Monday, December 30, 2013

Hot sexy Xmas Raina fanfic

People have asked me to write more fanfiction, so I've succumbed to popular demand.  This story was submitted by me for a competition on OneHallyu forums, to write a Christmas-themed fanfiction.  I thought I'd write it about Raina, my #1 k-pop bias, just so my writing would have the true integrity and passion required to take out the top prize.  Text by me, illustrations by Anti Kpop-Fangirl.  I hope you all find something in it that you can enjoy.

It was Christmas.

I met Raina.

We had sex.

The end.


  1. While the signature hat indicates kpopalypse oppar, he is not asian therefore his dick isn't yellow! Clearly a contradiction!

  2. She looks so cute in the first picture,with that little dick next to her face :)

  3. Oh God, I was so taken, why did it have to end, why? That final "The end" always kill me.

  4. Those illustrations though! Those should be in the Art Museum in Paris.

  5. I don't know wheather to laugh or cry at the fact that this is a lot better than most of the fangics I read. That second picture is an uncanny likeness of Kpoppalypse btw.

  6. I don't like people who are mean as much as you are. Even though you have minds, you aren't using them. What is the point in making such posts? Would you like me to create post like this one too but about you? It wouldn't be nice. There is a line between opinion and hatred. It seems as if you were haters, antis, who tells that they like some groups but still are bad mouthing kpop. It isn't nice. You offended kpop fans. There are fangirls who don't know how to behave, but you are offending true fans. I have to tell you that I love kpop and there are groups I don't like. But I'm not writing shits like you. Sorry for my words, but I can't describe it in other way. There was a post about EXO and nazis. That was too much. I'm from Poland and even though I haven't lived during that horrible time and I can't imagine how bad it was back then, I wouldn't bring something like this in such a stupid thing like your post. Do you think it was funny? Because I think it wasn't. Do you even know what you wrote? Maybe you should do a little research at least, so you know what are you using in your stupid posts. I'd like to never see your blog in the internet, because it makes me so pissed off. You can write that you don't like someone, but you can't write posts like this one here and that post about EXO I mentioned before. I wouldn't mind reading your opinion but it's not your opinion. It's just hatred.

    1. I apologize for that post. I was way over the line.Nazis aren't anywhere near as bad as Exo fans.

    2. tl;dr learn how to use line breaks.

    3. this site is made for people like you, and yes, you can make an anti-antikpopfangirl site if you want and we wouldn't give a fuck.

    4. "you can't write posts like this one here and that post about EXO" - yes we can, obviously, because we just did. It seems that you are factually incorrect.

      We're offending "true fans"? Get out. I'm a Raina fan myself and I'd like to think that any fan of Raina would agree with my post! In fact I know quite a few that do... and I'm not just talking about male fans either...

    5. how was this post hatred though if anything it was hyping up raina like mad
      also no, akf is actually quite rational in its distaste for exo- http://thetruthaboutexo.tumblr.com this is hatred

    6. First of all I am really sorry for my earlier post, I know I'm stupid and I could read other posts too but let's say that I'm really sensitive about this sort of stuff. I mean anti and sasaeng fans. I used bad words but I really can't stand when people post pictures like this one. I become sensitive over it after I had read about anti and sasaeng fans. I think it was stupid and now, I can see that. I'm embarassed but I need to apology. But still, I don't think it was nice to compare exo fans to nazis. EXO fans aren't bad, there are just some of them who are really annying and they don't know how to behave. I hope you won't stay mad at me, because I'm truly sorry and I want to apologize the author of this post and all readers. I hope we can get along.
      And I don't mind your blog. I appreaciate that you have your own opinion.

    7. We can get along. But let's be honest: if you're very sensitive AKFG probably isn't the blog for you.

  7. Replies
    1. This tells me I gotta wear a different hat for the next livestream.

    2. It's part of your charisma, don't deny us the hat.

  8. Fuck this is so funny to me because I was expecting a long-ass article. And the glorious AKF art. Anyway still better than most fangirls' fics.

  9. The second picture, I died. LMFAO

  10. kPopalypse, thought you had better taste in women.. I dunno what floats your boat..maybe you are into total vocal talent and funny nose but well, you know kPOp better than anyone of us...




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