Monday, March 16, 2015

Seized Documents Reveal Polaris' Controversial New Girl Group Concept

Following the news that Polaris Entertainment's Lee Gyu Tae was arrested for fraud, more information has surfaced revealing a shocking new concept the company was planning to debut sometime next year.

According to seized documents, Polaris was auditioning human egg cells as part of a seven-member girl group to be named, "Eggceptional." While details about the group remain vague based on the documents, it is believed the group would have debuted with a "sexy hip-hop" concept.

Eggceptional posed for this photo shortly before the company was shut down.
The identity of the seven members is being withheld since they are minors; however, some details are available, including this exclusive photo of the group's maknae who was also to be the group's rapper:

Censored for identity protection.
While the status and location of the seven members remains a mystery, an informant has promised us that the members are being well taken care of while a new agency is found to take over their contracts. The informant said that all seven members would like to continue in the entertainment industry and that, in the meantime, they are all staying in one of the members' family's refrigerators.

The news has further damaged the company's reputation, which was already suffering.

Polaris has declined to comment on the matter.


  1. Those nudes are so fucking hot.
    Luckily the second pic is censored because that member is the ugliest anyway. What a butterface. Still, those voluptuous curves, man!

    1. Yeah it's a good thing Google backtracked on their policy of making blogs with sexually explicit content turn private, otherwise we might be in trouble.

  2. All you need to do is draw a few stars and the dragon balls are born.

  3. pls

    you know they were fertilized during casting

  4. Dat fridge joke lol. But can someone post the original orignal article?


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