Friday, December 26, 2014

We're hiring

Do you want to write for AKF?

Are you a whiny little bitch?

If you said "Yes!" to both of these questions, fuck off, we don't want you. But if you want to write for AKF without making everyone want to vomit, read on.

Yes, it's that time again, friends: AKF hiring time! We'll generally be following Zaku's guidelines from last time, so we're looking for people with:

  • A good grasp of the English language — You don't have to be an English major, but we need to be able to know what you're trying to say. 
  • Amusing uniqueness — We like amusing posts. But be yourself. Don't just try to imitate the writing styles you see here.
  • Time commitment — We're talking about at least a post every week or two. Quality trumps quantity, but we still want people who will actually show up and post shit. 

To apply, just send three posts (They can be reviews, reaction pieces, whatever) to thefanypack@gmail.com. A few other authors and I will review them. As always, we'll accept applications any time, but the sooner the better. It'd be nice to start 2015 with a few new authors ready to post.

If this pic inspires you, please apply.

Whoever we pick will have a two-month trial period. So if you are only enjoyable for a few posts or you write one post in two months, you're getting the boot.


  1. i love writing and i would love to write but i dont have a vast knowledge of K-Pop world like most editors.. ill stick to making long posts @ OneHallyu and shit.
    How about adding a forum where people can write stuffs, small, short stuffs...

    1. "How about adding a forum where people can write stuffs, small, short stuffs..."

      That's what One Hallyu and Ent Asia are for.

    2. You don't need a vast knowledge of KPop to apply, just be good at what you do know. l0l

  2. I'm probably hella whiny, so I'll stay out of the game and just be a happy reader here. On a side note, does any of the AKF authors want to interview this K-pop wannabe girl group (the female, but way hotter version of Chad Future). Here's their instagram: http://instagram.com/banditgirlgroup/

    Personally, I'm just curious about this Toronto-based girl group, but too lazy to interview them & post it on my blog (& besides, that's not what my blog is about anyways).

    1. The amount of tags they use is hilarious.

    2. Wow, thanks for pointing it out. lol Just realized the kind of tags they used are hilarious as well such as #torontolife, #selfie, #girl...it's as if they are screaming desperately that they are relevant.

    3. I can only imagine this is how Korean turbo-nugu groups are.

    4. They don't seem that relevant to k-pop so I'll pass. However if they're all like "we're k-pop, no really!' in their official press material like Chad Future is, then yeah I wanna talk to them. :D

    5. Ah, that's good, because I have a feeling you will eventually want to talk to them since their music is inspired by kpop and they want to mesh that into the North American music scene (entirely based on what they wrote on the soompi forum).

    6. I don't know, just about everybody is "inspired by k-pop" these days. The shit I took this morning was arguably "inspired by k-pop" but I don't particularly want to interview it.

    7. In other words, "we're inspired by k-pop" is a world apart from "we're actually k-pop".

    8. Hm...true that. Guess we'll just have to wait and see.

    9. @Kpopalypse; Did the shit look like an uggo idol?

    10. Skinny, but with a massive gap?

    11. Bland and ordinary like every other shit I've seen on the sidewalk lately.

  3. Can I turn in a review that is not related to K-POP?

  4. Can I just send you three pics of me jizzing all over my Choa photocards and get on with it?


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