Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Let's Cyber Bully Kim Eun Joo

Via NetizenBuzz. It's the cool thing to do! Let's add fuel to the fire because we're morally better for bullying behind a computer screen! 

Oh, look at how far apart her eyes are! And she doesn't have double eyelids! She doesn't have a straight nose! YEAH! LET'S CYBER BULLY THE BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111

I have yet to see any concrete proof that she was/is a bully. I have a hard time believing written accounts on such matters when it comes to issues like this because people will make shit up just to see someone go down in flames. People will believe anything that they want to, even if it may not be reality. People thought they were going to keep their insurance if they liked it. Shit didn't work out, did it?

Anyway, cyber bullying doesn't put on a higher moral ground. An asshole is an asshole, regardless of how they bully.


  1. Speking of people who were relelentlessly bullied at a recent time in their life, will anyone be writing an article about how Godreum has finally gone completely insane? (Allegedly insane that is. I honestly can't tell with these netizens)

    1. I tried to before writing this article, but couldn't come up with anything. Hell, I'm probably more insane than Areum is lol.

  2. I think she looks adorable. With some skin makeup, she might even look 8/10 cute.
    K-Pop definitely needs more singers with a deep or a bit raunchy voice.

    You posted a picture of those Korean comments, but I'm sure most of us don't speak any Korean. Doey they all say that audition girl is a bully ? How do they know her ?

    Man, I had to stop the video and laugh for a few seconds when I saw JYP. hahaha That fucking guy, mang...

    1. I took the picture from the NetizenBuzz and when I uploaded it to imgur, I didn't realize the comments were attached to it.

    2. I think she's prettier than most of the girls in kpop tbh. She's just my type.

  3. I read netizens are claiming that she is not only a bully but she posted pics of her hurting herself. So......they are upset because she is probably depressed??

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. people who attack her are no better than she was

    1. I'm fairly positive that is not how the concept of karma is supposed to work.

  6. There are some netizens saying she was, and the "proof" is that she was transfered to other high school which is done with ppl like bullies-iljins so..
    Maybe it's true...


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