Saturday, July 14, 2012

Dani sets a new standard for uselessness

You thought Qri and Boram were fucking useless. Well, they were, until now. Dani came to Korea to join T-ara, but can't even introduce herself in Korean. Oh, how useless you are when you can't communicate with your group members.


You thought Korean idols who were fluent in Korean sucked ass at rapping before, but Dani will set the bar even lower.


  1. This literally makes Boram and Qri more useful in the group by a level over 9000.

    But seriously, dafuq is wrong with CCM? I may shit on them but making a Korean who can't even speak the fucking language debut as a goddamn rapper? That is a whole new level of stupidity.

    Yup, T-ara's headed down to the drains, if not already.

    1. Cause he is trying to franchise this group. Think of AKB48 and its many and many of members. The only problem fucking tara not at that level. Dumb fuck is jumping the gun.

  2. At first I though the author was joking. I mean I can introduce myself in Spanish but damn I can't hold an in depth conversation. I'm puerto rican with family living there. But I can read it better than speak it.

    But since AKF takes it self serious on pointing out the fuckery kpop can endure. When I watched the video I felt disappointmnet. But takingbin consideration thta most kpop rappers can't rap korean with ant adept. Maybe Dani isn't such an oddity after all.

    1. She couldn't even say "Dani imnida" and that's the first thing you would learn in Korean if you learned it as a foreign language. I'm not totally fluent in Korean, but I don't have to be since I basically live as a white person in the US. Dani has no excuse since she's Korean trying to make money in Korea.

    2. So your like a white person living in America? Huh ok I'm still hispanic but also black. So I'm just a negro with light skin? I don't see that connection of being asain and not being able to speak with your parent or grandparents or forfathers tongue make you less of that ethnicity. That's a new one from me. I may not speak spanish but its doesn't make me less puerto rican. That's taking it to another level of fuckery and racial insercurties. I was raised with a lot of rican pride despite not speakin spanish. I don't know maybe it a latin thing.

      But I understand what you mean. Even though she is in Korea and being Korean should learn to speak it better. But business is about exploitation. Needless to say Dani is CCM new imported exploit.

    3. I think you're making the mistake of reading into subtext that isn't there. Yes, we think Dani is terrible. Yes we think it's a horrible mistake to have a girl who can't speak even the most basic of Korean debut in a Korean pop group to rap in Korean.

      But nowhere are we saying that she's less of a Korean for not being able to speak Korean. We're simply commenting on the mindboggling logic that allowed KKS to think that this whole thing was a good idea.

    4. I blame the Asian American blogs I read. When ever they compare themselves to a culture or try express a disconnect they feel from their family's or develop from living in the U.S it is always white.

      Kidding or not its a common comparison that I'm not touching with a ten foot pole. I'm mixed but both my parents' parents are from puerto rico. There's no denying that and why would I. Even joking, I was raise to proudful. Its like that with a lot of latinos regardless of skin tone and nation or even dialic of Spanish they speak.

      Save that for another day. Cultrually there isn't going to be an agreement. Its like I wasn't raised to say nigga for obvious reason but this site likes to use it and its run by Asains. I can express how disturbing it feels to constantly see that word used. What I experience from being called that during childhood and it wasn't to be funny.Then I'll be accused of double standards. Even though I can say just because I've got black in me doesn't me I go around saying nigga. That wouldn't have no effect.And its funny cause I hardly see the word "chink" being used. Is it not a funny popular contradiction among asians?

      Its like when my mom was a little girl she would hear people say nigga or nigger out of crude behavior. She taught her kids never to say these things. Now nigga doesn't mean the same. Its a universial word now but for shit n giggles. I find that weird.

    5. Chink only refers to Chinese people and we only have two Chinese authors here.

    6. Not where I live :) Chink is universial so I guess we're ahead of the racial bitchassness curve. Gotta love the south. Every asian is from china and every black was possible own by their white neighbors.

  3. I fucking hate using andriod. I don't always see what I type. I use to my other fucking phone. I mean to say


    But taking into consideration that most kpop rapper can't rap korean in depth.

  4. T-ara looks real uncomfortable with Dani on stage.

    And Dani's legs look so thin, I think I can wrap my hand around BOTH of them.

    What a joke.

    1. Remember sulli_fag's article about Dani having giraffe legs? lol

    2. She is 14 years old so her body would have some level of disproportions. Her legs will look longer and she is thin so very stick like. She also have broad shoulders I didn't wanna say it. But she is really shape like a boy. But she is still growing can't dis to hard.

    3. ^ see TIA and then please rewrite what you wrote.

    4. I stand corrected pedo you made your point.

  5. Dani looks like Jungcest baby, js.. It was cringe worthy watching her do aegyo. She reminded me of Korean wannabes. And Soyeon looks like a fish, a beautiful fish.

    1. Really? A fish? We have so many fishs in the Idol industry already; Niel, Hyorin, Minzy, Eunjung. Now Soyeon. Gees.

    2. You forgot about the twins, Uee. About Soyeon...Its as if Moses parted her eyes.

    3. It's ok to have some space between your eyes, not everyone has to be a fucking cyclops like Jiyeon

  6. I think they were saying she's supposed to be a visual Yoona kind of member in the group. I mean its sort of mind-boggling that they're putting her in the group with less than a year of actual training. They probably want her in there to do commercials and act and whatever.
    Also, Her legs are weird and freaky and I can't stop looking at them.

  7. Omfg... They're adding a fucking child into a group of women.
    And Dani - Wtf she's got the body of a 12 year old... OH WAIT! I KNOW! IT'S BECAUSE SHE'S A FUCKING 12 YEAR OLD!
    WTF is KKS thinking?

  8. Is that old man the KKs himself? Coz I swear when I saw that pic it just screams 'Slimy Greasy Ewy Pedophile'.

    1. Yep. He also got a freezer full of popsicles in his cellar.

  9. seungri.. what have u done... never fuck a giraffe!

  10. http://www.reddit.com/r/kpop/comments/wfs9n/this_is_my_favorite_kpop_blog_its_rude_its_crude/

    Who the fuck lol

    1. rotaryknight trying to act like he's the boss of akf.

    2. ITS RUDE


      ITS NUDE

    3. fuck you I A The Fucking Boss......shit, wrong blog :D

  11. Wow, she can't even walk on stage correctly. I bet Dani is think, "Da fuq did I just get myself into?"

    Also love the victoria pic.

    1. ^^ khuntoria is the name of a wgm couple you retard. kpop fans unite

  12. Also, just finished watching the vid. Seriously she does not know any korean. Her face is like WTF!?!?!??!

    this is not good at all.

  13. So the blindness was a metaphor for her not knowing what the fuck is going on.

  14. She pronounces her name like Dhani, like George Harrison's son.

  15. Dani's kawaii as fuck.

    She's good in my book, just hope CCM doesn't have a thought of debuting T-ara in USA cause Danis fluent in eng.

  16. http://i48.tinypic.com/9zx3cx.gif

  17. This was fucking painful to watch.

  18. I wonder if we're going to get an influx of T-ara fans or people who are otherwise enraged that you're telling a 12 year old to kill herself.


  19. oh another useless walking stick, we have plenty of those already >_<

  20. Koreans nickname dani "olivia hussey of the east". WTF? bitch looks nothing like olivia hussey, shes an uglier version of lizardface yoona at best. why are koreans so obsessed with olivia hussey anyway?

    1. Lizardface. Oh god. AKFaGs make me laugh once in a while and I like ett.

    2. wtf lol, she does not look anything like olivia hussey, old or young. Who gave her that nickname.

      if anything jaekyeong of Rainbow looks like her when she was young.

    3. http://www.soompi.com/2012/06/03/which-maknae-is-your-favorite-idol-member/

  21. I feel sorry for the girl, really
    She will be hated all over without even knowing
    plus her voice is annoying as fuck

  22. She's an inspiration. Now my life long goal of moving to Korea to become a famous rapper and have sex with all the hot K-pop chicks is so much more realistic!

  23. I am going to feel terrible for Dani when she actually debuts with T-ara, because by then, their popularity will have dwindled because all the fans left because of Dani.

    But I will stay on because I am a Diadem 4lyfe \(゚ー゚)/

    Also, Tia >>>> anybody else debuting under 15
    (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

  24. She looks like crap. Like, really grubby, as if they picked her off the streets. Greaseball hair.. and it looks like she picked her clothes up at salvation army.


    1. She's fucking skinny as FUCK. What does she feed on? How on earth does she live everyday?

  25. I think it was a bad idea to debut her so early considering it seems like she has no training. Not speaking Korean itself can be somewhat corrected considering there's a couple of idols that had no background in korean/sucked at Korean before getting trained (Nickhun,Amber, Victoria, Jaebeom didn't know much korean when he first got recruited, Tiffany had a lot of trouble), but in general she looked amazingly awkward on stage.

  26. She looks like she has no idea of the fuckery that she's in for. Its kind of sad.

    1. I actually felt really bad for her. Her "debut" at this stage is wrong in so many ways.
      I honestly don't care that much about T-ara (except for EunjunF :-]), but this was painful to watch.

  27. http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m6ux1dtBXj1radzsro1_r1_500.gif

    I nearly died of second-hand embarrassment watching this video. I understand that Korean-Americans aren't nearly as exposed to Korean as Koreans in Korea are, for obvious reasons. Regardless, that is no excuse to completely neglect your national language. How else do you expect to communicate with people of your race? I'm glad my parents forced me to go to Korean school every Sunday because now, I won't ever have to experience such a humiliating encounter like Dani did.

  28. I can't stand to look at those legs...

    1. And Dani seems to be unable to stand ON those legs :I

  29. please don't put her in T-ARA. PLEASE GOD NO

  30. she's cute but she's too young, 12 or 13 is too young, they need to wait or let her go back in usa.

  31. i think Bekah ex-after school, is the best rapper, she hawaiian (i consider not america, hahahah), she try her best to speak korean...plis Dani, you are causing t-ara to flop...forever 7, but she got a lot of time to learn, because she still in schooolll...hahaha 14 y.o, is time to study...not ruining a girl group...unless u ruining SNSD and Fx...i agree with ur presence.


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