Friday, March 1, 2013

Mo' Titties, Mo' Problems

I'm starting to sound like a broken record here, but I have to stand up for the rights of titties everywhere. When people just continue to poop on any well-endowed girl who dares expose her cleavage in front of a camera, I get really mad. Yadda yadda jealous fatties, yadda yadda unfair, yadda yadda titties are good doe, you know the drill.  Latest victim?

Clara. She's an actress if you didn't know.

Poor girl was simply doing a bit of yoga on MBC Every1's "Singles 2" show. Dressed in the typical (and really really hot) gym outfit of choice for a female gym aficionado, Clara did some moves and her lovely boobage was screencapped for all to see.

The problem this time is less with the netizens but more with the media. These screencaps were taken and distributed by a few media outlets (but not Allkpop or Soompi, clearly biased reporting at work here), putting MBC on blast for airing a "broadcast accident." God, you'd think it's the first time some of these hoity toity officials have seen a pair of boobs before or something. 

Big props to the PD for stepping forward and basically saying, "Yo, what accident? This shit was all planned, baby. You're welcome, you ungrateful bitches."

Surprisingly, netizens reacted like I did with lots of confusion and snarky jokes.
1. [+127, -13] Go PD couldn't be Go Young Wook, could he

2. [+119, -20] I bet it's the women making all the fuss. Men see no problem with this.

3. [+99, -11] People talk as if they've never seen breasts before

4. [+83, -11] If that's considered exposure, then are people wearing bikinis considered naked?

5. [+74, -9] I don't get the point of the controversy... Women with big breasts will naturally look like that in that pose

6. [+94, -29] North Korea is about to attack us any day now but for several days in a row, this girl Clara and her breasts have been the #1 trending topic... What a country to live in. 

7. [+68, -8] I was pissed off because of my boss today but this article is helping me feel better

8. [+59, -10] It's because people create stupid controversies like this that people have such a warped sexual view in our country

9. [+46, -10] Maybe it's noise marketing

10. [+28, -2] If this is controversial, then the 9 o'clock news reporting on the summer beach craze should be considered obscene material
l0l. Just goes to show that mo' titties means mo' problems, people.


  1. Wow, surprisingly rational comments from netizens for a change. Oh well, I'm sure they'll go back to saying their usual dumb shit soon.

    Thanks for standing up for boobs, I appreciate it.

  2. Eh, for once the comments from the netizens actually makes sense. And yes, korea and their breast phobia.

    Those pics looks like she is jizzing.

  3. she looks a lil like Zinny from Glam
    Id tap that

    I laughed at this tho shes not underage:
    Go PD couldn't be Go Young Wook, could he

  4. Nothing wrong with seeing some ( . Y . )

    1. Let me correct you (.Y.Y.)

    2. Who do you know that has three boobs?



  5. Well, for once, at least a couple netizen comments make sense.

  6. Wtf I thought that was Soyeon. Do all korean girls go the surgeon and I say I want this face and point at a menu or something?


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