Monday, April 15, 2013

That nasty

The latest word on the idol gossip street is that Tony An, formerly of H.O.T., and Girl's Day's Hyeri are dating. For those of you trying to figure out the age gap math, I'll save you the trouble. It's 16 years. He was born in 1978, she in 1994. In other words, he's in his mid-30s, and she's 18 (by U.S. standards, anyway).

I see Tony's giving himself his own High-Five of Teenager.

I swear, these kpop couples keep getting worse and worse. Sure, there have been good ones, like Kim Tae Hee and Rain and Junhyung and Hara (R.I.P., Goohyung). But the past six months also have brought us Jungah and Onew and IU and Eunhyuk (along with an image that will forever be seared into my brain, right next to JYP in plastic pants). 

This matchup is the worst by far. Let's face it: Tony is a creeper. Sixteen years, especially with someone her age, is nasty. Hell, I was even weirded out watching the BoA/Taemin couple in BoA's "Disturbance" video, and that couple only had, like, a six-year age difference.

Hyeri, sad after finding Tony's ex-girlfriend's pacifier in his car

And come on now, boy man ain't even hot. He looked old during his H.O.T. days.

That's a whole lotta fug.

I feel like this is a cry for help from Hyeri. I want to ask her, "What's wrong? What's causing you to act out in such questionable ways?" 'Cause girl can do better. More than that, I want her to do better. I'm sick of reading about these nasty-ass kpop couples. 

Here's hoping for a less icky tomorrow. 


  1. Well they really did lift the group's dating ban xD

    1. doesn't mean you should fuck a virgin dad (wait, is he still a virgin?). dating ban is lifted so that you could fuck a same-age human...and for your boss to fuck you without getting caught

    2. Getting fucked by one's boss is not called dating, but casting couching.

    3. Duh, I broke that news a while ago. Why would you doubt? You need to trust 아저씨, like Hyeri here.

  2. I'm waiting for HOT's ahjummah fans to lash out :3 But that aside, now that is just fucking insane.

  3. Although I can see some traces of aliens in her (a distant relative of Hara perhaps?), Hyeri is still reasonably cute and fuck/fap worthy. You guys are just sour-graping here because privately your dicks are already turning red with envy. After all, who wouldn't want to stick their little bros into a sweet 18 years old pussy......

    1. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    2. I'm a HOT fan, not ahjummah just yet but IDGAF.
      Tony was actually my fave but I' d rather focus on the music.
      Tha music, people!
      On to the next article..

  4. lbr tony an's face is a freak o' nature and hyeri could do 12389013x better what I'm trying to say is hyeri date me instead xoxo

  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HEbnc73ItCE

  6. I didn't even know who these people were when I first heard. I was hoping for two people from more relevant groups.

  7. Why is the bandana covering his face? But yeah, almost read the title in Cleveland's voice.

  8. She just really wanted some dick, so she settled for this.

  9. http://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-frc1/p480x480/285767_359442134170044_291699969_n.jpg

  10. "i wanted her to do better"
    Oh no...That sentence reeks of AKP.

    The lacking amount of "I don't give a fuck" in the comment section disturbs me.

  11. "Sixteen years, especially with someone her age, is nasty" - Something only a girl would say.
    And yes, I meant "girl" and not woman.

  12. Hyeri's squarish nose freaks me out. Theyre both on the same level of attractiveness.

    1. You and your ultra-bizarre beauty standards again...

    2. Yeah her nose is really strange.

  13. Im probably the only one that doesnt mind this at all????

  14. This is one of the few times that allkcrap actually gets it:

    "All I know is, Tony An is the real uncle fan and I’m just a cheap imposter because this guy (who’s even older than me by the way) actually acted on his uncle fan feelings and asked out a girl grouper."

    I mean, if your famous and rich enough to date pretty young girls, why wouldn't you go all the way, and date an idol? Tony is jjangbukkake.

  15. He's a rich & successful entertainer/businessman and she's got a young, tight vagina

    what's the problem here?

  16. Apparently she's been sending him suggestive tweets since 3 years ago. Which would make her.. 15/16.

    1. http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2664/3943688460_3ac5692680_o.png

  17. Jesus fucking Christ Hyeri girl if you were that thirsty for an ahjussi dick sandwich you could have at least gotten some from one who still had their looks, like maybe Woo Hyuk or Jae Won . . . no wait, he's a rapist. At least you aren't fucking Hee Jun. So you do have some standards.

    On the plus side older men won't hesitate to eat the peach and they usually have their own homes so you don't have to worry about their little brother/mom walking in.


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