Friday, December 26, 2014

Jolin Tsai - We're All Different, Yet The Same

Jolin Tsai kisses another girl in the MV. C'mon Kpop! Taiwan: 2 (don't forget that Popu Lady MV from the summer), Korea: 0.

I know most people here won't like the song since it's a ballad and I'm basically the only one here who likes ballads, but watch it for the two hot girls kissing. (I do have plans on reviewing "Play" and "Medusa" when I get the time.)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Not enough Jolin!
    Good stuff starts around 3:00.

  3. I think she's a little gay :p. Her boyfriend has a girl name, at least...
    Ok, now i'm going back to "Medusa", seeya

  4. Replies
    1. Boa has been in the music industry since 2000 whereas Jolin has been in it since 1998. So please enlighten me on how Jolin is the Boa wanna be, when Jolin has been around longer and is nothing like Boa.

      Ignorant kpop fangirls like you are ridiculous.

  5. I love kpop and all kind of music, I love jolin supporting the gays rights, the most of asian artists just play gay to get attention, she seems real, this video made me cry everytime I see it

  6. You're still here? I thought HYS_Fag gave you the boot...

  7. Finally AKF is coming out as an LGBT ally!

    Contact me to claim your free prostate massage dear <3

    1. I wonder if this is what he signed up for!

    2. No. I don't give a shit about LBGT "rights" and routinely mock LBGT people for wanting society to bend rules for a small minority.

      I just like seeing really attractive girls make out because in real life, 98% of lesbians are those butch-dykes who couldn't get any D, so they resorted to muff munching.

    3. You'll be less anal about it once I massaged you, I promise

  8. Just about every Jolin Tsai MV


  9. Hello i am Writer E, i review k dramas and k pop music videos, if any of these interest you please check out my blog :)

  10. Been listening to the Play album nonstop and the MV for Play is on replay. IDC that people said it copied TTS- Twinkle. Play dominated that shit easily.


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