Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Lee Yeon Hee Looking Jjangbak As Fuck For Miss Korea

Korean netizens are ready to hate on this drama already just because Lee Yeon Hee is in it, but that just gives me yet another reason to watch it.

I'm iku-ing already, man.

Speaking of Yeon Hee, her movie, Marriage Blues, is #1 in the box office. Sure shows how dumb this netizen sounded, "1. [+473, -54] I can already see this movie failing before my eyes. How can the director be so cruel as to cast them ㅋㅋ Doesn't he feel apologetic at all to the investors ㅋㅋ"

Yeon Hee completes my life when it comes to Korean netizens. Sure, she's super hot and everything, but all of this shit constantly surrounding her just gives me more to work with.

Maybe SM should have put her in SNSD instead.

Lol, no winning with Yeon Hee. Just stay flawless as fuck while I keep eating popcorn whenever your haters come out of hiding.


  1. Ugh, I love Yeon Hee but the comments on that YoutUbe video fucking annoyed the shit out of me. It felt like I was watching Piggy Dolls' debut all over again where everybody was having 4 minute orgasms from their overrated voices and saying how they were so much better than all the other skinny sluts in kpop. Somebody get me a barf bag.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. how dare you make me watch something that has taefag in it.

      i mean you could have linked - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2B12KH8ewg but no it has to be the one with taefag for piano

      (no edit lol) i have to look for another vid first.

    2. All of her live performances for SM Town are accompanied by Taemin. However, she shows cleavage in the video I posted.

    3. wow! taeminnie is a pianist! wow!
      sheesh, glad i'm no longer a fan of his.

  3. I really wanna watch marriage blue for LYH but the fact that taecyeon is the male lead is so.. ugh. The same thing happened when Song Jihyo's new movie was released and AKF was the male lead. NO. Just no.

    1. Yeah, it'll be hard for me to stomach Taecyeon when I eventually watch the movie haha.

    2. I also watched Jihyo's new movie but the guy ruined the movie for me. And I am not sure I will be able to make it all the way if Taecyeon is in it.

    3. Taecyeon is good though because there are lots of people who actually consider him hot (I don't know what the hell they're smoking though) he's gets parts in movies and dramas for the same reason Yeonhee does, so people can fap to him.

    4. Well at least Taecyeon is not a flower boy like Jaejoong so hopefully I won't vomit when I watch the movie.
      @lezkpopfangirl I heard that the movie sucks, what do you think? If it does then all the more reason for me not to watch it haha.

  4. [OFF TOPIC]
    Since now the news of L dating DoYeon and Woollim lied about them,dating on September becomes a hot topic, can you make an article about that?
    I saw a tweet about Woohyun hates DoYeon because of her attitude. I want more information about this, if you have it.
    thanks :)

    p/s: I'm not Infinite's hater or DoYeon's hater.

    1. I also don't understand if people hate the girl because she ate chocolate for 3 years or because she is dating L.

    2. L jumped out of the anime ?

    3. something about her chocolate thing is distinctly like myungsoo though; he literally only wears black in his free time and didn't he only eat one food for about a whole year?
      tbh i think people are just looking for excuses to hate her because she is/was dating him

    4. nothing wrong with eating the same thing all the time lol!


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