Thursday, December 18, 2014

Stupid Things Fangirls Utter 67

Hello, FISHies. It has been quite a while hasn't it? My apologies (as per usual) for my leave of absence.  But I will not bore you with excuses. I have a bunch of submissions in my inbox (both e-mails and Asks) to sift through, so be ready for plenty of upcoming STFUs! Maybe even an article or two of my own will pop up =D! Haha, but let's not kid ourselves.

Anyways, back to our regularly scheduled articles.


This week's quote comes from a friend of mine. Who found it. "Found" it. He claims it isn't him. Yeah okay bud. We don't judge here.

Just kidding. We only judge people here. Anyways, now here's 'Wonderwall':

"I keep a dream journal in an attempt to achieve lucid dreams and "virtually" date Nicole. I'm on Day 9 of attempting to have lucid dreams, so far I've had none but I've been failing heavily at doing reality checks. At least my dream recalling ability as improved."

Thank you for your "submission"!

(We all know it was you, man. Don't even try to hide it from me.)

Do you honestly have nothing better to do, fanboy? It must be nice to have that much free time. 

It satisfies me somewhat knowing that he failed at it though. That is probably the same outcome of all his other hopes and dreams.  

If anyone has submissions for future Stupid Things Fangirls Utter, please send them to zomg.oppa.sareanghae@gmail.com, tweet them to @akf_shinbi, ask them at ask.fm/akfshinbi, or leave them in the comment section below. Remember your rights on this site: anything you say or do here can and probably will be used against you. Thank you, FISHies!


  1. I wish I could do lucid dreaming, it sounds great.
    However, I am far to lazy to plan out a several-weeks long self-conditioning.

  2. This quote is from TuElite! He eats, sleeps, and breathes all things Nicole Jung. You could probably write a thousand more of these with just his material.

    Original: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/entertainment/98009-korean-music-discussion?page=3027

    1. Thanks for finding the real source for me!

      Now I can stop harassing my friend by pretending he is in denial.

    2. Me personally? I never really followed 4minute.

  3. If people here could lucid dream, they'd probably dream of Shinbi stripping for them.

    1. 98% of the people here don't know what she even looks like though??

    2. You practically constitute the 2%. And that was an accident >___>"

  4. It never even occurred to me to do this for Jaehyo...

  5. Tried lucid dreaming, damn I died like 10x with 10 seconds intervals.

    t'was fun

  6. what a n00b. i don't even need to do lucid dream to gain such thing. I've gone through so many shit already with so many ladies.

    the key here is to create an elaborate plan of what kind of story you want to have in your dream and actually wish it will come true. some dreams appear as our deepest desires. you don't actually need to do lucid dream to get such thing.

    Sh...shut up, don't judge me...

  7. Google'd my username while bored at work. Found this. Proud of myself.


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