Sunday, July 15, 2012

[MV Review] Super Junior - Sexy Free & Single

Super Junior makes what could be their last comeback (before EXO kicks their asses) with a 6th album. Sexy Free & Single is the lead track, and boy does it have one hilarious MV.

SM decided to go back to basics with the MV for SuJu's new song, which means dancing in boxes with random closeups for spice. Usually it'd be pretty snoozeworthy, but with the recent glut of "stylish" MVs that attempt to... think outside the box if you'll pardon my pun, this ends up being a breath of fresh air. Ironic I know.

But since this IS Super Junior, the neglected, old, forever sidelined former cashcow of SM, not much effort was given to their boxes at all. They get a grand total of 3: 1 fancy one, 1 decent one scrapped together from EXO's leftover setpieces, and the blank whiteroom they use for CGI editing (but "artisticly" lighted for disguise).

They really went all out on the CGI budget for this one.
If they're not busy bitching out SM for their blatant favoritism of every other group in their lineup, ELFs might argue that the lack of sets only highlights the dance bits of the song's choreo. In this case, they'd might actually have a point. Super Junior's choreography for this promo, although  ridiculous/laughable in places (most places), manages to incorporate some interesting formations that make use of their massive numbers. Highly unexpected, but not entirely unwelcome. Some dance highlights I found interesting.

Main dance. Too busy laughing to come up with something witty.
This is how you use the main dancer, by giving 'em a properly incorporated dance solo
that's halfway decent. Take notes, Hyoyeon. 
The only reason why I was anywhere near interested in Super Junior's new album was because I heard Kangin was going to return to active promotions with the group. Say what you will about the guy, but I think he's a just big ol' bear of a guy. It's probably cause of how funny he was on WGM (Okay, I only watched the episode where he and his "wife" whose name escapes me went with Taeyeon and Jung Hyung Don to that clam island and Taeyeon got drunk.), not to mention the fact that he got arrested twice for kicking ass and DUI. #streetcred

But, when I watched the MV, he was even hardly in it!! Poor guy comes fresh out of the military and back into action and all he gets is a few seconds of screentime.

And most of it is filled with SM's shitty ads.
Thankfully, the rest of the screentime is dominated by Donghae, one of the few actually attractive people in this damn group.

The outfits are as wack as ever, SM digging especially deep in hipster and wannabe avant-garde dumpsters for some of the shit they got them wearing. The only decent sets are the suits, but that's pretty much a given. It's incredibly difficult to fuck up a suit, and thankfully Super Junior doesn't attempt to prove me wrong. But still. Take a look at what the fuck they put Leeteuk in and tell me you didn't laugh/shiver.

We didn't need to see Leeteuk's titties jiggle, SM.
The song itself is, in another surprising turn of events, NOT a rehash/remix/repeat of Sorry Sorry. It's a pretty solid song, but ultimately doesn't do much at all. Listening to it, it feels rather short compared to what you would expect. The verses and such are far superior to the rest of the song, but there is far too much autotune to be able to distinguish any non-KRY+Donghae voices. Especially in the chorus. The SEKSHI FUREE N SHINGLE I'M LEADY TO BINGLE bits are really annoying, not to mention the loltastic Engrish of it all. Still, this song is far superior to Mr. Simple or anything off that entire hotmess of a 5th album.

Since this is Super Junior KPop, you can't get into any legitimate discussion of an MV without analyzing it for hidden symbolism and imagery. I went ahead and dissected some examples of this powerful metaphor-laden MV.

As you might have guessed from the above, this MV is chock full of as much subliminal EXO-related content  as there is evidence that SM is pushing for Super Junior's retirement. It's as if SM was mentally preparing its legion of stans for the inevitable, but along the way to the publishing table, an ELF got a hold of the MV and edited in some anti-EXO bits to warn the faithful. (PROM15E TO 13ELIVE, BITCHES)

Not Sorry Sorry part 4 and one of the better songs since then, but it's still nothing to write home about.


  • thrown EXO shade
  • Kangin's back
  • not Sorry Sorry pt. 4
  • verses
  • Leeteuk's titties
  • Kangin looks like Shindong's brother
  • Eunhyuk's closeups
  • massively autotuned chorus 
  • any non-KRY/Donghae bits
  • mostly hideous outfits
I give this song a 2.75 out of 5.


  1. I was expecting another sucky suck songs.
    But. This song puretti gud

    1. Honey, are you sure you've had SUFFICIENT time to think before you hit that Publish button?

  2. are you seriously saying that SM put those elements in there to symbolize the end of SUJU? i never knew that such effort even went into MVs

  3. Isn't it "Sexy, free and single. Im ready too Bingo"? I heard.

  4. Tbh as a fan I was the most disappointed with this comeback
    (then again, I've always hated SJ's tendency to make a few beautiful songs, but never promote them. They seriously always promote the WORST song on the album)

    They seem to be copying every rookie group that has ever existed; and they're sunbaes to pretty much everyone who's active right now so what the fucking fuck. I even saw Eunhyuk wearing the same clothes as EXO M's Lay during their comeback stage (and even in the MV, it just feels like they're wearing some random rookie group's clothes)

    And about the Kangin thing; he's been one of the overlooked members ever since he started getting fat; SM claims they don't give a shit about size, but they don't give lines to the fat ones (Kibum in Neorago, Shindong forever, Kangin since Sorry Sorry). I adore Kangin (especially on variety shows; SJ's Full House is still one of my favourite idol variety shows ever aired), and he does have a decent voice (a littttle bit like Yesung's in its quality) but he doesn't seem to be too keen on it so he isn't that good a singer.

  5. I don't like this. I don't think I will ever like anything where there is a guy calling himself sexy with a straight face. Or a gay face. Whatever.

  6. What the fuck does "ready to bingo" even mean. Sounds like something a grandma might say...

  7. Kangin's the new resident chunkster, Shindong's so skinny now. But good skinny, not weird skinny.

  8. I didn't know there were 2 Shindong's in Super Junior? Oh wait, that's just Kangin.

  9. This is probably the best review I've read here. Love your analysis. Also lol'd at your sarcasm on the CGI budget. Good job. I love you.

  10. Poor these faqs, they have prob like 1 week left b4 BoA makes her comeback and yet they achieved nothing with this SEKSHI FUREE N SHINGLE I'M LEADY TO BINGLE. T8 and SISTAR (prob 2NE1) will kick their asses this week and this will mark their end. Cant wait

  11. Ah, finally a review I can mostly agree with.

  12. Replies
    1. I didn't know SMEnt also runs a Korean franchise of Animal Planet--with a show on macaques...

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I'm surprised PETA aren't SM's ass... I mean, they have an animal under contract. :(

  13. For this album, they should hav promoted "Boom Boom" instead of Bonamana. Boom boom is so catchy. And Donghae, Kyu, Sungmin and Kibum are like the good looking ones in the group.

  14. I thought 'Sexy free and single, I'm ready to bingo' was a dumb ELF meme (in the vein of EXO stans' roll like a buffalo) but then I googled the lyrics. LOL.

  15. Do oppar gangnam style. Omg best mv evaaaa!!!

  16. lots of donghae screentime yay!

    (yeah im into kpop because of the face coz i ain't got any ounce of musical ability lol)

  17. Oh my, Donghae is handsome O.O
    I like the chorus though, but the rest is just, BLEH~ :P

  18. Guise!!! Check this out!!!


    Jessica the 9th most hotttest women in the world

    Take that mantits

    Ur oppas are lucky to even get close to her!!!

    1. And Eunhyuk is the 7th best rapper in the world! I guess having a miles wide vagina with Jaejoong, Taecyeon, Donghae left over semen puts you on worlds most beautiful woman!!1!1112<333

    2. Ok I'm sorry I didn't mean to slut-shame her :(

    3. That's pretty good for a mannequin, but I can't take that list very seriously. After long observations, I'm pretty sure the one in first place used to be a man.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. What who when?

      @mantits atleast my baby hyukjae can rap better than a uknow chimpmunk!!!

      Jessica face is tilted. If she looks straight without tilting her head. Her face looks mehh normal. I would tap that

    6. She used to be so pretty during ITNW. Now she look like horse.

    7. she dint catch my attention itnw.. she caught it in oh! opa opa saranghae~
      i almost fap

  19. That floating in midair 'stunt' was the cheesiest piece of anal vomit I've seen from SMEnt

  20. It's a mystery how this group managed to stay relevant for 7+ years. There is no growth in their music, their MVs are exactly the same except for whatever lackluster electronica song they are singing along to. If I was a fan of theirs I would have jumped ship a long time ago. There's a difference between sticking to a distinctive style and sound and just re-hashing the same old tired formula.

    They dance in boxes in their MVs because of the box SM has trapped them in musically.

    1. Super Senior's formula for title track:
      Monotonous chorus
      Nonsense/randomEnglish(bcuz I naughty naughty, bone my baby)
      Dance break
      Random Yesung high notes

  21. The question is why does SM only do this to Super Senior and SNSD? They didn't do it with Shinhwa and H.O.T., TVXQ, and they don't do it with SHINee and f(x).

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. cuz sm still isn't serious about super junior, super was only a project group,the members were all leftovers. the trainees which had no future were put in one group and this how sj was made.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Dongho has been looking fug lately though. And those hexagons also blatantly reminded me of Exo lol

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. really after checking this blog i no more belong to kpop fan world all of you people are so immature thanks god metal fans are not like you does it really matter if the MV is good or not as long as the song is amazing and the dance is epic ?! i don't get it you blindly hate on super junior saying they'r not talented mick jagger is the once who introduced super junior to me he heared walkin' from their 5th album and really it's an amazing song and their voices are so beautiful super junior music is not the main song in the album super junior is not all about sorry sorry bonamana mr.simple or sexy , free & single super junior real music is all my heart , shining star , our love , happy together , happiness , the one i love , fly , storm , walkin' , memories your judjing the group saying their music is not good but do you actually listen to it ?! even if you hate it do you have to be rude and immature ?! from now on i will support super junior only and i have no deal with the fans i can't sink in the amount of hate that you guys have grow up a little bit if you don't like a group that doesn't mean they'r untalented ~

    1. On behalf of everyone who has read this comment, I'll respond with: "wut?"

    2. come on you all don't make sense i will copy some of the comments you wrote down here in order to show you what i exactly mean ..

      " I even saw Eunhyuk wearing the same clothes as EXO M's Lay during their comeback stage (and even in the MV, it just feels like they're wearing some random rookie group's clothes) "

      amm question am i the only one or this shirt was worn by 3 other SM artist before sehun ?!


      oh right i forgot it's wrong when any suju member do it the funny thing is when yesung released his teaser photo for SF&S all of the YG biased immediately said that he is copying FX amber but actually when GD and Dara had the same cut hair nobody actually complained " i'm a 2NE1 fan but people need to be realistic "

      " Poor these faqs, they have prob like 1 week left b4 BoA makes her comeback and yet they achieved nothing with this SEKSHI FUREE N SHINGLE I'M LEADY TO BINGLE. T8 and SISTAR (prob 2NE1) will kick their asses this week and this will mark their end. Cant wait "

      all of the koreans pronounce the word " sexy " as sexhy so get over it bro and i appreciate your enthusiasm super junior already ranked number 3 on billboard's worldwide album chart and won all of the music banks except for the 1st one

      " Super Senior's formula for title track:
      Monotonous chorus
      Nonsense/randomEnglish(bcuz I naughty naughty, bone my baby)
      Dance break
      Random Yesung high notes "

      does it really matter if the english lines are good or not ?! all of the songs that have good english and people are extremely happy with it may i ask one question .. how many of the koreans who sings these songs are actually native english speakers i actually don't get it , it's just lines that the company has created and few of them can actually speak english fluently

      now this is my favorite :

      question :

      " The question is why does SM only do this to Super Senior and SNSD? They didn't do it with Shinhwa and H.O.T., TVXQ, and they don't do it with SHINee and f(x). "

      someone's answer :

      " cuz sm still isn't serious about super junior, super was only a project group,the members were all leftovers. the trainees which had no future were put in one group and this how sj was made. "

      my answer is :

      1st of all smarti SM already disbanded DBSK " only two members left " and SHINHWA are no more under SM and same with H.O.T now for the part when u say snsd all i gotta say is are u for real !?? SNSD is the only group that's treated fairly in SM along with SHINee & F(X) & EXO . now about the answer do you realize that sm success is caused by super junior ?! if there is no super junior sm will not be as popular as now go check twitter does any other korean has over 2 million followers !? go check facebook does any other korean artist has over 5 million likes you don't like suju's music that's totally fine but you have to be realistic

      i didn't came here to bash or anything but really you are giving a bad reputation for kpop music and kpop fans


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