Sunday, October 20, 2013

Dongho leaves U-PISS

While we may joke that U-KISS has to beg for fans to buy their albums because they still haven't won number one on a music show and for offering to give up their DNA in return for donations, we shouldn't be too harsh on them. It's a tough world, especially for a member from a group as irrelevant as U-KISS. We should all feel sorry for th-- who am I kidding, great job, Dongho. You got the fuck out of there while you had a chance.

In the future, I just hope you're not begging for someone else's pubes to keep your nuts warm while you sleep outside in the -50 degree weather when winter rolls around.


  1. inb4 Kissme's perform a DDOS attack

    1. Offer up your DNA to appease them.

    2. My girlfriend has a monopoly on my DNA, do you think Kissme's would be happy if I just took them out for an ice cream instead?

  2. Kinda smart of him to do that. U-KISS seems to be going nowhere at the moment.

    1. "at the moment" ukiss havent gone anywhere at any moment.

    2. Haven't gone anywhere?

      Honey, U-Kiss has never left the parking lot XDD

    3. Never left the parking lot?

      Ukiss didnt even start the car.

  3. How U Kiss have managed to last five years is one of kpop's greatest mysteries.

    1. Right up there with how Boram and Hwayoung got into T-ARA

  4. I've never even heard of this person or group before.

  5. Replies
    1. http://www.sbs.com.au/popasia/blog/2013/10/16/breaking-news-dongho-leaves-u-kiss

  6. He is trying to cap his loss, after all you only have so many years in your life, having already squandered a good 5 years on a doomed project. Only that he is left ruing why he didn't elect to cut and run much earlier like that Kevin dude did.....

  7. I have no idea how popular or not popular this group actually is.

    1. Pretty much Z-list in Korea, nobody gives a rats there. However they're also really popular in certain overseas regions. Their latest album actually made the top 10 in iTunes charts in the US, something usually reserved for G-Dragon, f(x) and PSY. They're also huge in certain South American countries iirc, and on my Australian radio show they get requested constantly. How much this scattered international fandom actually translates into commercial viability for the group though... yeah I dunno.

  8. The thing with U-kiss that I don't understand is that their music is pretty solid yet every time they have a comeback they fade into oblivion. I always see comments like "oh they always pick the worse times to have a comeback" but I'm not even sure that's a valid assessment. What is it that keeps Korea ignoring them?

    1. Their ugly faces.

      Every member would have been the designated "ugly one" in other groups.

  9. I enjoy their music, honestly, and the members seem pretty nice. At least they've had success in other countries - honestly, if I was their company, I'd completely invest them in overseas activities. It's clear that their ship in Korea has sailed. Or rather, never left port.

  10. Well done, LeeDongho. U shoulda left with Xander.

  11. Ugh,I'm glad he's leaving.I never really got to like him, there's just something lacking... *coughanytalentatallcough*... and he seemed just...awkward, even in their variety shows. :/

  12. Farewell Dongho! Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out!


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