Saturday, November 24, 2012

Elderly delusional T-ara fan

If there's anything more shittier than the delusional fanboys/fangirls that go on an irrational mode of butthurtism, rage, death threats and petitions and all that shit, it's the ones that actually talk the exact opposite way while still being equally deluded, if not more.

Now, the vast majority of Kpop's community consists of teenagers and young adults from their early to mid, or even late 20s. Then we have the samchon fans that are in their early-mid 30s to their 50s and maybe their 60s. I thought they only existed in Korea for some damn reason I'm not even sure how to explain in words but it's become very clear to me that is not necessarily the case.

Here we have Emperor_Ryu, one of the most delusional T-ara (and Kpop as a whole) fans to exist in history.

Now, down to some of his delusional moments....

LOL. Just because MBC aired a concert performance 'together' for them before shit hit the storm doesn't mean they give a fuck's worth about T-ara unless they get blowjobs or a shitload of cash - or both.

I'm not even sure what to say for this one.
Though for one thing, Hwayoung wouldn't be stupid enough to give up living a normal life (while also getting laid by Zico whenever she wants) to return to the group she got kicked out of.


I don't have anything against Hawaii or the people living there in general but sheesh, if there's a Kpop award called "Biggest Fucking Gullible and Delusional Faggoty Fan of the Year", I think this guy would make a perfect nominee along with any one of Shitteuk's or G.Druggin's fangirls.

To believe every public announcement from both T-ara and KKShit would be like believing everything what a politician says in front of the camera. This guy obviously does not know anything about PR, nor does he even seem aware that Nam Gyuri and Soomi preceded Hwayoung in similar situations. Heck, if Obama one day suddenly anounces that aliens are coming to invade planet Earth on April Fools' Day, I'd expect this whacko to buy a shitload of guns and build his own bunker.

Secondly, the fans that want her to return are miniscule in number at best and many have already accepted she's not coming back anytime soon and moved on. She's a free bird, let her live her own life the way she wants. Sure, you're not the only one that wants her to return but it's pretty fucking obvious you're the most delusional one about it up to the point everyone in Diadem thinks you're an idiot.

Admit it Ryu. You're just butthurt and in denial that you lost one idol out of many others to fap to in front of the screen and in whatever runs wild and loose in your head - probably fantasizing that literally every single female K-idol out there is part of your group of sex slaves or some shit. Even fugs like Eunkyo, Sohee, Dog.L, Bom, Binzy, Hyoyeon and Hyorin.

Move on. She ain't comin' back.


  1. Doode. I wish I was Hwayoung now. She's banging Zico, doing absolutely nothing, and her fanpeople are still blabbing about her.

    1. she really does have da gud lyf.

    2. zico needs to dump her and get with me. i'll give him 50% more street cred then he can make a rap about how he bang the black off bitches or whatever tasteless rappers rap about these days

    T-ara shi dae hwaiting

  3. Still prefer this guy over the batsh*t crazy fangirls.

    1. Not if you've actually run into him :P The guy's considered a huge whack by most fans out there. Even the crazy ones.

    2. Trust me you DO NOT want to run into this guy he is at the pinnacle of delusional fans

  4. since nichkhun always has some shit to say about every fucking scandal ever (other than, surprise surprise, his own), i will quote him.


  5. I'm not shocked about his age, I'm more shocked that he's been in the fandom for 16 years. WTF that's a really long time to be activally involved in any fandom.

  6. Replies
    1. Kpop isn't an activity. Hobbies usually imply interactivity. My perspective on this may be wrong, and if so, it's musingly sad.

    2. depending on where you live it can be a hobby because there are events, projects and things to get involved in...

    3. That kind of perspective would constitute food as a hobby.

  7. Well at least he's delusionally nice~~~ u-u

  8. hahahaha Scat, i see you on Diadem every once in a while. I wanted to say something to him when everything happened, but you know how Elly and Nath and the other people are with... adding flame to the fire.


    2. I'm always on there, even if I'm not on my computer lol. Smartphone does wonders, plus I'm too lazy to log off and log in again. It's a drag.

    3. The guy's probably the most delusional fuckwit I've ever seen when it comes to T-ara and that's putting it very nicely. Honestly, if I were a mod there, I would have banned his ass permanently a long time ago.

      Plus he pops out in SNSD's fandom during the weekends and talks like a bot lol. I actually have articles about him in earlier articles since some of the shit he says and does is hardly different to that of an otaku. Apparently he once even claimed that whenever he sees a plane fly over him, he waves at it thinking that any Kpop idol could be in it for overseas activities XD

      But I guess that's expected, considering he claims to be a Kpop stanner since 1996 - which may as well be seen as a record.

    4. hahah I see, I see. I used to see him on Soshified when i was a fan of SNSD... (I used to be online friends with him D:, I feel ashamed...) I have nothing to say to him, or about him. And him being a Kpop stanner since 1996... BUT STILL is a delusional fan... I dunno... I don't think we can help this guy. Does listening to H.O.T., SES, Shinhwa, S#ARP, and all the other old ass groups make me a Kpop stanner since i was born? ('93)

    5. Lol there's nothing wrong with listenin' to old groups but when you see a 34-year-old dude who stans Kpop hardout up to the point he even believes every pile of BS from both idols and their agencies in the news, then something is definitely wrong with him in the inside lol.

      I just ignore him in SSF and even the mods at Diadem find him a nuisance lol. Funnily, in SSF, he denies that he's the same guy in Diadem, even though the DOB and living location is the exact same.

  9. LOL PREACH! I've been trying to get that douchebag banned for ages. People have been banned for much less. W/e, nobody listens to me on there anyway.

  10. That fucktard is my age? Holy shit, I thought he was just a kid. Now I kind of feel ashamed to be lumped into the same age bracket as him.


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