Saturday, September 21, 2013

Saturday Shitfest #16

More proof that Suzy is a fat whore. She finishes last in a race...she just makes it too easy.


  1. My comment disappeared? D:

    Hella catchy japanese song:

    I miss JQT :/ also they look so stunning in wedding dress.

    1. I like the instrumental, but just like 90% of Jpop sung by females, the vocals are too high-pitched. It's grating. That's really the main reason why I like Amuro Namie, seeing as she isn't trying to make my ears bleed with high-pitched singing.

    2. Lovely remix of Renai Circulation, if you're into that: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eEoMI9BwHp4 (:

    3. Amuro Namie has a nice low voice but I never liked any of her songs, save for the "Dekinai koto something something" song.

    4. Yeah they're using the voice they use for japanese porn. I liked the namuro amie ft after school stuff.

  2. I'm assuming not a lot of readers here like/care about Exo, but they covered "All My Loving". I adore the Beatles and I like Exo as well, yet I'm still somewhat conflicted. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8gTK1_ijwgo I cringed when I clicked on a lyric video of the original song and saw a flood of Exo fans in the comments. The Beatles had their run of crazy fans, we don't need them back!

    1. ....wait EXO fans are actually going to the originals and complimenting the beatles? *applause* I'd assume they'd be going "oppar is better than these dead guys!!11!one!1" or something.

    2. Fortunately, that seems like the case so far. I don't blame anyone for not liking the Beatles or any other artists that Exo cover, but I often see hordes of fans rushing to the original videos just to comment how much better Exo are. Pretty upsetting for a fan of both Exo and that artist.

    3. EXO paying tribute to The Beatles is entirely appropriate, without The Beatles inventing crazy dickhead fans EXO wouldn't have a career.

    4. We've come full circle. Time for a hard reset.

  3. The Boys is the best SNSD of all Time and Space. All haters are actually jealous trolls who Wish they were one if The Boys. (^=

  4. I should try sharing some Indonesian song to you people, the old ones are quite good

  5. meh i'm still a fatter whore than suzy


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