Monday, October 21, 2013

T-ara is learning from their antis

The reason I hired Kpopalypse oppar. See more here.
Via Netizen Buzz

1. [+1,443, -71] Why are we getting so many articles about these trashes? They're learning from these hateful comments? ㅋㅋ Yeah right, they're probably swearing right back at the monitor
2. [+1,332, -44] Soyeon-ssi, you're 27 years old... you're way past the age of maturing. 
3. [+1,171, -47] What is there to learn from these hateful comments? Unless they're learning new swears to use to bully someone else...
4. [+48, -2] If they really learned anything, they should know it's time to disband... Unless they're taking these comments literally and learning new swear words from them;;; 
Unf, iku iku. Korean netizens still pay more attention to T-ara than anyone, but they're denying that they care more about T-ara than anything else given the number of people who click the article to read it and to upvote comments. *insert video of JAV actress squealing while having an orgasm*

1. [+473, -11] Their desperation to survive is only digging a deeper hole for themselves. I'm serious now when I say that T-ara is over now... there's no other celebrity that all of Korea unanimously hates like this both online and offline... They really have nowhere to turn to.
2. [+416, -13] They would've still been immature if they never went through the bullying scandal ㅡㅡ What a joke... their actions were even worse before their debut. It's not a matter of maturity, you girls were just raised with poor character. The proper response to committing such a huge scandal like that would've been to end your careers ㅡㅡ 
3. [+372, -12] So when are they going to disappear again? They're like mold 
Unf, iku iku. Kimochiiiiiiiiii.

As everyone knows by now, I'm a fan of T-ara. originally I was a fan because I like the majority of the songs and I find 5/6 members hot. Now, the main reason why I like T-ara is because so many Korean netizens and Koreaboos alike spend so much time hating on T-ara. It's been almost 15 months since the scandal, yet there is still so much pent-up frustration when it comes to T-ara. It's as if these UCAADs resent T-ara because the netizens themselves are bullies (obviously they are online, and from the shit they say, probably IRL too) and are frustrated that T-ara "got away with bullying" while they may have been reprimanded. I don't know, I'm just making shit up about these netizens like they made shit about T-ara.

What T-ara has learned from these comments is that their antis care just as much about them as their fans do, which is always good for the third-parties such as AKF when there is always fighting between fans and antis. I'll just sit back and relax, enjoying the show while fans and antis enter the Danger Zone.


  1. I always liked T-ara's songs so I was a little disappointed about the bullying controversy, but the netizen's hypocritical witch-hunt was ridiculous. I'm glad T-ara didn't let it get to them and instead came out even better than before.

    1. T-ara's worst offense was touring with the insufferable Chris Brown in the United States.

    2. I would bet that the netizen's witch hunt affected them more than they would let on.

    3. Lucky they're not Rihanna.

    4. Could explain Number9 Hyomin's 'dark circles' still visible under the shit ton of concealer.

  2. Wonder how their new album is selling. I hope it's doing hella well to act as a giant middle finger to the netz who've been bullying them for alleged bullying

    1. Seconded. The netizens are an abomination, it's been long enough since their scandal, it's time to move on. I'd love for them to sweep the charts as a giant fuck you to everyone hating on them.

  3. Is there any countries who have worse netizens than SK?

    1. Actually I think netizens in all countries are pretty much equally bad. The problem with SK's netizens is not that they talk so much shit, but that the Korean media and entertainment industry actually takes that shit seriously instead of just going "trolls - pfft".

    2. (although with the T-ara situation I think that's slowly changing - I think they're the catalyst which is starting to make the industry STOP caring about netizens so much - an incredibly good thing)

    3. netizens everywhere are just as bad when it comes to their own celebs but where sk netizens stand out is definitely the longevity. in my country scandals come and GO. which is not the case for sk unless they are nugus. also in my country big scandals also turn you more into internet memes and laughing stocks where as in korea they have this scary initial anger and hate that never dies down. in my country they get angry at you then make fun of you then dont give a fuck or keep making fun of you. in korea they get angry and stay angry.

    4. Yeah I do realize that netizens everywhere are basically the same, but as mikey said the longevity of the hatred in SK is fucking amazing. Is it related to any kind of cultural influence? And like kpopalypse oppar said, I just can't believe how the media and industry insiders take netizens' bullshit seriously.

    5. Also, as much as I love 6-ara I think Nine Muses' comeback is sexier.

    6. It also probably doesn't help that South Korea is the most internet-connected country in the world.

      The more people you have on the internet, the more likely it is that the psychos of your country are going to be on there talking shit as well.

  4. lol oppa wae u wait for netflix

    i hope you've seen season 4 though it's gorgeous

  5. Hire? Thought he was working for free?

  6. Also, on one of the music shows, i think it was the Inkigayo shit... T-ara was one of the nominees, along with IU (I don't know why IU won, her song is crap). I wouldn't be surprise if in this week upcoming music shows, they actually win.

    1. Now that would be the ultimate HAHA middle finger to the haters if they win! I hope that they do!

    2. Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure that I(ntra)U(terine Device) is going to win.

    3. LMFAO

      I hope IU actually owns one of those. We don't need anyone giving birth to Ewwyuck's orangutan looking offspring.

    4. All of IU's songs are irrelevant except her covers of other artists' songs.

    5. Poor orangutan. As if being near extinction is not enough, now they have to be compared to that guy who took a picture with IU.

  7. Internet knights.

    No valor and nobility, just hollow scabbards,

  8. Been feeling like Chingy all summer... every time I try and leave, something keeps pulling me back (yes, 2006 R&B references are damn classy).

    The unholy image of my UCAADs, Hyomin and Sunny (oppa?) entwined in a much more x-rated version of Infinite Youth kept me from bailing on "T-error" during the netizen fueled shit storm. No longer could I admit I actually liked SEXY LOVE and DAY BY DAY to the 2 other people who knew of kpop's existence. Nor could I claim feelings for the body pillow i made... life was bleak.

    Imagine the joy when it seemed the controversy had died down and the spotlight was no longer on these UCAADs (though sadly, focus had just switched to the collective moist thigh-gaps of Kara). I'm happy they are back and performing live. Losing excess fat doesn't always mean plastic surgery, and it shows here. This is the optimum T-ara. If the fap gods are kind, we may even get another nipple slip to keep the girls relevant in between releases.

    PS. If you don't ship Sungyung, how do you explain Hyomin's tired ass eyes in Number9? It may not be ricecakes in the ol' butthole but you know this year's model of butch Sunny 'encouraged' her to perform late into the night.

  9. If I go to South Korea and tell someone that I like T-ara, are they going to hire a hit-man to "take care" of me?

    1. Don't forget to sleep with your manager also. Then they might.

  10. I still can't believe that T-Ara are getting this much hate for getting catty on the internet while Daesung can run over a man in the street and come out with his image unscathed.

    1. I guess netizens need blood to 'forgive' an idol.

      Daesung publicly apologised, his management apologised and he withdrew from all work to reflect and repent in a church for a year. He bled (don't forget the death threats) and he has never been the same since. Netizens got a sense of justice.

      Don't know if I should be proud or angry at hwayoung but the way T-ara and PR reacted caused more problems. No public apologies. The rabid spreading of fake rumours and photo evidence just showed how badly netizens needed to win. Let's not forget how netizens already tried to cover up cyclop's past.

      But hey, I think T-ara might have come out of this stronger.

  11. Has anyone seen the latest version of 6-ara MV? it's named the 'history' version. It is supposed to be the 'drama' version, yet there is no storyline. The previous drama MV versions at least had (or try to have) a story. It appears that CCM gave up and stop trying. here is the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1J9nBixzJ8

    1. Honestly even the drama versions are quite crap, 'Cry Cry' has millions of plot holes, and it got worse when they changed Jiyeon /w Qri, the drama itself is overall quite a snorefest and very predictable. Day by Day was much better, but there is just quite some vague stuff in the story line, like why the hell dani become fucking eunjung, idk man.

      At least releasing another version gets youtube views and gets money, just like sexy love robot and dance version, two very similar MVs.

  12. T-ARA are fucking liars
    I told them to disband and go to Japan to do porn and the completely ignored me.
    I even used Google translate to put it in Korean so they would understand
    This is fucking BS


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