Wednesday, April 17, 2013

What Do You Get When You Mix Shit With Diarrhea?

If you have ever pondered this question in your life, will.i.am and 2NE1 have given you an answer.


  1. Well, he does they can "party like an enema".

  2. It's sad what the Black Eyed Peas have become.
    Where is the love was a great song and then they've devolved into UNZ UNZ UNZ crap that I can't stand.

  3. The house loops were nice, Bom sounded good in it, it was reminiscent of "Take the World On," since both these songs use prog house loops.

    THIS song however fails because will.i.am was absolutely gratuitous, and the breakdown was way, way too similar to "Harlem Shake." The rap was unnecessary too.

    If this is what they're going to make 2NE1 do for their US debut, I'd be concerned.

    Bom and the house feel somewhat save the song for me though. It's listenable, if derivative of better house DJs.

  4. I just don't understand the logic here, take any kpop group other than 2ne1 and you would literally get a more talented group. It HAS to be 2ne1 for some reason.

  5. The whole track's mid gain seems to have been pushed into the low frequencies. Probably to make up for the interference of sub-bass, but come on, this was most likely made by an overpaid producer, and that he didn't know his way around a multiband compressor is laughable.

    Pretty boring track for house even. Little to no energy, no quality. You're better off finding independents, if you want house music. Infact:
    There. Did half your work for you. Something to wash out the 'will.u.suck.'

    Also, rhyming "nice" with "nice"? Fucking genius. If it's that easy, then I might as well become a songwriter.

    1. I'm pretty sure a lot of the technical stuff goes way over people's heads (myself for one, not ashamed to admit it l0l), but it's nice to see there's actual "objective" reasons why this is a trash song.

    2. There's no need to write a thesis to prove why a piece of shit is a piece of shit..........

  6. I cried when I heard this in a store today

  7. i started twerking when i heard this in the store today

  8. I started touching myself when I heard CL's voice


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