Saturday, March 2, 2013

5 million views

Thanks everyone!

If you guys remember, Suckmydee wrote this article when we reached 100,000 views. When this blog started out, it was mainly for me and the people I came to know through allkpop and Tiara Diadem. I got banned from 6theory for posting disgusting porn (funny, but worth it) and I got exiled from Tiara Diadem along with Bou, who used to write here under Antidelusionalkpopfanism, 아저씨, and djschlotte, who still comments here from time to time. I believe the only other person from before I started AKF is Rotary.

In March 2011, I was getting bored of 6theory and was posting some disgusting porn in some threads. It took the mods roughly 8 hours to ban me, so sorry Ninja that you had to clean all of that shit up. I met Suckmydee and Lickmypunani through that thread and started talking to them on Twitter. Suckmydee suggested that I start a blog and I followed her advice. I named the blog "Anti Kpop-Fangirl" because it was the Kpop fangirls that made me mad. I just stated my honest opinion "X looks ugly in this concept, Y song sucks ass" and they would bitch at me and report me to the mods.

If you go back to April 2011, you'll see that this blog mainly started out as a personal Kpop blog for me. I just wanted a place to post my own opinions without crazy fangirls bitching and moaning about them. I had recruited Bou and David to help me since I got along with those two pretty well (and maybe too well with David since you fuckers started Chuckvid). Later on, I added Suckmydee and Lickmypunani to the staff, all comprised of people who I had known before AKF. Along the way, instead of having AKF as a personal blog, I wanted to spread the idea that people can enjoy Kpop without being batshit insane about it. I like to have fun with Kpop, which is why I used to post "fap posts" and edit a lot of shit through MS Paint. I have a vastly different humor from most people, which is probably why this blog is hated by anyone who doesn't get my sense of humor.

AKF started getting more popular in the summer of 2011 after people started linking to it a lot. Once Kpop Secrets and reddit linked AKF, that's when the site started growing, which brought upon the two dark eras of AKF.

In the summer of 2011, I had expected to become busier because I was a retard and decided to major in accounting. (Don't major in accounting, seriously. It sucks.) I needed to hire more writers since I was still writing 60% of the posts. This was the first time I hired people that I didn't know and didn't have strict requirements for authors to meet. That's why I hired anyone who wanted to join the staff. Go back to July 2011 and you'll see why I purged half of the authors. It was terribad back then. I had hired fangirls and they were writing shit that didn't belong on AKF.

The second dark era was the winter of 2011. This was when the comments looked like the diarrhea you would see on 9gag. (I was always a 4chan lurker, so I have never really liked 9gag at all.) The comments were painful to read. I had tried spreading an idea and attracted the wrong type of people. After consulting with Asian Junkie, I removed the anon option to comment. I was never asking for philosophical debates in the comments, but anything was better than "Nigger," "pinoy," "637," "Tednee," "Suzy is a fat whore," etc. spammed in every article.

Both of those dark eras were when AKF hit peaks in viewers, and after I made changes, the readership dipped in half. Both times, I accepted having less readers if it meant that I would actually want to visit my own blog.

In 2012, after making changes and removing some authors, I knew I needed a new direction to take AKF in. I hired Zaku, and soon after that, sulli_fag, Reehji, and CombatBaby, all people I had known well since I started AKF. This decision worked, since AKF started gaining a lot of newer readers. The articles were getting better and the comments were actually worth reading again.

That bring us to today. I would like to thank everyone who has ever helped with AKF, be it that they were an author here or helped spread the site's name to others. Despite having a lot of fangirls pissed off at me for disagreeing with their delusional opinions, I have met a lot of cool people through AKF. A lot of people have the same idea of just enjoying Kpop for what it is and to not make it into something that it's not. It's okay to enjoy idol songs. It's okay to dislike songs. It's okay to dislike members of your favorite group. It's okay to think an idol is hot. However, some fangirls get way too protective, and plenty of people have met these fangirls that made the Kpop fandom leave a sour taste in their mouth.

I have recently given up on trying to convince fangirls that this site isn't Anti Kpop. I have tried for two years now and it's to no avail. Every author on this site enjoys Kpop, but they dislike the general Kpop fandom. People accuse me all the time of hating Kpop. If I hated Kpop and Korean entertainment, I wouldn't translate shit for fans on other sites. I wouldn't be running this blog.

Anyway, as a treat for everyone for reaching 5 million views, the site will be redesigned. It's being worked on right now. The plan is to transfer all of the data to the new site when it opens up (meaning that antikpopfangirl.blogspot.com will direct you to the new url) since the site runs slowly for a lot of people and the site looks like it's from 2003. We will also be using Disqus, which should make it much easier for people to comment (all you really need to do is link your Twitter account to Disqus in order to comment.) We are also still looking to hire new authors for AKF, as we already have our web designer and graphic designer.

Again, thank you everyone and here's a gif from klogg.


  1. AKF: A History

    leik dis if u cry evryteim

    In all seriousness, damn. We've come a long way. l0l Congratulations to us, and thank you loyal readers. Saranghaeyo~

    1. oh I cried, I cried manly tears

    2. 01001110 01101001 01100111 01100111 01100101 01110010 01110011 00100000 01110100 01101111 01101110 01100111 01110101 01100101 00100000 01101101 01111001 00100000 01100001 01101110 01110101 01110011

      4 u oppa

  2. Congrats!! I'm looking forward to the new site :)
    Btw the post was great, really enjoyable, until Dasoni appeared and made it perfect. Thanks.

  3. this has been the funniest blog i have ever come across the internet that has actually have to do with K-Pop. It's created with most epic writers with actual sense of humor. Bravo. New fan!!!

  4. This site really surprised me so much when I first came, despite the fap and butthole jokes, the authors can legitly argue with the fangirls. Had much good laughs with some of the funny articles, wish I knew thiss site much earlier.

  5. What? Oh, Don't mind me, I'm just here to ruin Chuck's day.

    I can imagine twitter-integrated comment section becoming a battlefield.
    Not a wicked, manly stabby-stab battlefield, but a lame leetuek-is-not-a-pedophile-akf-sucks, lol-gtfo-fangirl one. Just imagine the fangirl floods...Like Normandy landings all over again, but with Sones and YG stans, instead of Allied forces.

    1. I'd actually love to see them fangirls fight over one another here. It'd just piss them off even more, making them more exposed for viewers to see :3

    2. I'll be monitoring the comments. If it ends up like how the comments were in 2011, I'll remove Disqus and just use a normal commenting system.

  6. Best E! True Hollywood Story ever.

    But seriously, 2011 feels like just yesterday.

    1. LOL! To me Allkpop is like E! News but Anti Kpop Fangirl equals TMZ...

  7. im against the idea of using disqus

  8. Fuq u, i dont have a twit account and i forgot my disqus account!

    and i miss those anon comments days, where everyone was a pinoy and hated niqqers. Those trolls were way funnier than any of your articles. But the rapist comments were just wrong... wong... ching chong... ling long... ting tong... vietnam

    And what webhost are you using for the new site?

    1. This. Srsly, those anons was what brought me to the site, even though its annoying sometimes but u have some good laugh thanks to it. And yeah, those trolls indeed funnier than any articles here

    2. There were some funny anons, but when 99% of the anons were just regurgitating the stuff the funny anons wrote, AKF became a cesspool not unlike AKP's comment section. That's why I got rid of the of the anon option.

  9. So I actually went and made a blogger account for the express purpose of commenting here. I have been a longtime visitor of this site so I am super uh...proud? of you all for reaching this milestone.

  10. Congrats y'all! I actually came across this site while reading ppl bash it. Whatever they mentioned I agreed with u guys and clicked the link. I've been a happy reader since. I don't always agree with every author but I like the idea of u guys keepin it real & not being afraid to holler "that shit sucks". I also like that even when I don't agreed u guys keep me laughing. Keep being hilarious.

  11. I don't like the idea of you guys using Disqus -_-.
    Anyway, what service are you going to use to host the newly designed AKF?

  12. What's wrong with Disqus? And we're using Wordpress for those of you curious.

    1. Eurgh you can get so much spam from it. These spam bots just come and post the randomest shit ever. Good luck sifting through all of the comments with that.

      Wordpress is a good platform.

  13. Ahhh, my first time coming to akf seems like yesterday. We were searching for Qri's nose mole and got brought here. *Sniff, sniff* So many memories

    1. o_O

      Why her nose mole.

    2. I think the real question is why NOT her nose mole. http://i.imgur.com/Y3E7WG7.jpg

    3. What is it with her mole? I read it somewhere else that CCM a.k.a. KKS once asked her to surgically remove it but Qri steadfastly decline. Is she or her boyfriend cursed with some sorts of mole fetish? They will get turned on by looking at the mole?

    4. fuck, I get turned on by that mole.

    5. Lol, I always thought the mole was surgically added.

  14. Pouring one out for the cool people I've met here.

  15. I think I've been a witness to all those eras you mentioned. My favorite would have to be the time when you posted multiple articles a day and the first article I read was " Shindong Wants to fuck After School" or something like that. The Paint edits were the reason I came to this site.

    Oh good times...

  16. Thanks to this blog, I am now a sane, dignified, and non-delusional human being.
    I crey evry tiem i think bout u guys.

    1. Not to sound crazy or anything, but I used to save offline pages of articles in a particular month so I can read them when my internet decides to fuck up. What can I say, they made me happy.

  17. seeing how the blog grew since the beginning is pretty amazing. I kinda miss the first year : /

  18. Judging from the responses, it seems like Disqus is a bad idea. Does anyone know if Wordpress has an Open ID like Blogger does (being able to post from usernames from other services. For example, people can post from a Livejournal and Wordpress account on here.)

    1. wordpress has a openid plugin. Maybe a facebook plugin, though, I can see people will not like that idea.

      Disqus isnt so bad, especially with some anti spam plugin.

  19. This blog is super cool because it's a place for people who like Kpop but do not worship oppars/unnies like they're some sorts of semi God/Goddess. The way we poke fun at idols will get us mincemeated by rampaging fan boys/girls elsewhere.

  20. Thanks for not purging me in July 2011 with practically every other author.

    And for not mentioning me in your goddamn article! Humph *butthurt*


    Congratulations on 5 million views though! =D Thank you to everyone for making this happen!! <3

  21. I have started reading AKF after my ex boyfriend told me to learn more about kpop so that we could talk about kpop together I wasn't that much intersted in kpop but after reading all k pop and soompi I was shocked at how stupid were the news I couldn't stand the stupidity of the article and the fangirl so I had to find a blog funny a little bit trashy and realistic fortunately I discover AKF that make fun of idol and their fangirl I never told my ex that I read akf because he was a delusional fanboy but akf is my guilty pleasure

  22. Replies
    1. why dont you apply as an author . with a different usename. nobody would know
      :actual advice sunny:

  23. I like your blog. It's like the equivalent of Vote For The Worst (American Idol). I started reading your blog 2 years ago when most of the K-pop were crappy and the good groups started leaving for Japan. Thanks for providing some awesome and nail on reviews for the last couple of years. Keep it up!

  24. you got banned from diadem? i got banned too, but that because i posted one fucking thing about my fanfic in shoutbox and they all gone apeshit about it. it's just words, nothing else!

    either way, congrats on getting tons of views. your act of justice encourage me to started my own un-biased blog.

    1. I didn't actually get banned, but Diadem started changing so many rules because of the four of us, so we just left.

    2. I got banned for in like... less than 24 hours after making my very first account.


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