Monday, December 24, 2012

Stupid Things Fangirls Utter 24

Today's submission comes from Luscious Kevin:

Lololol. Korean Beyonce. Zomg.

If anyone has choice comments that they want to share on Stupid Things Fangirls Utter, please send them to zomg.oppa.sareanghae@gmail.com, or leave them in the comments below. Thanks!



  1. Why the fuck did that comment get 56 thumbs up

    1. lol kpop fans are like cult members, they go along with the leader even though they know it's stupid as fuck to do so.

      Either way no-one really cares about kpop that much aside from kpop fans. And even when they troll tumblr they look ridiculous because no-one cares but they always, ALWAYS think they are being so fucking clever.

    2. Because there are a shitton of crazy kpop fans

  2. Why are all remotely good kpop singers compared to Beyonce? Don't Koreans hate black people? I always thought that they would have chosen a white singer/performer of comparable singing ability/stage presence instead.

    If women are compared to Beyonce, who are the men compared to?

  3. She is one of the most talented girl in Kpop as for now, considering how useless some of the girl groups and boy groups are now and how they try hard to look fashionable. Still I don't know if she is better than Beyonce or not since I personally don't listen to Beyonce much.

    1. +1

      She's almost a leap beyond talented than the rest of the pack (kill me for overestimating here), so I guess there's an air of euphoria among fans who get a dose of idols who have the looks, the package and the talent that can match that of the archetypal non-idol artists in terms of singing abilities given that the Korean idol scene has a scarcity in that aspect. If fans could justify the mediocre skills of K-Pop (non-exclusive to idols) vocals (and rappers and dancers...and actors), what more to those whose abilities could be easier to magnify (Hyorin, Ailee)?

    2. had to look up a dictionary for your glorious vocabularies

  4. She needs to get a better sense of where she is going with her runs before she gets on them, and she needs better lower range control, but she definitely has potential to grow into Beyonce-level singing. That said, Beyonce has become quite full of herself and often fucks over songs with her personal styling. So despite her technical abilities as a vocalist, she is overrated as an artist responsible for the interpretation of musical pieces. Ailee's singing style is quite similar and voice somewhat similar, so I don't see why calling her "Korean Beyonce" must be interpreted as having equal skill.

    1. Example: http://youtu.be/dK5ceXSVuXc

      I find that more enjoyable than all the vocal wankery Beyonce likes to get into.

    2. And she really doesn't do bad with Beyonce's material: http://youtu.be/WWQuhihDwyk

  5. 56 people must be given the middle finger by Han Ji Min in front of their sorry-ass faces.

  6. The term "Korean Beyonce" is definitely overused and stupid. Why do they have to be compared to Beyonce?

  7. so if we combined Hyorin and Ailee, they make Ultimate supreme Beyonce?

    1. Yeah, most of the so called Main vocalists aren't so great.

      But you have to say, that Beyonce isn't one of the best singers out there.

      I would rank it something like this:

      1)Mariah Carey/Whitney Houston


      3)Really good K-Pop Singers (Kim Yeonji, Ailee...)

    2. I can agree except Adele isn't that good. Her vocal style is far too domineering and crushes the song interpretation. Look at this:


      BoA's voice isn't all that great itself but she does so much better on Adele's own song because she is fully committed to the expressing the spirit of the song rather than maintaining a signature vocal style. That's what makes the best singers, regardless of vocal capacity, like Stevie Nicks and Paul McCartney.

    3. Yeah I don't like her that much either.

      I just didn't know where to put her :D

      For me, musicanship is one of the most important things for a singer.
      I would even rank Mariah above Whitney, because of that. :)

      My final list would be something like:

      3) (other singers like Aretha, Barbra...)
      (big gap)

      4)Beyonce (I don't like her that much, her vocal runs sometimes annoy me :)

      5)Kim Yeonji,Ailee...


  8. She's got a good voice. Why can't they just compliment her and leave it at that. Why do kpop fans always have to bait trouble?

    If I ever had a problem with kpop fans, that would be it. ALWAYS fucking baiting for drama. Good thing no hardcore Beyonce fans will probably ever see this video.

    Kpop fans want to go head to head with the big main stream fanclubs but they'd get crush instantly.

  9. "So much better than Beyonce..."
    Seriously? Delusional much. She's got a great voice but I don't think it's near Beyonce's level yet.

  10. LOL, the uploader stated itself, Korean Beyonce. If she's better than Beyonce, then Beyonce should be called as American Ailee, don't you think?

  11. Beyonce is a thieving lying ho, so I have no qualms with this.


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