Friday, August 7, 2015

STFU (Stupid Things Fangirls Utter) revived!

It is my honour to inform you all that one of the oldest and most iconic AKF series is being handed over from Shinbi to me. For the time being I, Part Time S♡NE, will be writing posts for Stupid Things Fangirls Utter. The author may have changed but the idea is the same: I'll be highlighting moronic kpop fan behaviour for all of you guys to laugh at, because we're assholes like that.

Of course, I'll be taking submissions from readers. Send them to me via Twitter DM (just ask for a follow back), ask.fm or email newworldandbeyond@gmail.com

Just be aware that no one is safe from STFU. Not regular readers, not fellow authors, not my biases. Hell, not even I myself will be spared from the wrath of STFU should I utter something only a stupid fanboy would say. I will be watching you all like a sasaeng with the eyes of a hawk who eats nothing but carrots and blueberries.


  1. "I will be watching you all like a sasaeng with the eyes of a hawk" - then you can see I am naked right now, as I always am for STFU.

    1. 27.6% of STFU readers regularly view the posts whilst naked. It's not as rare as you'd think.

    2. Fuck, and here I thought I was a special little snowflake.

      Also, I required certified pictures for scientific purposes.

    3. "27.6% of STFU readers regularly view the posts whilst naked." Sounds about right.

    4. Also, nice to see you take this on.

  2. How do I apply to be a writer for AKF?

    1. http://antikpopfangirl.blogspot.co.uk/2015/05/looking-for-new-staff.html


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