Monday, December 24, 2012

Question of the Week 67

This week's question comes from Lee, who writes:Is there any particular member that you want to kick out of a particular group, either because he/she is dragging the group down or because he/she is too good and shouldn't be in that particular group?

I think we have had variations of this question multiple times, but it is always a good one. Thanks for your suggestion!

Leave your replies in the comment section below.

If anyone has suggestions for later Question of the Weeks, please send them to zomg.oppa.sareanghae@gmail.com, or leave them in the comments below. Thanks!


  1. E-Young from Afterschool is too good to be in the group, she can play the guitar, bass, drums, and the fucking piano. She belongs in CN Blue or FT Island of some sort

    1. i really hope you're being sarcastic.

    2. its true though she is a multi-instrumentalist

    3. a. ft island and cn blue have no more musical integrity than any other idols. if that's what you think a band is then i feel sorry for you.

      b. having played a majority of those instruments at some point in my life, i can tell you, as can anybody else, that e-young has no proficiency in any of them. if you asked your friend who played bass to teach you a little something for fifteen minutes, you'd be able to play as well as her.

  2. I want Sunggyu to go solo forever. Dancewise, I think he is dragging Infinite down. On the other hand, his voice is too good for idol songs.

    1. leader gyu is sarcastic and awesome offstage but he not only drags inpenis down as a dancer, he has very little stage presence of his own. as a solo artist he would most likely be like a weaksauce kim jongwan because he's such a big fanboy that regardless of what he sings, there are still traces of him copycatting nell.
      also, i disagree that he's 'too good' for idol songs, because inpenis makes some really different ones that are more suited to his voice; hysterie/can you smile for example would be nowhere without him and was 100% up his lane.
      my problem with infinite's lineup is that woohyun and sunggyu don't mix as singers, they should have ideally had only one of the two in the group.

  3. Yubin and SunYe from WG, they really don't need the other 3.

    Hyorin from Sistar, she has got everything to be a solo singer, her appearance though quite lacking, is still ok for a solo.

  4. If this was asked next month, I would've said Dani. Bitch needs to stay the hell out of T-ara.

    1. Dani is not just useless, she is the true EPITOME of useless. KKS only scouted the bitch cuz he's a pedo. Because why'd he grab a 13 y/o azn girl who can't speak Korean otherwise?

  5. Miss A's Suzy and 4minute's HyunA.

    Suzy has so much other crap going on, does she really need to be part of a girl group, too? She's not charismatic enough for Miss A, either. She gets out-shined on stage by Jia, Fei, and Min. And let's be honest, her voice is really nothing special. Miss A would be bomb if they were a trio.

    HyunA I just... does she even contribute anything to 4Minute anymore? Besides hogging the spotlight? No? Okay then let's cut her off too.

  6. Hyoyeon because she can't sing, she looks hideous and, despite what SM wants people to think, she can't dance.

    1. Wow,and I thought I was the only one who thought she couldnt dance.Bitch does the same moves over and over again,always popping and locking.

    2. What a stupid comment. 95% of the time she dances it's choreographed so of course we don't see her full potential.

  7. is obvious t-ara boram she fucking sucks how the poor girls of secret suffer and car accident but this bitch no she is all good you have to admit the devil is in her side

    1. You say she sucks? She provides all the weed the group needs. That's how they survived 3 years of being overworked to the bone!!!

    2. true that also weed help when they are fucking for money

  8. Surprised no one said APink and Eunji.

    Although I like APink as a group and all their songs, Eunji's popularity at the moment probably means she could be bigger as a solo. Not to mention her voice would suit something bigger than Hush.

  9. Hyoyeon. I'm sorry but she has very little dancing skills. Pop & lock is not for her. People who say she's the "Dancing Queen" need to gtfo. There are other girl dancers who are much more natural dancing than her. Even Moon Turn beats her ass.

  10. Someone seriously needs to kick Minho out of SHINee. Why? Because he can't sing, and even when SM tried to cover up that TINY little detail by making him the rapper, he can't rap as well. And PLEASE don't go on about how 'handsome' he is -___- seriously? Why the hell is he the face of SHINee? I'm sorry, but I think even Hyogre's better looking than him -___-

    1. OMG I thought I was the only one!! Seriously, why the f is he considered the face of SHINee (along with Jonghyun, too - His looks are overrated as hell)??? And not only does he not know how to sing, he also doesn't know how to rap and even how to act. The only reason I'm still tolerant with him is the (hopefully) affection he showcases towards Taemin (even if it's all for show anyway) - and this is just the last desperate method to get him out of my black list.


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