Friday, March 1, 2013

[MV Review] T-ara - Bunny Style

Short review:

Longer review: After the jump.

What a fucking piece of shit. It sounds like a J-idol song, and J-idol songs fucking suck dick. As a T-ara fan, this is yet another kick in the balls. As a finance major, I know that this is probably going to make them more successful in Japan. Ugh, fuck.

Starting with the positives, Bunny Style manages to mesh the Jpop and Kpop sounds in a way that works. The melody and arrangement are clearly in the Japanese style, but the hook, refrain, and rap are in the Korean style. Like a typical Jpop song, it's so saccharine that it drives me fucking insane. Aside from Kara, T-ara is probably the only girl group able to adopt their style for Japan well. The other Kpop girl groups usually just translate their songs into Japanese without adapting to the style, or the style they adapt sucks so fucking much.

T-ara's Japanese has improved a lot. They're still not fluent, but they've spent several months in Japan, so it's to be expected. It helps since they're easier to understand in Bunny Style compared to their Japanese versions of their Korean songs. It's sure better than trying to listen to SNSD trying to sing in Japanese.

The MV is actually watchable. The scenes stay focused on a particular scene for more than 0.0000000000000000001 seconds. I didn't get a seizure watching this MV.

This song will attract wotas. Maybe this guy will fap to Bunny Style's PV. Who knows, but the concept of the MV is sexual in order to get wotas to watch it.

Now, time for the negatives. The song sucks ass, and the rap is awful. Japanese isn't a very good language for rapping in the first place, but a Korean idol makes it sound even worse. Good God. The only Korean that should be rapping in Japanese is this guy:

The outfits aren't revealing enough. Besides that, they're ass. None of the outfits were good, but with this concept, they could have done so much more.

They need to show more skin to get wotas to fap.

So, in the end, the song is very disappointing on a musical level, but from a business perspective, it's T-ara's strongest song to date in Japan. I just think Hwayoung showing her nipples in a bunny costume would have made this single sell over a million copies.

I chose to edit a blurred picture so that Google wouldn't flag AKF for adult content again.


  1. I like it but yeah could've done without the rap.

    On a side note, Verbal is lookin' real good in that pic. :DD

    1. The raps are really unnecessary in Japanese songs. Besides, Areum can sing, so I don't see the point in making her do shitty fucking raps. I think the song does appeal to Jpop fans a lot more than Kpop fans. I've always hated these kind of songs from Jpop, but hey, enough people must like the style since they've been doing it for over 20 years.

      Verbal is always jjangbak.

    2. You know T-ara and their shitty raps, Chuck :3

      It's been going downhill ever since 2010.

    3. Thinking about it, I don't think I do hear much rap in J-Pop songs (excluding hip-hop/rap songs of course). Oh wells, whatever pulls in that cash~

      Verbal though. <3

  2. I like it. The "fucking up the japanese language" thing doesn't register to me because I don't speak it, so I don't GAF. I would have liked to see more skin but it's not some j-pop group where they cross promote into bukkake AVs or whatever, that bunny squat was probably the raunchiest they were allowed to go (I reckon they're teabagging their haters with that move). It's still better than SNSD's "Flower Power" and Orange Caramel's awful "Cookies Cream and Milk". Now there's a J-pop disaster.

    1. And I know j-pop groups don't really do bukkake AVs BUT I CAN DREAM

    2. AKB48 gets close to have AV music videos. Too bad the bad teeth always kills my boner, so I can never watch J-idol PVs.

      I read on Fany's blog that Orange Caramel's song was diarrhea. I'll take her word for it, as I don't feel like listening to another song that will make my ears bleed.

    3. Yeah it's absolute garbage. And I say this as a HUGE fan of OC. I'm not just bashing. I really wanted to like it, but....ugh. It's like a reject from a Perfume album.

      AKB48 have a pretty fanservice friendly attitude, if only they were more attractive and had better music.

    4. Orange Caramel seems like a group that would translate well to a Japanese audience, but they manage to fuck it up every single time. It doesn't even make any sense

    5. It's because they're trying too hard. Their songwriters should stop trying to self-consciously "do J-pop" and just do their usual Stock-Aitken-Waterman-meets-trot style that would work just fine over there.

  3. Replies
    1. btw, 1080p version:

      It's crap.
      Ahreum looks great, but otherwise it's a disappointment.
      I prefer T-ara doing some cool disco-y stuff.

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  6. I may be among the least appreciative of T-ara here, but I must say this is their very first cutesy upbeat song that I like genuinely.

  7. I thought they looked too tall, mature, old, fake and plastic for jpop.

    Only Boram seemed to fit this concept well, she was cute and looks like a 14 year old. So kawaii

    1. Oh and Jiyeons nose looks quite large the blonde makes her look uglier than sheis

    2. Yeah, she's been getting horribler each year

    3. As a group they're a little too aged for this sort of video. It doesn't really suit them either, they usually do stuff that's more mature-ish.

    4. With Hwayoung permanently out of the picture, T-ara is actually one of the shorter girl groups in Korea in term of average height(officially Boram is the shortest active idol at present), and yes, also one of the older groups in term of average age, even with the inclusion of Dani the giraffe. Although I think they all look very pretty in the PV, plastic or not (most Koreans are obsessed with having the perfect look, while Japanese define cuteness as having crooked teeth and being midget), but I have to agree that they are way too old for this cutesy shit concept. It's something befitting Jpop idols averaging 15 years old rather than mature 20 something women.

    5. Soyeon, looks like she just digests tons of McDonald shits and biatch keeps looking so fake =.=

    6. Even if it's one of the most shittiest songs I've ever heard, this is probably the first T-ara MV where Boram actually fits in and visible.

  8. The only thing that matters to me is that my dick loves the PV.
    but yeah, they should have shown more skin.
    and damn it areum is hella cute.

  9. This is the only bunny style you need:


  10. This song was garbage. The bunny squat was the only redeemable part of this PV aside from the fact that they all look really good.

    The PV is also about T-ara homewrecking that poor poor male bunny and being all yandere and shit. More fuel for the fire!!

    1. Oh shit, you are right.
      KKS did it again ! Master trolling of David Lynch caliber.

    2. Redeemable for the second hand embarrassment it gives your from watching it? lol.

  11. Do wota even know T-ara exists? Hopefully no AKB member or XXX48 group decides to release a single/album that week so people actually pay attention to the fact that T-ara is releasing something.

    I just don't think T-ara is cute enough as a whole to work in Japan. They've got some pretty girls, but they aren't cute, main setback for SNSD too. They can't speak japanese and only like 3/9 qualify as cute. Kpop in japan is playing a losing game right now; they should really stop trying to concentrate on the idol market and just release good music the public will like.

    Unless your group is KARA and the wota invited you to join the idol market, stay away! There's a limited number of wota and even though their tech jobs pay alot of money, they can't afford to "oshi" everyone. The J-idol market is small and most kpop girls don't meet the requirements. J-idol market is built for all the Yukirin's, Mayuyu's and Matsui Rena's of Japan. The only people who fall in line with this in Kpop are Seungyeon and Jiyoung which is why they have a shit ton of wota.

    1. T-ara's actually been doing really good in the Japanese market.

    2. Probably only doing well in their own respect, considering Japan is currently the ONLY country for them to really earn big bucks and not get hated on, so you could assume CCM would put a half decent effort to try catering more to the Japanese than previous times when all it did was just make remakes.

      Despite being the 3rd most popular Kpop girl group there (or somewhere along that), the gap between them and KARA as well as SNSD in popularity is still pretty damn big.

    3. How did T-ara do since summer in Korea ?

    4. They did fairly alright for Sexy Love promotions in Korea in the charts (but sales was nowhere near as comparable to their previous stuff - the Mirage single sold about a little over 40k in physical albums but a significant portion of them probably were brought back by CCM, ditto about digital) but it probably wasn't enough to meet CCM's required amount, which would partly explain why SPEED probably got a comeback with 5dolls following next, despite no one gives a single damn.

      Aside from that, they've been promoting in Japan since then, just doing concerts and stage performances. Nothing really big. This is their first comeback in months, and it's terribad in musicality, plus it's doubtful if they'll ever reach a level comparable to the two mentioned groups.

      Had the scandal not ever occurred, T-ara probably would have had another promoted track in mid to late Autumn in Korea quickly followed by another in winter, if their past promotion cycles have shown anything.

    5. @No. If you think T-ara is doing really good, then you don't pay attn to the Japanese music scene. They sell decently for any old run-of the mill J-idol group but not nearly as good as they could be while riding the tiny bit of appeal the "hallyu wave" still has behind it. It's because they are marketing themselves wrong. They are singing J-idol style songs but T-ara is NOT an idol group and with their lack of japanese they will never be able to appeal to the J-idol wota. They don't have the same niche appeal as KARA in Japan so it serves them no purpose to go down that path. If T-ara just markets as a Kpop group singing Jpop they will be alot better off. Japan is full of pop fans waiting for a fun summer-time song. Idol fans are a niche market and it takes more than just bunny ears to win them over and even if you do, the sales from idol fans only look good if you're a solo artist.

      It's the same problem Kara was running into for a while but reverse, they were singing " strictly pop" songs when they are classified more as an "pop-idol" group in japan which is their niche as it is in Korea too. Electric Boy and Speed Up weren't idol-y enough songs and without their idol wota to buy it, the songs didn't do as well as they could've but their pop-fans still brought them which kept them afloat. T-ara need casual fans; the same type of fans they have in Korea. It doesn't pay for T-ara to try and be like KARA with a "signature dance" and all that. KARA is a niche style group in Japan and Korea. T-ara doesn't have a niche title anywhere and it would be stupid of them to make one for themselves. T-ara can be bigger in Japan just like KARA could be bigger in Korea, they don't need to let trying to appeal to a niche market hold them back like KARA has allowed to happen in Korea (they making bank off of it in Japan).

  12. This has to be the worst T-ara song I've ever listened to after that atrocity known as YaYaYa.

    1. Yayaya is ok, though being on the great Roly Poly mini saves it I guess.
      Cry Cry is worse.

    2. ....You're kidding me, right?

    3. No, apparently I just have a different opinion.
      Tbh, I don't even remember Cry Cry that well anymore.

    4. I love YaYaYa tooooo. Its miles better than this jank.

  13. Soyeon looks fat and she didn't get enough lines. I am sad :( but I still love her

  14. That was pretty shitty, and I usually enjoy Japanese k-pop.

  15. Fucking creepy video. The chorus is terrible.

    I like the rest of it though. The rappy bits are cool I think.

  16. I haven't heard the song, but I expected this to be bad, there was a reason why I moved from jpop to kpop, some songs that I like from japan are mostly game (disgaea, atelier iris, etc) osts and anime osts, other than that, it's some people like ayumi hamasaki, yui and boa (lol).

    I tried listening to the pop groups, and its just a big no for me. There seems to be some mixed reaction to this song, so I might like it, since I thought SECRET's 'twinkle' was good.

  17. The shit I've realized in the past few weeks about the Japanese and Korean media business (and no, just because of AKFG) really made me kinda sick of all of it. I've decided to basically take a break from it and see if anything interests me anymore in 3~4 weeks. I'm just so overfed with all the over-sexualized bullshit right now, that I don't even want to read comical crap about it.
    I suggest you do a similar thing if you have similar feelings, that is, if you have...

  18. Dani will join t-ara for their next Korea comeback. So expect more rainbows and unicorns in the future. Fuck

  19. I guess this was picked because their management think this is what the J-public wants from them. T-ara had some pretty decent songs in the past, how can they downgrade to something so basic :/
    Some of the girls can't even pull off this cutesy crap, their overall style just doesn't match this concept.

    Let's see what k-netizens have to say about them stealing Mr. Bunny away from his girlfriend :P

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  21. Dude, I love soyeon, but damn, the girl is almost as stiff as Tiffany. Or she doesnt put too much effort in dancing.

    1. Chuck: Cos she has my peen up her butt bro

  22. If I am not mistaken, this PV centres around a story about animal cruelty and forced bestial orgy? From my understanding, T-ara pulls off a peeping tom on a bunny couple. Having watched them mate, the girls become so horny that they chase the male bunny around (having probably made a dinner out of that female bunny beforehand, poor thing....)and coerce him into having bestial orgy with them..........that's just so sick and twisted. I am pretty sure that I've got a much bigger dick than any sorts of bunnies, and I certainly wouldn't mind having an orgy with them....

    Anyway, I agree with everybody else's assessment on the music. It's one of the least impressive promotional tracks from T-ara and it won't get them anywhere apart from a few quick cash grabs by their agency. KKS probably wants to financially secure his retirement by milking as much profit from T-ara as humanely possible before they completely burn out.

    1. I agree. T-ara homewrecked the male bunny yandere style.

    2. I somehow doubt he'd want to retire anytime soon, especially when he's likely too busy fucking his idols and trainees 24/7.

    3. err.....this is arguably the most logical explanation for KKS remaining single to date and his preference for promoting female groups. I have read it somewhere else that T-ara has gone on record to say that they wish KKS will get married ASAP. They are probably sick to the stomachs already by KKS's sexual exploitation.....

    4. And that was said in their earlier years, probably before Hwaderp was even put in the group.

      Doubt anyone would want to marry him either, yet alone even go on a blind date with him. He's about the same age as my dad, yet he looks about 10-15 years older.

  23. Soyeon looks so fucking done with this concept already. She's not into it at ALL.
    In fact, Eunjung, Qri, and Stick-legs McGee(Boram) are the only ones who seem to be actually enjoying themselves with this concept.
    As shitty as this song is, I still find it catchy... but Areum, seriously, shut the fuck up. You can't rap for balls. I don't know why they think she can.

    1. Why would Eunjung be enjoying this cutesy shit? I always think she is the more manly girl in the group....

  24. why are they shaking their ass they have no ass and no hips most of them are only bones and should eat a good burger anorexie is not sexy if only they had eat the rice cake they force feed to hwayoung they would look more healthy and less ridiculous and the song terribly sucks

    1. They are shaking their ass due to orgasm having gang banged the bunny. Besides, none of them are really anorexic apart from Boram post Hwayoung scandal. (I know, Hyomin is skinny but still short of being anorexic. At least she is a tab more healthier looking than Yoona....)

    2. you shouldn't laugh about the gang bang the poor bunny had sex with boram it's probably a horrible experience he will never forget he will be traumatized for the rest of his life she's so ugly and skinny it's horrible

  25. eunjunf of all people failed the bunny squat OTL


    1. Probably because her legs and tendons are fucked up from getting injured and never having any time off to recover.


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