Sunday, December 23, 2012

Stupid Things Fangirls Utter 23

Well this is super embarrassing.

I thought that I had scheduled a bunch of my Question of the Weeks and Stupid Things Fangirls Utter posts while I finished up my degree's final examinations. So I came back today to see the comments - only to realize that I ran out of posts a while ago.


Sorry FISHies.


Due to my tardiness, I am doing something special for this Christmas season!

Usually, stores do a "12 Days of Christmas Giveaway" event leading up to Christmas Day (or Boxing Day). So I am doing a post everyday until Christmas - starting now!

Today's submission comes from Em:
Preface: This fangirl's Tweet regards Junhyung's two separate tattoos. One says "carpe diem quam minimum credula postero", and the other said "born again still your son"

Thank you for your submission!

I really enjoyed that facepalm.

Who doesn't know what carpe diem means? I mean, the "quam minimum credula postero" part is not said often along with the phrase (which means "trusting as little as possible in the future"), but, I mean, come on. Carpe diem means 'born again still your daughter/son'."?

This is so painful.

If anyone has choice comments that they want to share on Stupid Things Fangirls Utter, please send them to zomg.oppa.sareanghae@gmail.com, or leave them in the comments below. Thanks!


  1. Replies
    1. Fangirls don't know about Dead Poets... My guess

    2. you don't need to watch Dead Poets to know that. it's a common catchphrase

    3. woops common is redundancy of catchphrase already

  2. i writed to santa ask him for shinbi for xmas

    i have been good, i will take care of her xoxo

  3. ... i never heard the phrase so... i did not know what it meant lol

  4. I've heard carpe dium before and I know what it means...

    Also, 'born again, still your son'? WTF does that even mean?

    1. Its most probably a Christian phrase.. I'm not sure how she got that from carpe diem though

    2. typical Engrish with mumble jumble of words attempting to look like they have cohesion

  5. God Damn Shinbi-kun-chan-sama Get it 2getherrrr. ( ^_~ ) jk!

  6. its so sad how fangirls are left with no knowledge of their own culture (or basic things like what carpe diem is) because they're too busy having an entirely superficial understanding of another.

  7. I didn't know what carpe diem meant because I had only ever seen it one time in my life. I looked it up online, saw the definition, and because no one ever really uses it, I forgot it. Not everyone has a need to know phrases from a dead language.

    1. You're an old man, people were using carpe diem like they're currently using YOLO before that got big.

  8. you don't need to know the phrase but in you should know your place and shut the fuck up or LOOK IT UP.

    This was.. awful... Born again still your child.. dafuq.. x.x

    1. but you should know*

      Iunno what that 'in' is doin there. I need sleep. Blergh.

  9. Why I'm imaging A7X's song right now?


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