI-KPOP-FANGIRL' for a reason. You blind? It is not in my interest to stir up trouble everywhere I go. And if anything, its the stans that make Queen's look bad. I'm just one person out of thousands of others. Actually, do you even have any idea that T-ara's actually quite popular around here?

      Just cuz I'm a fan doesn't mean I can't go around making jokes about them. And considering you think that I'm backstabbing and badmouthing them with serious intent, that just implies that being a 'proper' fan means I should be worshipping them instead at all times wherever I go. I have my own damn crticisms for each member and I sure as hell am not afraid to talk about it in whatever way I want. Got a prob with it? Deal with it.

    15. bloodddragon, T-ara fans like you is the reason why I and others left Diadem. It's the stupid mentality of "you have to support all members to be a true fan" bullshit. I purchased the Breaking Heart, so that's more than enough to make me a "true fan."

      Why should I review songs that aren't original? We've heard them before and we've reviewed every T-ara song since the blog started. Instead of wasting everyone's time reviewing remade songs, I reviewed the two original songs. If being a "true fan" is being a dumbass who buys two original songs for $35+, then don't consider me a "true fan" because I'm using my brain and not buying an album with a bunch of songs I already own.

    16. There are other ways to support them but they require more money and/or effort and I doubt you do any of them. Work that brain of yours and figure out how.
      One person out of thousands and you have the biggest mouth.I have respect for this blog page because there are lotta fun and many posts are on the spot. But are you here to spread hate or something cuz I don't see you do anything productive. Crazy stans make Queen's look bad AND raged kids make Queen's look bad also.
      Beside, you backstab without serious intent? Sure, ask around the fish market, no one really mean it either. Either way, the damage is the same. And in your mind there are only 2 option: Make fun or worship? I sure respect and be quiet are available too.
      Yeah, I am dealing with you right now (with pun or no pun, your choice). Peace.

    17. @blodddruggin, what is productive? IMO, yeah, you can be a fan as much as you want but taking it beyond the reaches of our everyday capabilities is a whole new level, d00d. What AKFG is trying to say is to go against the usual fan(girl) tendency of going bananas over an idol or a group using a filter projecting them as untouchable, impenetrable, perfect deities. So does the idea of "helping" these idols by (bulk) buying and anything else crazy you can think of make yourselves productive? To what cost? Does it keep the world economy afloat? Does it uphold universal human values?

      Fangirls most especially do their utmost best to defend every aspect of these idols' lives but for what gain? For what cause? Do their ent company pay your or something? Do they give you merit in return? Would your respective governments award you with some Idol Exaltation Award 2012?

      The whole idea of the blog is to make these things obvious and lampoon anything else along the way. But anyway, what is humor for such a mindless drone of a fan like you, right? Nothing is more precious than all your highest holiest immaculate idols of glory amirite? It doesn't take much of a person outside the fandom to realize you're a bunch of one-dimensional dweebs whose idols, loud music, flashy lights--no matter how recycled, unsubstantiated and shallow they may seem--mean the world to them. Anything negative (lest partial criticism) is an absolute defamation and crime against your gods already. That's how blown up your views towards them are.

      Backstab, making look bad, damage, spread hate. All these words you spew are nothing but goverened by your bigoted worldview.

      What is to backstab? Do we backstab if we outrightly express our opinion on a blog WHICH CAN BE ACCESSED BY ANYONE?

      Do we make you guys look bad because of what we say? Please accept our apology and embrace us into your legion once again. We regret everything we have disclosed. We are such ingrates.

      We shall be fixing all these 'damages' (whatever they really are) becuase our 7-ara stans and the rest of the K-Popdom since they surely have personally expressed their disappointment and hurting over what we say her. They might file a lawsuit on us if we don't fix these 'damages' yaknow.

      Keep it real, qurl

    18. "There are other ways to support them but they require more money and/or effort and I doubt you do any of them. Work that brain of yours and figure out how"

      Oh yes, money for what? B-day presents? Ok, I can let that slide. Christmas? Sure. For all we know, CCM probably nabs most of the money they get from the fans behind the scenes and I sure as hell don't recall T-ara saying they're desperate for cash to their fans either. All I did was try to get as many Diadems motivated to be against that retarded CEO who's more or less destroying his own cash cow, yet you label me as the bad fellow.

      "Beside, you backstab without serious intent? Sure, ask around the fish market, no one really mean it either. Either way, the damage is the same. And in your mind there are only 2 option: Make fun or worship? I sure respect and be quiet are available too"

      Only that the peeps here know I don't mean any harm and we all joke around it. I don't see how I'm an exception here. And hell, where's the fun in being quiet here? Hm? For me, this is a opinionated blog for pure entertainment.

      "One person out of thousands and you have the biggest mouth.I have respect for this blog page because there are lotta fun and many posts are on the spot. But are you here to spread hate or something cuz I don't see you do anything productive. Crazy stans make Queen's look bad AND raged kids make Queen's look bad also"

      Biggest mouth eh? And define 'productive'. I come here for the fun and lolz. Look through my posts in Diadem in response to FreakyFlyBri and it should be there. I don't come here to spread hate about T-ara and if you mean CCM and that pscyhopathic pedophile in charge, by all means, they deserve it and suffice to say, the whole damn site here doesn't like him either. And please, I'm not the only raged kiddo out there - I could probably name some of the Diadems here that are just as pissed off as I am - only that they keep their language more subtle than I do (somewhat anyways). And btw, I'm not an official Queen's member. Nor are any of the T-ara fans here.

    19. lol SuJunk, now that is an awesome post. Epic win.

    20. @Sujunk If I was that easily irritated I would explode along time ago, not right now. You only think bulk buying is the only way? Anyway, I remember I only argue with Scatter , I did not mean you , cuz I don't remember thinking you as a fan. And next time, straight to the point please, it gave me headache. Boy?... Man? right? why so talkative?

      @ Scatter I just get pissed off seeing you explode all over the place these days. I raged with KKS too but I just have more headache when his name just pop up all over the place. Just want to forget about that dude. Sorry for offending you.

    21. Scatter is mah bitch so if anyone touches on mah bitch will get a taste of me.
      Gave you a headache cuz ur dat generic dumbass of a fangril LOLZK. Givin ya a day to internalize what I said OR meet the consequences--POWER OF 9. GET IT? POWER OF 9, BITCHEZZZZZ.

    22. The one thing I can't stand is stupid ass fanboys/girls arguing over petty matters, so let's put an end to it. Trolls here do poke fun at T-ara, but I don't think many of us actually hate T-girls.

      I do like T-ara, but I will never join their fanclub because I don't wanna become another delusional fanboy. For the record, given the price of their japanese album and number of original tracks in it, I don't think it's money well spent buying the album. I will definitely be buying their upcoming korean album tho.

    23. I think SuJunk brings up an important point in this discussion with his earlier comment.

      "Fangirls most especially do their utmost best to defend every aspect of these idols' lives but for what gain? For what cause? Do their ent company pay your or something? Do they give you merit in return?"

      We ask ourselves questions like these all the time. Why should we give them our unconditional support, when we get "nothing" in return? I believe the answer is simple. We are fans. They are some of the greatest people in the world, and we are lucky to get to help them.

      Hope I got through to some of you, peace!

    24. @blooddruggin - again, as said before, I'm not the only one who flames that piss-poor son of a bitch so I don't see how I'm a whole exception, not to mention I had my account banned for it. Forget about him all you want but the way I see it, the whole fandom needs to take a firm stance against whatever BS he says if they don't want to be seen as idiots by him and even T-ara to a degree - besides, I could even argue it's likely the T-ara members themselves rarely give a flying fuck about over 100k people following them when their careers and health is on the decline. Hope I've made myself clear.

      @Queen - see above. Sure they're great peeps (though great seems a bit generic) but then again, aside from gifts, donations and the such, what have the fans done to help them against KKS and CCM? That is the biggest threat to T-ara. Sure it's a big unrealistic but the least they can do is outright protest and boycott whatever crap CCM tries selling to y'all - T-ara won't go be tossed overboard over one album flop, considering they're too valuable as cash cows for CCM (though not valuable enough to be safe from being destroyed internally).

      I recall before the member addition announcement, the whole Diadem (or most of it) was united with two causes - that is, getting T-ara a decent vacation and a less pressuring workload, at least in idol standards. But ever since more news about this member addition shit coming out, those two causes have effectively become forgotten and if anything, KKS is set out to tear the fandom apart since they're pretty much the only major objectors to whatever horseshit going through his peanut-sized brain. And he's already got some fans supporting his decision already.

      End of story. Case closed.

    25. @Scattermil_88mil - I agree with you 100%. However, KKS made T-ara and he is like a father to them. When you have that kind of relationship, it's hard not to follow his will. Also, even though he might seem like a mean guy, at the end of the day, all he cares about are the T-ara members' well-being.

    26. Sorry to say but I fully disagree with that. If he were a 'father' to them and cared for their well-being, he wouldn't have overworked them to the point of death constantly for 3 damn years - because of him, Boram got acute gastritis and God knows what the other members as well (and let's also add that Jiyeon and Eunjung were sent to hospital and were urged to have weeks of rest, only to be forced back to the stage shortly after).

      Nor would he have called them 'prideful' or 'lazy' after they were given their very first vacation (a very short one at that) since debut. If he really was a 'father' to them, he wouldn't have put Co-Ed School and 5dolls in the garbage bin and pushed himself further with them but he didn't. Then there goes the fact he literally threatened to kick any of the current T-ara members out if they ever protested his decision of the new member additions. That is plain blackmailing. He is the bastard who openly yelled out that the Kara members filing the lawsuit against DSP should be kicked out and blacklisted from the entertainment industry indefinitely.

      And he wouldn't have considered the new member additions in the first place if he really cared about the T-ara members. Bottom line - the guy's a scumbag who's driven by profit and profit only. T-ara's only a name to him. He's the Stalin of Kpop.

    27. He may have made T-ara but regardless, judging from his recent actions, I'd say it's safe to say he's expired his usefulness to their career. T-ara need to get the fuck out of CCM or CCM itself needs to fire KKS himself.

    28. @Scatter_88mil - I'm just going to cite a comment made by KKS earlier this year:

      "A lot of fans are worried and concern for the changes happening to T-ara, but our management knows very well what can happen if the changes aren't made. T-ara will be in a situation where there will be very intense competition, and we don't want to think that they'll not be able to grow. T-ara went through a lot of hard practice to debut as idols. They need to continue to constantly work harder and take on new challenges."

      As you can see, there are many good reasons. Also, he is tremendously successful. Has he ever failed? I don't think so.

    29. His 'Midas Touch' has expired long ago. He isn't creating groups like SG Wannabe, SeeYa and Davichi anymore. Given the last two idol groups he created, he has zero ability to manage an idol group. He just got lucky with T-ara.

    30. @Anti Kpop-Fangirl - Well, of course, everyone can't be at the top of their game all the time. It's normal to have ups and downs. He'll be back in no-time. You have to remember that he's a part of the T-ara family. Losing him could (and probably would) be a huge catastrophe. Don't you realize the potential emotional distress they could experience with him gone?

    31. @Emissary - I don't know what the hell was going through his brain when he said that comment but that pretty much acknowledges that he doesn't trust T-ara as a group and wants to work them even more simply for the sake of profit. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out.

      That comment doesn't even justify the pain he's inflicted on T-ara since as early as last year. I sure as hell don't see other big groups like SuJu, SNSD, Big Bang, 2NE1, Kara etc. have their agencies say they need changes in member line-up simply for the sake of competition and growth - concept is the way to change, not member line-up unless the T-ara members themselves have a criminal record or some shit, which is doubtful. KKS's logic is no different to the government making the army give tanks to the air force or the navy giving nuclear submarines to the marines. T-ara's already a well-accomplished group out there and the member additions are simply put, unnecessary.

      As AKFG has said, KKS has failed. KKS had been going downhill ever since he started managing idol groups - and what makes him part of this 'family' of T-ara when all he's been doing is threatening and insulting them openly in public this year? Sure, maybe he was in say, 2009 to mid-late 2011 but if I were T-ara, I (or anyone else that's sane for the matter) sure as hell wouldn't consider a guy that overworked me to the point of collapsing on stage as part of 'family'

      Emotional distress or not, T-ara will have to move agencies if they want to stay relevant in the long run as the group they are now. Adding a 12-yr-old in a group of women in their 20s is simply ridiculous.

    32. @Scatter_88mil - I agree with everything you say, but I believe you are misjudging KKS. You can see on his face how sweet he is. Some people are just easier to be misunderstood than others. Just because he doesn't have a 'Silver tongue', doesn't mean he's a bad guy.

  2. I only want the album 'cuz I it's pretty and comes in actual jewelry box.

    Admittedly Japanese TTL sounds hella good.

  3. They look good. Maybe cept for Hwadog. Boram Qri and Hyomin looks decent.

  4. How about considering nearly half of T-ara's entire music career is a rehash?

  5. bitches look like trannies for sale in that youtube track

  6. Keep out was great.
    T-aratic was terrible, couldnt tell the voices apart.

  7. Why would they put Boram in the middle?
    It's visually distracting.

    1. Because she's a midget. At least its better than having Cyclops or Hwadog in the middle.

    2. It's like a huge "V" though...

  8. The two original tracks were 'meh' at best but that's probably because they don't drive my imagination into a frenzy of picturing zombies vs military vs T-ara. Lolz

    Of all the remakes, TTL was the best of them. The others? Hell, whose bloody idea was it to make that many remakes and only two damn original songs?

  9. Replies
    1. more like "Kapow! Jew Gas"

    2. more like gay box...amirtie?

    3. I wonder if each of these Jew Boxes come up with free capsules of zyklon B as well.


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