Tuesday, October 13, 2015

[MV Review] Taeyeon - I

After SNSD's lackluster releases this year, I did not want more garbage from any of the members for the rest of the year. It's Taeyeon, so I was expecting a lifeless ballad from her, which would be in line with what she has mainly released in the past.

After SNSD failed to sell the same number of copies of their albums and singles as usual, the members were broke -- broke on SNSD's terms, that is. For some strange reason, Taeyeon decided to go through the visa process and get a job in the U.S., and she got a shit job as a waitress. That sounds like the typical job a humanities major ends up with after four years of education and a hundred grand in student loans.

Taeyeon's boss is a man who has major yellow fever, as he believes all Asian women will be subservient to him, so he treats Taeyeon like shit. To relieve her stress, Taeyeon is trying to make it as a solo singer. She needs her time away from her boss always jerks it to her.

Taeyeon can no longer stand doing her bitch work, as she couldn't even make enough money to buy Sica's sunglasses during the 9/30 #JustBecause sale. She walks in and throws her apron at her boss and leaves, reaffirming her desires to make it as a solo singer in Korea because she knows that's the only way her career can continue since SNSD's music is such shit these days.

As for the song, I am surprised I like it. I came into this song expecting it to be utter shit. I mean the kind of nasty shit that expels out of your ass at a hundred miles per hour and gets all over the walls, toilet, cabinets, tubs, etc. That's the kind of shit that you don't even try to clean up -- you just want to wish it away from existence.

I think Taeyeon (okay, the people/person who composed the song) made a great choice in going with a rock sound. It diverts from the ballad sound Taeyeon has done countless times before, and it makes you forget that Taeyeon was part of such atrocities such as...I don't even want to name them, SNSD's songs the past four years have been such shit that I don't even want to torture myself to go look them up so that I can torture you guys.

There are only a few shortfalls for me. One is that the song is a little long. This isn't Japan, cut the song length. The other is that, while the guitar instrumental is really to my liking, there are far too many parts of the song that feel a little dull compared to when the guitar is in prominence.

Overall, I want the other seven members to kick Taeyeon out now so that she can release quality songs like this and not the garbage that routinely comes from SNSD.


  1. i agree, taeyeon should have gone solo

  2. She was actually in NZ but meh. Not like I could work it out myself anyway

    1. Except for the fact they drove on the left and it looks nothing at all like the US.

    2. I thought they were in Portland, Oregon lol.

    3. Portland just doesn't have the same appeal for hobbit films.

      The video was actually short, it should have ended like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D01mdGW9-Zg.

  3. I enjoyed the song and I like ''Stress'' even more.

  4. I like the song, apart from the completely unnecessary rap insert.

  5. i havent listened to kpop in so long, this shit is crackkk right now, fuck why cant i stop listening to it

  6. oh shit i just read ur review, im fucking dying at the cant afford sica glasses part lolllll

  7. oh shit i just read ur review, im fucking dying at the cant afford sica glasses part lolllll

  8. the rap part was pure constipated shit

  9. Amazing kid leader. Amazing group.

  10. The fact that their songs have "turned shit" over the last four years is your opinion. I personally feel like they went more and more downhill after their Mister mister album (I adored their songs on their Mister mister album - it totally struck nostalgia in me for some reason). I mean CMIYC though...terrible.

    And the only problem I had with I is finding it a boring song to listen to without the MV. Oh, it also annoyed me how she sang "My life is so beauty" instead of "beautiful." Their engrish, man.

    1. The line is "my life is a beauty"...

  11. "Shit" MrMr? You lack good taste. MrMr is one of the best release by SNSD ever. If you can't understand the superior production and composition (those frequent modulations!!), then RIP to you.


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